How to Create IIS Website using designated template - powershell-5.0

#Script template
function createIISWebsite($siteName,$sitePath,$siteUrl) {
#write your script here
return ...
I tried to solve it but still cant find proper answer because i need to follow the template can someone help?
▪ Sample input:
siteName: test local
sitePath: "D:\Test"
siteUrl: test.localhost
▪ Sample output:
if success = " successfully created, you can access it via "
if site name already exist = " already exist, updated the site path to and you can access it via "
if problem happen = "Error: Error message"


Minio removeObject

I'm trying to programmatically remove something from my S3 bucket, and I'm using Minio to facilitate it.
When I run minioClient.removeObject() like so:
the function returns void. So I'm unsure how to validate that my object was deleted without sending an additional request off to see if it exists (i feel like this is one step too many).
If the deletion is successful, the object is gone. If the deletion is unsuccessful (maybe provided the wrong key) I'm not really told it was unsuccessful. It just attempts to do it and that's the last I hear about the operation.
Anyone have any ideas?
The removeObjects return Iterable<Result<DeleteError>> - Lazy iterator contains object removal status. You can refer this code and check for error if present .
List<DeleteObject> objects = new LinkedList<>();
objects.add(new DeleteObject("my-objectname1"));
objects.add(new DeleteObject("my-objectname2"));
objects.add(new DeleteObject("my-objectname3"));
Iterable<Result<DeleteError>> results =
for (Result<DeleteError> result : results) {
DeleteError error = result.get();
"Error in deleting object " + error.objectName() + "; " + error.message());

Google Drive: Move file to folder

I want to understand the moveFileToFolder script that is listed as an example when you select google drive scripts (click "Start Scripting" then select "Drive" option in "Create script for" menu)
The code is below. My question is how would I alter this code so that it could be used to move the file "Austin" into the folder "Texas"? This is presuming that the file "Austin" is a google doc which is currently sitting in my main google drive file list and the folder "Texas" is also currently sitting in my main google drive list.
There are a few other posts regarding moving files in drive and I understand the main concepts but I can't seems to successfully procure the file or folder ID's. Any help greatly appreciated?
* This script moves a specific file from one parent folder to another.
* For more information on interacting with files, see
function moveFileToFolder(fileId, targetFolderId) {
var targetFolder = DocsList.getFolderById(targetFolderId);
var file = DocsList.getFileById(fileId);
now I had the same task and used this code:
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId)
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
Check out function getFolderByName in to see how to get folder ID by its name. For files the principle is the same.
function addDocToPublic() {
// Create random filename
var fn = "doc" + Math.floor(10000 * Math.random()) + ".doc";
// Create file with very MIME TYPE and return file ID
var fh = DriveApp.createFile(fn, "Das ist das " + fn + " Testfile", MimeType.MICROSOFT_WORD);
// Get first/next Iterator ID ( = folder ID) for Folder (with name PUBLIC)
var fid = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("PUBLIC").next();
// Copy File to Folder (using file and folder IDs
// Remove Source File
... maybe that way ...

xmlhttprequest for local files

I have the path to a file i want to send to a rest webservice the server. I am using the xmlhttprequest object. The post is as follows:
var url = "http://localhost:8080/RestWSGS/jersey/gridsense";
var boundary = "--------------" + (new Date).getTime();'POST', url, true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (this.readyState != 4)
var result =this.responseText;
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary);
var part ="";
part += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; ';
part += 'name="' + document.getElementById("filename").name + '" ; ';
part += 'filename="'+ document.getElementById("filename").value + '";\r\n';
part += "Content-Type: application/xml";
part += "\r\n\r\n"; // marks end of the headers part
part += 'filename="'+ document.getElementById("filename").value + '";\r\n';
part+= data;
var request = "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
request+= part /* + "--" + boundary + "\r\n" */;
request+= "--" + boundary + "--" + "\r\n";
The data i want to send is on the client local disk. I want to use the get method for it :
var str = document.getElementById("filename").value;
var data;
var xmlhttp1 = getNewHTTPObject();"GET",
"file:///New Folder/" +document.getElementById("filename").value , false);
alert('hi' + xmlhttp1.status);
xmlhttp1.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.status == 0)
alert("resp " + this.responseText);
data = this.responseText;
The file:// does not work. If i put my file within the client directory and remove the file:/// then i can at least see xmlhttprequest open and give status 200 (i think ok!!). I read that for local file check status == 0 instead of readystatus == 4 so i did that but it still gives data variable as undefined and so the file does not go to the server. Initially when i had given the form action as my rest url it was uploading fine. Since I am not using html5 i cannot get the File object from the input type=file element. I want to use the xmlhttprequest object for this instead of the form element directly.
Please help me with this problem with any suggestions or hints
Even if i do the uploading using form submission how can i use the return value of the web service. Thats the reason I need to use xmlhttpRequest. If anyone can suggest how the return value from the action is used it will be great!!
Historically, you can't query for local files from JavaScript (or shouldn't be allowed to, or something's odd). This would be a serious breach of security.
There are only a few circumstances where you can do this, but in general they involve specific security settings requiring to be set for your browser, to either lift the limitation or to notify the current page's execution process that that is is granted this exceptional right. This is for instance doable in Firefox by editing the properties. It's also commonly OK when developing browser extensions (for instance for Chrome or FF) if they request the file access permissions.
Another way to go around this limitation is to host a local web-server, and to declare virtual hosts on it to be able to do this sort of AJAX request to fetch local files. It's quite common for web-developers to resort to this trick (more like a standard, really) to have the benefits of local development but at the same time replicate a production system. You could for instance use a lightweight web-server like Jetty.
(Another mean annoyance, that you seem to have encountered, is that some browsers - at least some relatively older FF versions, like 3.6.x - will sometimes return a positive error code like 200 when they requests are blocked according to their internal security policies. Can be pretty confusing for a while...).
Finally, the newer HTML5 APIs do provide some new constructs to access local files. Considering reading:
Reading Files in JavaScript using the File API
Exploring the FileSystem APIs
Other SO questions also provide additional pointers:
Access local files from HTML5 Desktop Application in html folder
Solutions to allowing intranet/local file access in an HTML5 application?
I use an iframe.
<div class="item" onclick="page(event)">HTML5</div>
<iframe id="page" src="">
function page(e) {
trigger = e.currentTarget.innerHTML;
docname = new String(trigger + ".txt");
document.getElementById("page").src = docname;
I found an easy solution.
You have to add "?application/xhtml+xml" behind your local url "file:///..".

