Mark a position between 2 characters - ide

I often use markers to underline a part of code (e.g., to invite users to hover on it and see hints). Most of time, we want to underline at least one characters. But sometimes, we may want to underline the position between two characters. For instance, given a formula fg(23,), I want to underline the position between , and ), then hovering on it shows a non-empty argument is expected here.
It seems that the following code in the playground can achieve this more or less.
var ed = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("container"), {
value: "fg(23,)",
language: "javascript"
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(ed.getModel(), 'test', [{
startLineNumber: 1,
startColumn: 7,
endLineNumber: 1,
endColumn: 7,
message: "a non-empty argument is expected here",
severity: 8
However, setting startColumn same as endColumn does not always do the trick. For instance, I cannot underline the position between ( and 2; setting startColumn: 4, endColumn: 4 does not work.
So does anyone know how to mark a position between 2 characters? We are not limited to underlining, other ways like highlighting are welcomed as well.
(* Link on GitHub: *)

To your question: following this post, it seems that a solution may look something like this (please use the playground to test)
<div id="container" style="height: 100%"></div>
.formulaHighlight { /* this class name can be whatever you want */
color: #3456ff !important;
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: oblique;
const ed = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("container"), {
value: "fg(23,)",
language: "javascript"
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(ed.getModel(), 'test', [{
startLineNumber: 1,
startColumn: 7,
endLineNumber: 1,
endColumn: 7,
message: "a non-empty argument is expected here",
severity: 8
const decorations = ed.deltaDecorations(
range: new monaco.Range(1, 4, 1, 6),
options: { inlineClassName: 'formulaHighlight' }
The delta decoration method allow to customize styles in specific locations. The monaco.Range method uses the following parameters:
startLineColumn - from which line to start the highlight
startColumn - the numeric value of the first highlight character
endLineNumber - which line stops the highlight
endColumn - the numeric value of last highlighted character
In your case it seems that startLineColumn and endLineNumber will be the same line number. Also,startColumn and endColumn will represent the actual highlight range (within the same line)


html2pdf fit image to pdf

I finally got my html2pdf to work showing my web page just how I want it in the pdf(Any other size was not showing right so I kept adjusting the format size until it all fit properly), and the end result is exactly what I want it to look like... EXCEPT even though my aspect ratio is correct for a landscape, it is still using a very large image and the pdf is not standard letter size (Or a4 for that matter), it is the size I set. This makes for a larger pdf than necessary and does not print well unless we adjust it for the printer. I basically want this exact image just converted to a a4 or letter size to make a smaller pdf. If I don't use the size I set though things are cut off.
Anyway to take this pdf that is generated and resize to be an a4 size(Still fitting the image on it). Everything I try is not working, and I feel like I am missing something simple.
const el = document.getElementById("test);
var opt = {
margin: [10, 10, 10, 10],
filename: label,
image: { type: "jpeg", quality: 0.98 },
//pagebreak: { mode: ["avoid-all", "css"], after: ".newPage" },
pagebreak: {
mode: ["css"],
avoid: ["tr"],
// mode: ["legacy"],
after: ".newPage",
before: ".newPrior"
/*pagebreak: {
before: ".newPage",
avoid: ["h2", "tr", "h3", "h4", ".field"]
html2canvas: {
scale: 2,
logging: true,
dpi: 192,
letterRendering: true
jsPDF: {
unit: "mm",
format: [463, 600],
orientation: "landscape"
var doc = html2pdf()
I have been struggling with this a lot as well. In the end I was able to resolve the issue for me. What did the trick for me was setting the width-property in html2canvas. My application has a fixed width, and setting the width of html2canvas to the width of my application, scaled the PDF to fit on an A4 paper.
html2canvas: { width: element_width},
Try adding the above option to see if it works. Try to find out the width of your print area in pixels and replace element_width with that width.
For completeness: I am using Plotly Dash to create web user interfaces. On my interface I include a button that when clicked generates a PDF report of my dashboard. Below I added the code that I used for this, in case anybody is looking for a Dash solution. To get this working in Dash, download html2pdf.bundlemin.js and copy it to the assets/ folder. The PDF file will be downloaded to the browsers default downloads folder (it might give a download prompt, however that wasn't how it worked for me).
from dash import html, clientside_callback
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
# Define your Dash app in the regular way
# In the layout define a component that will trigger the download of the
# PDF report. In this example a button will be responsible.
app.layout = html.Div(
children = [
children='Download PDF report',
# Clientside callbacks allow you to directly insert Javascript code in your
# dashboards. There are also other ways, like including your own js files
# in the assets/ directory.
function (button_clicked) {
if (button_clicked > 0) {
// Get the element that you want to print. In this example the
// whole dashboard is printed
var element = document.getElementById("main_container")
// create a date-time string to use for the filename
const d = new Date();
var month = (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()
if (month.length == 1) {
month = "0" + month
let text = d.getFullYear().toString() + month + d.getDay() + '-' + d.getHours() + d.getMinutes();
// Set the options to be used when printing the PDF
var main_container_width =;
var opt = {
margin: 10,
filename: text + '_my-dashboard.pdf',
image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
html2canvas: { scale: 3, width: main_container_width, dpi: 300 },
jsPDF: { unit: 'mm', format: 'A4', orientation: 'p' },
// Set pagebreaks if you like. It didn't work out well for me.
// pagebreak: { mode: ['avoid-all'] }
// Execute the save command.
Output(component_id='button_download_report', component_property='n_clicks'),
Input(component_id='button_download_report', component_property='n_clicks')

