I am trying to convert this app I made from using GIF.js to using ffmpeg web assembly. The App is a serverless Vue 3 SPA that uses OpenLayers maps to create animations of weather data. I have the hardest time creating composed canvases, i.e. a canvas that is simply a map canvas and an info canvas stitched together. My latest version creates an image but GIF.js does not add it as a frame properly. Ideally I would love for someone to help me implement the most basic of examples which I will use to solve my problem because I can not connect the pieces by myself.
I am trying to figure out how to pass data between the theme-app-extension and the backend of the application that the theme-app-extension is connected to. The theme-app-extension is all liquid, css, and javascript so I wasn't sure if there was a built in way to pass data between the two. For example is there a suggested method to pull data into the theme-app-extension from the database and is there a suggested way to send data to the database from the code running the theme-app-extension? I am fairly new to doing anything with theme-app-extensions as well as building Shopify applications. I have built Shopify applications that was admin facing or just cosmetic, this is my first time building a Shopify application that takes user input and sends it to the database and retrieves that data for the end-user to see.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
I started working on Shopify App (Theme App Extension) a week ago
I run into the same problem, so I did consume API in a javascript file using Fetch
Here is an example of the code:
I add this into global.js file inside assets
And then I linked the script files inside my Liquid block
Also inside global.js, I did manipulate DOM by injecting data consumed from API, here is an example
Finally what I did is communicate directly with DOM to inject or retrieve data, then handle it using javascript
I hope this helps you
This is my first experience with Shopify too, and I was quite disappointed (lack of resources, docs, and community)
You usually (always) pass data from the front-end to the back-end using an App Proxy. There really is no other way at this time. The Proxy gives you an XHR call you can use, and you can return Liquid or JSON. Your choice.
I'm developing an Expo app which stores large amounts of users private data, currently only within the app. In order to allow the user to migrate their app data between devices, we need to store this in iCloud.
I'm currently unable to find documentation or article that explains how to do this.
Is it not currently possible for Expo to save data via the iCloud API?
there are some ways to save the data in the iCloud, one way you write ios native module
for iCloud API, then use it in the js. the detailed guide you can see here.
the other way is to search the third library which is used for react-native.for example:react-native-icloudstore. but it is old.
besides them, you can use CloudKit JS. use it in the native app webView.
you can go to the official site to learn it
In the end, if you can write native ios code, I suggest you use the first way. if you can not write it, you can search ios native relate library, then make your own
native module for ios
The past year, I've used Mapbox Studio to create Heatmaps of point and linestring geojson data using the "colorize-alpha" style type.
Now I'm developing a web application which replicates the same heatmap unctionality in the browser. I've tried the standard Mapbox API and the Mapbox GL API, however, neither seem to have the necessary functions implemented.
I see that I can upload my data to Mapbox's platform using the Amazon cloud. From there I can style the data layer in the same way as Mapbox Studio. However this is not nearly as scalable or simple of a solution as using the API or a plugin.
Is there a better way? Can I build this functionality using just the API's plus some additional leaflet plugins, or will I need to download a webserver copy of Tilemill?
I'll post code specifics as a next step if needed.
Thanks in advance.
I am aiming to build a project using the Express.Js engine and ember.js for the MVC structure.
I would like to know if anyone has any tips, or links to resources that can help me with setting up the file structure and how to integrate routing with the MVC.
We are using ember/express/node backed by riak, and in our solution the ember.js app will be talking to the express REST server. We're using this: https://github.com/nathanaschbacher/chinood
Basically the ember app downloads once and runs entirely in the client's browser, making api requests for data (from your express app) whenever needed. You can read about how ember data works here:
Depending on what data store you are using, you'll most likely need to have some representation of your models in both the express app and the ember app. Ember presents the models in a relational way, so the models that are built in the express app may be a bit different depending on the way you're actually storing the data.
Also, we're using iridium to keep our files separate and the project organized. Here's a link:
You can also have a look at Charles Jolley's convoy, which really nice integrates with Node (Better than Iridium, allowing you to easily share code [models, ...] between server & client sides).
(Sorry for the delay, but I think I finally come back with a good news :-)
I am new to flex and arcgis. I find this really confusing. I will try to explain my problem. I have installed arcgis server on my system and also have flex builder3 and arc_gis api for flex installed. There are some maps (.mxd files) created in arc map. When i tried to create a web application using arcserver it is taking lot of time to run in the browser. How can the flex api help me to run them faster.
Its not clear to me what are you trying to ask but Im going to try and answer anyway.
if by run you meant execute, apps made with the arcgis server manager are very javascript heavy, so maybe your pc is having a hard time executing code. Flash is not lightweight either, but its faster to use on a browser to scroll maps, zoom, etc.
If by run you meant load, then flash loads slower, a flex application is usually heavier than the default arcgis server app. Also some code is server side, but in flex only map querys are serverside.
And if by run you meant tiles take forever to load, you may be using dynamic layers. You should try to use cached tiles.
Another thing is that you must code a flex app, but a java/.net app is created with the arcgis server manager if you want.
Maybe if you write more especifically what are you trying to do I can help you better.