Programmatically start crawling a given content source in Sharepoint 2010

Is it possible to programmatically start crawling a given content source (say a file share) through Sharepoint API or any other means?
Based on Rob's comment above I found this to be helpful. Following is the C# code I did.
The code in the link throws an error on SPServiceContext.Current if you're building a console app. So the first step and the GetContext() method are specific to that situation.
SPSite mySite = new SPSite("http://localhost");
SearchServiceApplicationProxy proxy = (SearchServiceApplicationProxy)SearchServiceApplicationProxy.GetProxy(SPServiceContext.GetContext(mySite)); Guid appId = proxy.GetSearchServiceApplicationInfo().SearchServiceApplicationId;
//Console.WriteLine("AppID : " + appId.ToString());
SearchServiceApplication app = SearchService.Service.SearchApplications.GetValue<SearchServiceApplication>(appId);
Content content = new Content(app);
ContentSourceCollection cs = content.ContentSources;
foreach (ContentSource csi in cs)
Console.WriteLine(csi.Name + "\t" + csi.Id + "\t" + csi.CrawlCompleted);
Console.WriteLine("Starting full crawl....");
ContentSource css = content.ContentSources["source name"]; //csi.Name within square brackets
Console.WriteLine("Full crawl on source name started...");
Be sure to adjust the build target platform in the Project Properties with the Sharepoint installation. Otherwise SpSite will not be created.

Unable to delete SharePoint 2010 ContentType "Contenty type in use."

I have tried all the recommendations on the web, to no avail.
I wrote a console application per these instructions:
The "Usages.Count" is = 0. Yet, when it tries to delete the Content Type I get an Exception:
"The content type is in use."
This is a brand new (development) install. I created a test site in SP Designer, created a Content Type,then a list. Then, I removed the list, removed it from Recycle Bin and tried to remove the content type...... Ugh.
I was frustrated by this issue until I found your comment. Excellent advice.
Delete from site recycle bin.
Delete from Site Collection > Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Recycle Bin.
Delete from End User Recycle Bin Items.
Delete from "Deleted From End User Recycle Bin."
That's a lot of recycling! Once complete, I was able to delete the content type.
In addition to the recycling bins there's also the page called "Manage files which have no checked in version" under "Permissions and Management" on document libraries - the files in there can also prevent deletion of a content type.
this powershell script form this post also worked for me
$siteURL = "The Site url"
$contentType = "Content type Name"
$web = Get-SPWeb $siteURL
$ct = $web.ContentTypes[$contentType]
if ($ct) {
$ctusage = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeUsage]::GetUsages($ct)
foreach ($ctuse in $ctusage) {
$list = $web.GetList($ctuse.Url)
$contentTypeCollection = $list.ContentTypes;
Write-host "Deleted $contentType content type from $ctuse.Url"
Write-host "Deleted $contentType from site."
} else { Write-host "Nothing to delete." }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace Test
class ConsoleApp
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite("http://localhost"))
using (SPWeb webSite = siteCollection.OpenWeb())
// Get the obsolete content type.
SPContentType obsolete = webSite.ContentTypes["Test"];
// We have a content type.
if (obsolete != null)
IList usages = SPContentTypeUsage.GetUsages(obsolete);
// It is in use.
if (usages.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("The content type is in use in the following locations:");
foreach (SPContentTypeUsage usage in usages)
// The content type is not in use.
// Delete it.
Console.WriteLine("Deleting content type {0}...", obsolete.Name);
// No content type found.
Console.WriteLine("The content type does not exist in this site collection.");
Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
Create a Console Application with the above code and run that project. This code will tell you the libraries in which the content types are attached. Then simply go that libraries and delete the attached content types. Then finally delete the content type from Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Content Types or you may use the above code as well to delete the content type.
This worked for me hope it may also work for you !!!