Datatable not being able to stick scrollX to header or footer - datatables

I have a table that is very big (lots of columns and lots of rows) so it needs scrollX and scrollY.
I made the Header fixed, but I cannot scroll right unless i go to bottom of page, which is not desirable.


dgrid set first few columns to be fixed and make others scrollable horizontally

I have a dgrid table which is very long one, and there is horizontal scroll bar, I want to know if there is a way to make first 2 or 3 columns fixed (always displayed) and apply horizontal scrollbar to the rest ?
Yes, dgrid supports this with ColumnSet. From the documentation:
The ColumnSet module provides functionality which divides a grid's columns into multiple distinct sets, each of which manage their columns' horizontal scrolling independently. This makes it possible to keep certain columns in view even while others are scrolled out of viewing range.
You can find demos and example in the dgrid site.

Disable floating of header in NSTabelView?

I am using view based NStableview and I am using table header for providing space between top of scroll view and first row of my TableView. I want this space to scroll up when user scrolls tableview, but the header is floating and is not scrolling up. It just sticks there on the top.
I need to provide a gap between top of scroll view and first cell of header view. I can think of other solution like creating a different cell for first row, but this solution creates whole bunch of bugs with indexes of table and data. So I decided to use table header for providing the space between top of scroll view and first row of table view.
Is there any solution for this other than using header for table? If no can I disable the floating behaviour of header view?
To disable floating just set floatsGroupRows = NO ?!
Maybe the contentInsets property of NSScrollView is what you look for.
You can define a top inset. (100 in my example)
Code (same for Swift and Objective-C):
self.scrollView.contentInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(100, 0, 0, 0);

Vertical scrollbar with a dojo OnDemandGrid

Is it possible to add a vertical scrollbar to an OnDemandGrid?
Yes, I realize that an OnDemandGrid lets you scroll through a million records, and it will be awkward to imagine a scrollbar that lets you scroll all the way up and down through those million records, but I'd say it'll be good if there was a way to add a scrollbar at least to scroll through a reasonable subset around the visible viewport.
Never mind my question - I realized that it was actually showing the vertical scrollbar by default all this while, but it was hidden off the right of the page due to a large width on the div containing the dgrid.

Possible to add a "sticky" header to a grouped table view?

Is there a natural way to add a header for a grouped table view section that scrolls along with the user? The same as the way section headers can scroll in a normal table view?
You may want to take a look at this post: Cannot freeze the table header while scrolling the rows?
Personally, I think the best way to handle this would be to go with normal table view and customize the UITableViewCells and headers to be exactly what you want.

How does the Reeder Mac app animate lists when switching folders?

Initially I was under the impression that it uses the table row slideup/down animations while inserting/deleting new rows but I doubt if it's doing that as it does it so fluidly even with thousands of items in the list (otherwise it would take a lot of time for the deletions/insertions to work).
Am I right in my assumption that it's simply attaching a new instance of the News list at the bottom of the screen, shrinking the above one while the one at the bottom expands to fill up space?
Please see this video of what I mean:
I can not tell you exactly how Silvio Rizzi made this, but as you see in the playback, a list view is added behind the shown list view, and the front list view fades out (.alpha = 0.0;) while the list view behind it expands its height per row.
When you desicate it frame by frame it becomes quite clear what he does, and it is really not that advanced. But I have to admit, with the white "milky" polished interface, it looks quite neat.
In addition, you can see that while animating, the background list view only renders the top 7 entries (hopefully calculated by dividing the view height with the average height of the cells shown) making the list view quick to load. Then afterwards, he can load an extended array of cells once you start scrolling, or in a background thread starting once the animation is complete.