Create a consecutive set of indices in Tensorflow/Keras - tensorflow

I am using the 'tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update' function to update a Tensor. Update Parameter (update_vals) has dimension of [1,32] and output dimension is [1,12,12,32]. I would like to update a specific location of output which looks like below -
output = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(output, indices=[[[0,i,j,0:32]]], updates=update_vals)
But indices=[[[0,i,j,0:32]]] is not allowed to create a consecutive set of indices. What I want to create is indices = [[[0,i,j,0],[0,i,j,1], and so on till [0,i,j,31]]]
Currently I am using for loop to do the same task -
for k in range(32):
update_val = tf.slice(update_vals, begin=[0,k],size=[1,1])
output = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(output, indices=[[[0,i,j,k]]], updates=update_val) #Start from here. How to get a value of a tensorl
Is there any way I can get rid of the for loop?


Arcpy Script to loop through field and run Union Analysis

I have a polygon file in form of a fishnet. Also another feature class with polygons named Trawl_Buffers. There is a unique field within Trawl_Buffers based on YEAR. I'd like to create a script to run a selection on YEAR, and then perform a union analysis with the fishnet polygon for each YEAR. So the desired output would be "Trawl_Buffers_union2003", "Trawl_Buffers_union2004" etc. I have a function that will get me the unique list of the years, and puts them in a list which i called vals.
Then seems I need to run a for loop over this list of unique years, create a temporary selection, then use that as input for the union, but I am having trouble implementing the query process.
Here is where I started, but seriously tripping
import arcpy
#Set the data environment
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\Data\working\AK_Fishing_VMS\2021_Delivery\ArcPro_proj\ArcPro_proj.gdb'
trawlBuffs = r'C:\Data\working\AK_Fishing_VMS\2021_Delivery\ArcPro_proj\ArcPro_proj.gdb\buffers\buffers_testing'
fishnet = r'C:\Data\working\AK_Fishing_VMS\2021_Delivery\ArcPro_proj\ArcPro_proj.gdb\fishnets\vms_net1k'
unionOut = r'C:\Data\working\AK_Fishing_VMS\2021_Delivery\ArcPro_proj\ArcPro_proj.gdb\unions\union'
# function to get unique values for the YEAR field found within the trawlBuffs fc
def unique_values(table, field):
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, [field]) as cursor:
return sorted({row[0] for row in cursor})
# Get the unique values for the field 'YEAR' found within the 'trawl_buffs' featureclass table
vals = unique_values(trawlBuffs, "YEAR")
# Create a query string for the selected country
yearSelectionClause = '"YEAR" = ' + "'" + vals + "'"
#loop through the years, create selection, union, make permanent
for year in vals:
year_layer = str(year) + "_union"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(trawlBuffs, year_layer)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(year_layer, "NEW_SELECTION", "\"YEAR"\" = %d" % (year))
arcpy.Union_analysis(fishnet, year_layer , unionOut)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(year_layer, "union_" + str(year))

Why even though I sliced my original DataFrame and assigned it to another variable, my original DataFrame still changed values?

I am trying to calculate a portfolio's daily total price, by multiplying weights of each asset with the daily price of the assets.
Currently I have a DataFrame tw which is all zeros except for the dates that I want to re-balance, which holds my assets weights. What I would like to do is for each month, populate the zeros with the weights I am trying to re-balance with, till the next re-balancing date, and so on and so forth.
My code:
df_of_weights = tw.loc[dates_to_rebalance[13]:]
temp_date = dates_to_rebalance[13]
counter = 0
for date in df_of_weights.index:
if date.year == temp_date.year and date.month == temp_date.month:
if ==
df_of_weights.loc[date] = df_of_weights.loc[temp_date].values
counter += 1
temp_date = dates_to_rebalance[13+counter]
I understand that if you slice your DataFrame and assign it to a variable (df_of_weights), changing the values of said variable would not affect the original DataFrame. However, the values in tw changed. Have been searching for an answer online for a while now and am really confused.
You should use copy in order to fix the problem such that:
df_of_weights = tw.loc[dates_to_rebalance[13]:].copy()
The problem is slicing provides view instead of copy. The issue is still open.

Iterate on OrientRecord object

I am trying to increment twice in a loop and print the OrientRecord Objects using Python.
Following is my code -
for items in iteritems:
x = items.oRecordData
print (x['attribute1'])
y=(next(items)).oRecordData #Here is the error
print (y['attribute2'])
Here, iteritems is a list of OrientRecord objects. I have to print attributes of two consecutive objects in one loop.
I am getting the following error -
TypeError: 'OrientRecord' object is not an iterator
Try using a different approach to it:
for i in range(0,len(iteritems),2):
x = iteritems[i].oRecordData
print (x['attribute1'])
y = iteritems[i+1].oRecordData
print (y['attribute2'])
The range() function will start from 0 and iterate by 2 steps.
However, this will work properly only if the total amount (range) of records is an even number, otherwise it'll return:
IndexError: list index out of range
I hope this helps.

Possible to store a value in variable in SPSS?

Is is possible in SPSS to store a value in a variable (not a variable created in a data set)?
For example I have a loop for which I want to pass the value 4 to all the locations in the loop that say NumLvl.
NumLvl = 4.
VECTOR A1L(NumLvl-1).
LOOP #i = 1 to NumLvl-1.
COMPUTE A1L(#i) = 0.
IF(att1 = #i) A1L(#i) = 1.
IF(att1 = NumLvl) A1L(#i) = -1.
You can do this using DEFINE / !ENDDEFINE SPSSs Macro Facility, for example:
You can then use !MyVar as a substitute for 4 wherever in your syntax you wish.
See DEFINE / !ENDDEFINE documentation for further notes.

Error Handling with Live Data Matlab

I am using a live data API that is returning the next arriving trains. I plan on giving the user the next 5 trains arriving. If there are less than 5 trains arriving, how you handle that? I am having trouble thinking of a way, I was thinking a way with if statements but don't know how I would set them up.
time1Depart = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,1}.orig_departure_time;
time2Depart = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,2}.orig_departure_time;
time3Depart = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,3}.orig_departure_time;
time4Depart = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,4}.orig_departure_time;
time5Depart = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,5}.orig_departure_time;
time1Arrival = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,1}.orig_arrival_time;
time2Arrival = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,2}.orig_arrival_time;
time3Arrival = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,3}.orig_arrival_time;
time4Arrival = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,4}.orig_arrival_time;
time5Arrival = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,5}.orig_arrival_time;
The code right now uses a matrix that goes from 1:numoftrains but I am using just the first five.
It's a bad practice to assign individual value to a separate variable. Better if you pass all related values to a vector or cell array depending on class of orig_departure_time and orig_arrival_time.
It looks like dataReturnedFromLiveAPI is a cell array of structures. Then you can do:
timeDepart = cellfun(#(x), x.orig_departure_time, ...
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI(1,1:min(5,size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI,2))), ...
'UniformOutput',0 );
timeArrival = cellfun(#(x), x.orig_arrival_time, ...
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI(1,1:min(5,size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI,2))), ...
'UniformOutput',0 );
Then you how to access the values one by one as
time1Depart = timeDepart{1};
If orig_departure_time and orig_arrival_time are numeric scalars, you can use ...'UniformOutput',1.... You will get output as a vector and can get single values with timeDepart(1).