KaTeX does not render math between dollars sign on not the same line

I want to create an editor with ace + katex. Problem is that double dollars sign does not compiles correctly
For example:
$$\mathcal D = 25+4\cdot6\cdot1=49=7^2$$
\mathcal D = 25+4\cdot6\cdot1=49=7^2
Katex render options:
renderMathInElement(this.katexView, { delimiters: [
{left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true},
{left: "$", right: "$", display: false},
Found my mistake, I inserted text for katex node via innerText, but katex need innerHTML
Why not use directly the equation / align environments?
\mathcal D = 25+4\cdot6\cdot1=49=7^2
Or simply
\mathcal D = 25+4\cdot6\cdot1=49=7^2

VueJS and UTF-8 encoding issue: Correctly formatting user copy and pasted text

I am using a data api that is returning text like so (from an archaic database):
I’m attaching a couple of our “quick look� cards covering the process
Notice the ’ symbols in the text. It appears that perhaps the user had copy and pasted text from an email message (outlook) or Microsoft Word and it appears to be a replacement for a comma or apostrophe (or who knows what else)?
Looks like this is what needs to be replaced:
[{broken: '–', fixed: "—"}
{broken: "—", fixed: "–"}
{broken: "‘", fixed: "‘"}
{broken: "’", fixed: "’"}
{broken: "“", fixed: "“"}
{broken: "â€", fixed: "”"}, ...]
Is there something I can do on the front end to replace those symbols with the correct character?
This sounds like an encoding problem and is described here and is, as you also described, reduced to a few characters:
The following characters fail, while other characters display
€ ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ Ž ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ ž Ÿ.
There is also a debug sheet to find out the expected characters in UTF-8.
So maybe a solution would be to replace these list of characters after getting the data from the API or handling it with a function.
I made a fiddle with replaces that chars with the function replaceEncodingErrorCharsInString() :
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
encodingReplacement: [
broken: '–',
fixed: "—"
broken: "—",
fixed: "–"
}, {
broken: "‘",
fixed: "‘"
}, {
broken: "’",
fixed: "’"
}, {
broken: "“",
fixed: "“"
}, {
broken: "â€",
fixed: "”"
exampleTexts: [
"This is – !",
"This is — !",
"This is ‘ !",
"This is ’ !",
"This is “ !",
"This is – !"
methods: {
replaceEncodingErrorCharsInString: function(text){
for(let i=0; i < this.encodingReplacement.length; i++) {
// string contains "broken" chars
if(text.includes(this.encodingReplacement[i].broken)) {
text = text.replace(this.encodingReplacement[i].broken, this.encodingReplacement[i].fixed)
// string is fine, just return it
return text

