How to make WiX Toolset (Burn) Bootstrapper recognize an upgrade? - wix

I'm using the WiX (Burn) Bootstrapper to wrap my MSI installer (so that I can install some prerequisite libraries with it.)
It works fine for installation and uninstallation, but I can't seem to figure out how to implement an upgrade with it? Say, if I had version 1.0.0 installed and now I run it for version 1.0.1.
PS. I made sure that UpgradeCode values in the XML markup for both MSI and bootstrapper are the same. But it didn't help. The bootstrapper still behaves like an upgrade to the next version is just a plain installation.

The upgraded bootstrapper should behave like a plain installation. If version 1.0.1 was installed successfully, everything is ok.
If you want bootstrapper to detect previous version, you should use custom bootstrapper application and DetectRelatedBundle event.


Wix bootstrapper uninstalling MSI package in silent mode

I have an msi bundled with prerequisites using Wix bootstrapper (burn.exe).
We migrated this project from Installshield to WiX.
The installation works fine.
However, during repair or uninstall the bootstrapper runs the msi-file in silent mode.
Since the last dialog (e.g. 'SetupCompleteSuccess') within the msi file contains some controls to trigger some more actions.
Is there a possibility to configure the bootstrapper so that the msi file is executed in 'UI'-mode?
In WiX v3, it is not possible. Burn explicitly shows internal UI only during initial install. WiX v4 changes how that works:

Remove Patched Product on Wix Bundle Uninstall

I have a bundle which installs two products: the application and a much larger resources installation.
For upgrades the application msi will apply a standard upgrade, but the resources installation gets patched instead. (Unfortunately this process started a while ago, so the patch chain is still built using Wix 3.0).
On uninstall of the bundle the application is fully and correctly uninstalled, but the patch only is removed, leaving the full install of whatever previous version of the resources existed (downgrade from to
Is there a method to force a full uninstall of the full product, rather than just the .msp patch, through the bundle?
Edit: Just to add, exposing the resources installation in Programs and Features and running an uninstall there will remove the entire product correctly as expected.
I think this could be a possible solution for you.
I just tested myself a very simple bundle with one MSI in it. What I did was have the main bootstrapper installer have the msi embedded in it an install it. The second bundle had a higher version and the exact same msi reference but I set compressed="no" in the <MsiPackage> tag. When I uninstalled the upgraded bundle it also removed the original MSI.
So I think you can get your bundle to properly remove the original "Resources" installation after you've upgraded and added a small msp. You just need to add back the <MsiPackage> to the bundle chain before the msp and set compressed="no"
<MsiPackage SourceFile="$(var.ResourcesInstaller.TargetPath)" Compressed="no"/>
The only caveat here is that the SourceFile should be the exact same msi that was included in your first install. When you install the upgrade, the burn engine should detect this msi as already installed so nothing would be needed to be done. When uninstalling, it will detect the msi as installed and should uninstall it.
I'm not completely sure this will work but it is something to try. Another nice thing about this is it will have virtually no impact on the size of your upgrade installers.

WIX Bootstrapper with individual upgraded msi won't uninstall

I have an wix bootstrapper that installs multiple msi's via chaining. One for the main app and others for plugins for the main application. The plugins version separately and their MSI could be upgraded during an autoupdate routine. The problem I have is that the uninstall on the bundle wont uninstall the MSIs for the plugins once they have been upgraded. Is it possible to set it up so that uninstalling the bootstrapper will uninstall the plugins regardless if they were upgraded?
For reference, I am always doing a major upgrade on each MSI.
Once a chained MSI is upgraded outside of the control of the WIX bootstrapper, un-installing the WIX bootstrapper will leave the upgraded MSI behind. This is by design. See the answer to How Wix bootstrapper uninstall msi package that has been upgraded for a more detailed explanation.

WiX installer - how can I remove installed application and re-install it at the same run

I have a custom installer based on WiX technology which is install several .vsix packages into Visual Studio.
If this packages are already installed, the installer offers to remove them. After the removal process is completed, the installer exits.
It's normal behaviour, but I need to offer the user re-install this packages (optionally) before exit. I mean optional mode to uninstall the previous version and install the new one (or the same) with a single run of the installer.
How to implement this in WiX ?
I suspect your custom installer could be made a little smarter. There are plenty of APIs (such as MsiQueryProductState) that will tell you if that exact ProductCode is installed, and ways to get the version (MsiGetProductInfo). My guess is that your custom installer is just firing off all the MSI installs without checking if they are already installed, hence the Remove prompts.
Your general plan should be to have some data available to your custom installer that it can use to find out what's already installed and what the versions are, and then compare these with what you are about to install. Use those APIs. If the product is already installed then skip the install. If you have a newer version (that you built with the WiX MajorUpgrade element) then just install it because it will replace the existing older one.
There's nothing I can think of in WiX that would automatically reinstall a product that your custom installer caused removal of by re-installing it and prompting the user to remove it, if that's what's going on.

WIX Bootstrapper - Selected MSI packages uninstallation

I have created a Wix custom bootstrapper application and bundle file using Wix 3.8. Bundle file contains five MSI packages. Created a setup and installed it. All MSI packages are installed and uninstalled correctly.
Then, I have include "InstallCondition" attribute in each MSI package elements in bundle file. Installed the setup based on the selection (installed three MSI packages). Installation working fine.
Now I want to uninstall any of selected MSI packages from installed packages (three packages installed) using custom BA.
Is it possible do the above using Wix CBA? Please share any idea regarding this.
You need to call Plan with the Modify action (or Uninstall if you want to uninstall the whole bundle). Then in the OnPlanPackageBegin callback, set the desired state of the package (Absent to uninstall). I think if the InstallCondition of a package evaluates to false during a Modify or Uninstall action, the engine would plan to uninstall it by default.