Is it possible to make H2 db display a number instead of date/interval to get the same short answer as oracle/mysql?
Running this sql in oracle /H2 console:
select trunc(sysdate+5) - trunc(sysdate) noOfDays from dual;
Response in H2:
Response in oracle:
I´m looking to get the short 5 from H2 as I got form Oracle.
We have followed
with oracle compability mode set, but does not get the described "DATE data type is treated like TIMESTAMP(0) data type."
To_Char won't work as the interval must work round months. We have tried changing the sql , different dialects but no success.
I am doing just a simple conversion of timestamp column value to specific timezone and then getting the date out of it to create analytical charts based on the output of the query.
I am having the column of type timestamp in the bigquery and value for that column is in UTC. Now I need to convert that to PST (which is -8:00 GMT) and was looking straight forward to convert but I am seeing some dates up and down based on the output I get.
From the output that I was getting I took one abnormal output and wrote a query out of it as below:
select "2021-05-27 18:10:10" as timestampvalue ,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10" ,"-8:00")) as completed_date1,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10","America/Los_Angeles")) as completed_date2,
Date(TIMESTAMP_SUB("2021-05-27 18:10:10", INTERVAL 8 hour)) as completed_date3,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10","America/Tijuana")) as completed_date4
The output that I get is as below:
Based on my understanding I need to subtract 8 hours from the time in order to get the timestamp value for the timezone that I wanted and according to that completed_date3 column seems to show the correct value that should be there but if I use other timezone conversions as suggested in google documentation, the output gets changed to 2021-05-28 and I am not able to understand how that can happen.
Can anyone let me know what is the thing that I am doing wrong?
I was actually using it in a wrong way. I need to use it as below :
select "2021-05-27 18:10:10" as timestampvalue ,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10") ,"-8:00") as completed_date1,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10"),"America/Los_Angeles") as completed_date2,
Date(TIMESTAMP_SUB("2021-05-27 18:10:10", INTERVAL 8 hour)) as completed_date3,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10"),"America/Tijuana") as completed_date4
Initially I was converting that string timestamp to a specific timestamp based on the timezone and that is what I did not want.
Now if a convert a string to timestamp first without using time zone parameter and then apply timezone parameter when getting the date value out of it then it would return me correct date.
Please see the snapshot below :
I'm working on creating a view to convert some values that we get coming in for dates/times. (I've figured out the times already.) In this table, dates come in the format of "Days after 12-31-1840." I'm trying to create a view that shows the actual dates/times rather than in this format. This is what I have so far:
I know that this is the correct syntax for adding dates, because I'm able to get the view working with this instead:
My question is, how do I add a specific number of days based on the ACUTE_MEASURE_VALUE field? I'm not able to run the code to get a runtime error as it's coming up as a syntax error.
From the Teradata documentation:
Teradata SQL extends the ANSI SQL:2011 standard to allow the operations of adding or subtracting a number of days from an ANSI DATE value. Teradata SQL treats the number as an INTERVAL DAY value.
I'm assuming your field ACUTE_MEASURE_VALUE is already in your table and is an integer. The words INTERVAL and DAY are part of the specification of interval constants - this is a variable and syntactically you don't use those keywords.
...TO_CHAR(DATE '1840-12-31' + ACUTE_MEASURE_VALUE)...
Just drop the INTERVAL keyword and the DAY keyword and it should work.
By the way, why are you using To_Char() in this? By transforming it into a character string it preempts anyone using this view from performing calculations on this date. If you leave the view in DATE format then any subsequent Select from this view has a lot more flexibility in manipulating this data field.
I am making a modification to an Oracle Query, where I need to get the information found from the query date and minute up to 30 minutes ago.
For example, I made the query at 16:35, so I need it to show me the information found from 16:05 to 16:35.
I did something like this, but I don't have the result I need.
Also, how can I make it find everything loaded with current date? This is what I have done with no result
AND FV.FEC_CAR = dateadd(minute,-30,getdate()) ORDER BY F.N_FILE DESC
Thank you very much in advance
dateadd and getdate aren't valid in Oracle's SQL dialect. That looks like SQL Server syntax but it probably works in some other database as well.