Datatables - fixedHeader with scrollX

I am trying to use Datatables with fixedheader (v3) as well as enable horizontal scrolling. Attached is the fiddle
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
searching: false,
paging: false,
ordering: false,
info: false,
fixedHeader: true,
scrollX: true
} );
When scrolling the fixedheader width doesn't align with the rest of the table. Can you help me solve this please?
Pure css solution using css sticky (not work in ie 11):
remove the fixHeader plugin
add this css
.dataTables_scrollHead {
position: sticky !important;
top: 119px;
z-index: 99;
background-color: white;
box-shadow: 0px 5px 5px 0px rgba(82, 63, 105, 0.08);
I have read for 2 days about this, so joining all of them together, here's my contribution.
I got it figured out, hopefully this is useful for someone or help in the development as well.
My datatables is in a DIV and horizontal Scrolling enable due to huge table. When fixed header was set it was set as FIXED, and a new table is inserted at the BODY rather than inside the div.
I made it appended to the DIV instead of BODY so that the overflow rule might be inherited.
dataTables.fixedHeader.min.js (search for "appendTo")
Now that it's appended to the the datatables-created-div, same level as dataTables_scrollHead, dataTables_scrollBody rather than stranded alone at body, whatever overflow still showing/sticking out.
table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating{position:fixed !important}
table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating{position:absolute !important}
or File:
table.fixedHeader-floating{position:fixed !important;background-color:white;}
table.fixedHeader-floating{position:absolute !important;background-color:white;}
Careful of CACHE of the CSS and JS files.
Now that the floating sticky row has appeared but out of place and overflow in effect.
Have this JS running, detecting when fixedHeader-floating appears, keep adjusting them to follow the horizontal scroll and stick to the top.
var myoffset = Math.round($(window).scrollTop() - $('#Detail2Container').position().top + $('.topbar').height() - 145);
var positionleft = $('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').position();
$('.fixedHeader-floating').css({ 'top': myoffset, 'left': positionleft.left + 10 });
}, 50); //every 50ms
Detail2Container is the DIV that wrap the Datatables.
I couldn't use dataTables_wrapper as reference as there are a few of them in the same page. In my page, I only one table that needs fixedHeader, if I need 2, it will be tough. But I will deal with it when the needs arise.
You could adjust the calculation according to your own design.
2 days for me to figure this out. So I feel like sharing it too.
I found a solution on my project by doing this:
$('#example').scroll(function() {
if ( $(".fixedHeader-floating").is(":visible") ) {
$(".fixedHeader-floating").scrollLeft( $(this).scrollLeft() );
DataTables creates a new table as the fixedHeader when you scroll down, what I'm doing here is to detect when the user scrolls horizontally on the $('#example') table and then I use scrollLeft() on the fixedHeader to match the scroll position.
I also added this to my .css so the user won't be able to scroll on the fixedHeader table:
.fixedHeader-floating {
overflow: hidden;
Following is working to me
$('.dataTables_scrollBody').on('scroll', function () {
$('.dataTables_scrollHead', $(this).parent()).scrollLeft($(this).scrollLeft());
This fixed the problem.
let tableParams = {
autoWidth: false,
// etc...
scrollX: true,
fixedHeader: true,
initComplete: function(settings, json) {
// To fix the issue of when scrolling on the X axis, the header needs also to scroll as well.
this.find('.dataTables_scrollBody').on('scroll', function() {
Also to hide the vertical scroll bar.
me.containerElement.find('.dataTables_scrollBody').css({'overflow-y': 'hidden'});
where containerElement is the parent element of the datatable element.
Based on this, I was able to make it working (issue: when FixedHeader is floating, sorting would not work ==> see update 1 below to fix it)
FixedHeader (.dataTables_scrollHeadInner) is a different table outside of datatable (.dataTables_scrollBody)
when scrolling vertically, it will check scrolltop and set FixedHeader top accordingly.
when scrolling horizontally, it will scroll FixedHeader with body ($('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').scrollLeft($(this).scrollLeft()))
// sorry - had to use global variable
// global variable for scroll-body y position
var yPositionOfScrollBody;
function adjustDatatableInnerBodyPadding(){
let $dtScrollHeadInner = $('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner');
let outerHeightOfInnerHeader = $dtScrollHeadInner.outerHeight(true);
//console.log('outerHeightOfInnerHeader => ' + outerHeightOfInnerHeader);
$('.dataTables_scrollBody').css('padding-top', outerHeightOfInnerHeader);
function setFixedHeaderTop(header_pos){
//console.log("header_pos : " + header_pos);
$('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').css({"top": header_pos});
function fixDatatableHeaderTopPosition(){
yPositionOfScrollBody = window.scrollY + document.querySelector('.dataTables_scrollBody').getBoundingClientRect().top;
//console.log("yPositionOfScrollBody: " + yPositionOfScrollBody);
function onDataTableInitComplete(settings, json) {
// for vertical scolling
yPositionOfScrollBody = window.scrollY + document.querySelector('.dataTables_scrollBody').getBoundingClientRect().top;
// datatable padding adjustment
// data table fixed header F5 (refresh/reload) fix
let scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
//console.log("scrollTop => " + scrollTop);
if(scrollTop > 1){
let header_pos;
if (scrollTop < yPositionOfScrollBody){
header_pos = yPositionOfScrollBody - scrollTop;
} else {
header_pos = 0;
let $dtScrollHeadInner = $('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner');
// horizontal scrolling
$('.dataTables_scrollBody').on('scroll', function () {
let $dtScrollBody = $(this);
// synchronize
let amountOfLeftScroll = $dtScrollBody.scrollLeft();
let scrollDiff = $dtScrollHeadInner.scrollLeft() - amountOfLeftScroll;
//console.log("scrollDiff: " + scrollDiff);
if(scrollDiff < 0){
$dtScrollHeadInner.css('left', scrollDiff);
//console.log("scroll back to left side");
$dtScrollHeadInner.css('left', '');
//console.log("adjusment mergin: " + yPositionScrollHeadInner);
$(document).on('scroll', function () {
let scroll_pos = $(this).scrollTop();
if(scroll_pos <= 0){
let margin = yPositionOfScrollBody; // Adjust it to your needs
let cur_pos = $('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').position();
let header_pos =;
if (scroll_pos < margin){
header_pos = margin - scroll_pos;
} else {
header_pos = 0;
scrollX: true,
fixedHeader: true,
initComplete: onDataTableInitComplete,
// ... : ...
/* data table - scroll and fixed header */
table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating {
display: none !important; /*Hide the fixedHeader since we dont need it*/
margin-left: 0px;
width: 100% !important;
position: fixed;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
/*margin-right: 30px;*/
background: white;
z-index: 1;
padding-top: 2.5em;
div.dataTables_scrollHead table.dataTable {
padding-right: 0;
Update 1 - sort issue fix
use fixedHeader: false
scrollX: true,
fixedHeader: false,
initComplete: onDataTableInitComplete,
// ... : ...
You can change 'left' but saving initial value first:
var initLeft = 0;
$(".dataTables_scrollBody").scroll(function () {
if ($(".fixedHeader-floating").is(":visible")) {
if (initLeft == 0)
initLeft = $(".fixedHeader-floating").position().left;
$(".fixedHeader-floating").css("left", $(this).scrollLeft() * (-1) + initLeft);
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
searching: true,
paging: true,
ordering: true,
info: false,
scrollY: 400,
dom: 'Blfrtip',
} );

