External Links for Full Web Application - cytoscape.js

I use cytoscape to visually map network infrastructures. Using the thick client, I embed node information using node table columns and embed link information as well. I also create an "External Link" for each node so that I can click on the node (selecting external link) and get much more detailed information for each node.
Is there any way I can create an external link with the Full Web Application? This is an enormously useful tool?


Netdata display for multiple servers, like the one displayed on their cloud. Can I do this without the cloud?

I'm looking to use Netdata to monitor multiple nodes. I realize I can have one node gather data from multiple nodes, and to use a customized dashboard display. And I found that netdata cloud itself has a nice uncluttered display of multiple on a single page. See the link to the image below. Can I create the same display on a local netdata installation, without using the cloud? Thanks. - Mark
Netdata single display
You can sort-of create a dashboard like that, using the custom dashboard functionality. In essence, you will create an html file that has charts from different nodes.
Since you are creating the HTML, you could layer it in a way that is analogous to the screenshot.
You can read more about custom dashboard on our documentation
That being said, I think Netdata Cloud is the best solution there. Mind that we don't store any data. When you access the dashboard, the data is streamed directly from the node to your browser via the Netdata Cloud-Agent link.

DSE: Synonym Search (Thesaurus)

I am currently trying to get synonym search to work on multiple nodes via Datastax Studio if possible. The installation was done through OpsCenter with 3 nodes using DSE Search + Graph. I have seen various posts regarding this and the approaches consists of directly changing schema.xml. However, as I am using multiple nodes I am unsure if that is the way to approach this.
I have also tried to look information from datastax docs but couldn't find what i needed, hence, any advise or directions on this would be greatly appreciated. In an Ideal world it would be great if I am able to do synonym search through the graph(gremlin) interface.
For Graph the only option is to create necessary indexes, then get the existing schema.xml via dsetool get_core_schema, do modifications, and load it again with dsetool reload_core - the reloading of core should be done in every data center, but not on every machine of the data center...
Don't forget, that before reloading the core with modified schema, you need to upload synonym files with dsetool write_resource.
See the DSE Search documentation for full list of the options for dsetool command.

Arcgis server CreateReplica REST API of feature not working

I created Feature class in enterprise geodatabase (SQLServer2014 express). Feature class is sync enabled and published successfully.
Now I can not generate offline geodatabase from Arcgis Android SDk.
I can see ' Create Replica ' from 'Supported Operations' from 'http://xyz:6080/arcgis/rest/services/MyFeature/FeatureServer'
I tried 'http://xyz:6080/arcgis/rest/services/MyFeature/FeatureServer/createReplica' rest api from feature service. it creates job but no results shown.
Server logs show following error
Error executing tool.: ErrorMsg#SyncGPService:{"code":400,"description":""} Failed to execute (Create Feature Service Replica).
Log source is 'System/SyncTools.GPServer'
First, make sure that there's nothing needed at the DB level where your data is stored. Taking the server out of the equation, can you run the Create Replica tool in ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro against the data source, and does it succeed? If that works (and other operations like Adds, Updates, Deletes etc.), then put ArcGIS Server back in the equation.
What are your ArcGIS Server log levels set at? It may be beneficial to up the logging level to Verbose or Debug, try to create the replica again, and consult the logs to see if more helpful information is returned.
You may also want to check and see if your version of ArcGIS Server needs to be patched. For example, at 10.5.1 there was a patch released specifically for Sync issues.
If all else fails, Esri Support may be a good place to find some help as well.
Have you looked at the requirements for making your data available for offline use? See this link in the ArcGIS Server documentation.
Specifically you need to enable archiving and include Global IDs on the dataset, but there are more details at the above link.
For future reference, and in case that suggestion doesn't work, the Esri GeoNet ArcGIS Enterprise place is a good spot to ask these questions.

Oracle Webcenter Content : what is the difference between URLs "/wcc" and "/cs"?

My company decided to migrate to the Oracle Fusion Middleware, and we are starting to use the Oracle Webcenter components, especially the WCC (v11.1).
We can access our documents via 2 different entry points :
http://server:port_2/cs (and this URL is also accessed via RIDC)
The GUI are very different from one app to the other, but the main functionalities seem to be the same on both of them : I can browse, view, download stored documents, I have access to the metadata, I can do an advanced search or upload a file...
Why does Oracle provide 2 webapps to manage the content ? Why are these URLs on 2 different Weblogic servers (or domains) ? Should we use one address rather than the other ?
Thank you.
They are simply two different GUIs. Some functionality is available in one that may not be available in the other.
Use whatever interface best fits your needs (including what user's may prefer).
/cs/ is for the native (original) UI.
/wcc/ is for the new(ish) ADF WebUI. Also see this blog post.

Keen IO Dashboards drag & drop

I'm looking at Keen IO Dashboards, but don't see drag & drop functionality in examples. Is that possible and I'm just missing it, or is it planned? Thanks.
Keen released a new point-and-click dashboard creator that can be accessed when you're logged into your account. A few clicks can build metrics into dashboards you can share with your teammates. https://keen.io/blog/146028881101/announcing-keen-dashboards
Fully customizable external or customer-facing dashboards can be created using keen-dataviz.js if you're into templates some bootstrap dashboard templates can be downloaded from github too.
Drag and Drop isn't currently supported but the team is very open to feature requests. I'd suggest filing in issue on the Github repository – keen/dashboards.
If you want to discuss it further, Keen has a developer group.