In Oracle, you'd do
fv.fec_car > sysdate - interval '30' minute
fv.fec_car > sysdate - 30/24/60
I find the interval syntax far clearer personally
As far as I can understand and interpret, you need to see the data at a point in the past before applying some modification to your table. This case,
might be used to see the values of half an hour before modification if undo_retention parameter's value of your database is big enough(without forgetting that it does not guarantee to return a result even if the value is big enough)
I am trying to calculate the difference between two dates in an oracle database using a JDBC connection. I followed the advice from this question using a query like this:
and I get the following error:
Incompatible value type specified for
column:CREATE_DATE-CLOSED. Column Type = 11 and Value Type =
8.[10176] Error Code: 10176
What should I change so I can successfully calculate the difference between the dates?
note: CREATE_DATE and CLOSED both have TIMESTAMP type
The answer you found is related to date datatypes, but you are dealing with timestamps. While substracting two Oracle dates returns a number, substracting timestamps produces an interval datatype. This is probably not what you want, and, apparently, your driver does not properly handle this datatype.
For this use case one solution is to cast the timestamps to dates before substracting them:
select cast(create_date as date) - cast(closed as date) from transactions;
As it was mentioned, it seems that JDBC cannot work with the INTERVAL datatype. What about casting it with the EXTRACT function to the expected output as number? If you want number of seconds between those two timestamps, it would be:
Here are list of options which might be used instead of SECOND:
When we subtract one date from another Oracle gives us the difference as a number: it's straightforward arithmetic. But when we subtract one timestamp from another - which is what you're doing - the result is an INTERVAL. Older versions of JDBC don't like the INTERVAL datatype (docs) .
Here are a couple of workarounds, depending on what you want to do with the result. The first is to calculate the number of seconds from the interval result. extract second from ... only gives us the numbers of seconds in the interval. This will be fine providing none of your intervals are more than fifty-nine seconds long. Longer intervals require us to extract minute, hour and even days. So that solution would be:
select t.*
, extract (day from (t.closed - t.create_date)) * 84600
+ extract (hour from (t.closed - t.create_date)) * 3600
+ extract (minute from (t.closed - t.create_date)) * 60
+ extract (second from (t.closed - t.create_date)) as no_of_secs
from transactions t
A second solution is to follow the advice in the JDBC mapping guide and turn the interval into a string:
select t.*
, cast ((t.closed - t.create_date) as varchar2(128 char)) as intrvl_str
from transactions t
The format of a string interval is verbose:INTERVAL'+000000001 04:40:59.710000'DAY(9)TO SECOND. This may not be useful in the Java side of the application. But with regex we can turn it into a string which can be converted into a Java 8 Duration object (docs) : PnDTnHnMn.nS.
, regexp_replace(cast ((t.closed - t.create_date) as varchar2(128 char))
, 'INTERVAL''\+([0-9]+) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]+)''DAY\(9\)TO SECOND'
, 'P\1DT\2H\3M\4.\5S')
as duration
from transactions t
There is a demo on db<>fiddle
I have a problem with converting a varchar2 fields into a date format.
I got 2 columns with the datatyp varchar2, one is called qtime the other is called ztime. Both fields contain strings in this format (f.e. 152015 -> would be a timestamp 15:20:15).
For reporting reasons I need to convert this fields into a date format, afterwards I want to substract (qtime-ztime) the fields an convert them into the format [hh] (f.e. after the operation 01:20:00 would be -> 01). Is it possible to to this within Oracle SQL 12c? The biggest problem for me right now is that I don't get those Strings converted into a date format.
select TO_DATE(qtime,'MM/DD/YYYY hh24:mi:ss') just gives me
ORA-01861:"literal does not match format string"
select TO_DATE(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
select TO_TIMESTAMP(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
01.03.2018 BUT the correct time with f.e. 15:20:15,0000000
Thank you in advance, any help is appreciated
Note: I only have reading rights on the database Oracle 12c, so I need to to this within Statements
"The Database contains another column with the correct date for each time"
The missing piece of the puzzle! Concatenate the two columns to get something which can be converted to an Oracle DATE:
select to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
Once you have done that you can perform arithmetic of the dates e.g.
select id
, zdatetime - qdatetime as time_diff
from ( select id
, to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
If you want the number of hours in the difference you can include this expression in the projection of the outer query:
, extract( hour from (zdatetime - qdatetime) day to second) as hrs_ela
First off, if you are trying to convert a varchar2 into a date without specifying neither day nor month, it will default to the first day of the current month:
If you specify a date value without a date, then the default date is the first day of the current month.
You can read up more here
Also in 2nd and 3rd your example, you are using 'hh24mmss' for specifying hour, minute and second components, but do note that correct format for minutes is 'mi' and not 'mm', which is used for months.
So the solution is to concatenate both date and time component when creating the date as the other answer suggested, tho I would recommend using a single date field as it can store the information you need.