Word style is changed after applying ApplyListTemplate

I have a Word document containing a numbered list like this
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
The list style is "List Paragraph". Left indent of "List Paragraph" is 0.5". If we run the following code to reapply the style "List Paragraph", the left indent of the style is now 0.75"
Dim t As ListTemplate
Set t = ActiveDocument.Styles("List Paragraph").ListTemplate
t.ListLevels(1).ResetOnHigher = True
Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate t, False, wdListApplyToWholeList
As a result, the list is shifted to the right 0.25".
I'm wondering why the method ApplyListTemplate change the left indent of the style "List Paragraph".
Before and after applying the code, the description of the style are
Left: 0.5"
Hanging: 0.25", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.75" + Indent at: 1", Style: Quick Style, Priority: 35
Based on: Text"
Left: 0.75"
Hanging: 0.25", Outline numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.75" + Indent at: 1", Style: Quick Style, Priority: 35
Based on: Text"
I found the same behavior in both Office 2003 and 2010
I can't test your exact code because I get a Run-time error 5941, which says "The requested member of the collection does not exist."
That being said, Word has a tendency (for me anyway) to "fix" the indent of a list whenever a change is made to its formatting. There's probably a setting to tell Word to stop "fixing" lists, but I suggest simply adding the following to the end of your code:
With Selection.ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = InchesToPoints(0.75) ' Left indent
.RightIndent = InchesToPoints(0) ' Right indent
.FirstLineIndent = InchesToPoints(-0.25) ' First line indent
End With
That will give you a left indent of 0.5" and and a hanging indent of 0.25" (even though the numbers may look a little odd). You don't need the middle line that starts with .RightIndent =, but I thought I'd include it in the event you'd want to change that as well.