Mapbox - Create Colorize-Alpha Heatmap as Webapp - api

The past year, I've used Mapbox Studio to create Heatmaps of point and linestring geojson data using the "colorize-alpha" style type.
Now I'm developing a web application which replicates the same heatmap unctionality in the browser. I've tried the standard Mapbox API and the Mapbox GL API, however, neither seem to have the necessary functions implemented.
I see that I can upload my data to Mapbox's platform using the Amazon cloud. From there I can style the data layer in the same way as Mapbox Studio. However this is not nearly as scalable or simple of a solution as using the API or a plugin.
Is there a better way? Can I build this functionality using just the API's plus some additional leaflet plugins, or will I need to download a webserver copy of Tilemill?
I'll post code specifics as a next step if needed.
Thanks in advance.


Vue SPA serverless ffmpeg web assembly port question

I am trying to convert this app I made from using GIF.js to using ffmpeg web assembly. The App is a serverless Vue 3 SPA that uses OpenLayers maps to create animations of weather data. I have the hardest time creating composed canvases, i.e. a canvas that is simply a map canvas and an info canvas stitched together. My latest version creates an image but GIF.js does not add it as a frame properly. Ideally I would love for someone to help me implement the most basic of examples which I will use to solve my problem because I can not connect the pieces by myself.

Apple/Google Maps SDK for getting directions data

I am trying to build an iOS application that will basically give me distance and route to how to go from my current location to a specified destination.
Does Google Maps SDK or Apple Maps SDK expose such an API to get directions/navigation data without leaving the app?
I know Google Maps API has directions data REST API, however I was looking for more integrated solution that utilizes MapKit directly, if any. Thanks for reading so far.
As far as I know, Apple is not supporting GoogleMaps in MapKit. I used GoogleMaps, and I need to import all libraries and add the functionality by code.
But it supports Apple Maps.

How to create heat map with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Windows Store apps

I have downloaded the sample app of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Windows Store apps. It has one sample called "Dynamic Layers" which has four option. The third option is "Unique Value Renderer" which seems to be heat map. But that sample uses data from REST API.
So I want to show heat map with my own data. My data contains some stats respective to each countries. According to that data I want to produce heat map, how can I do that ?
I want to do something like this.
You will need to publish your data to an ArcGIS Server service, and change the layer ServiceUri to point to your ArcGIS Server service.
What format do you have your data right now? (or from what type of service is it coming?)
How to geoenrich applications with FeatureServices, Thanks to Antti Kajanus

Live Data Visualisation

I want to know if there is a simpler and quicker way to visualize dynamic data. The setup that I require is:
An admin web-interface with forms to feed data.
A public web-page with a table and few charts to display data dynamically.
Live and dynamic display of data.
I know python and I am currently learning django framework.
Solutions which don't require programming skills are also welcome.
Any CMS;
Take a look at google's visualization api.
Visualizing the data client-side requires the use of something along the lines of Raphaƫl or jqplot, which you can customize to your specific scenario. You can, however, opt to display charts using images and generate them on the server, then switch the images periodically in Javascript.
The other technical hurdle is the way you get data on the client. Typically, you can implement polling via AJAX (easier) or some push mechanism (Comet, for example, though harder and requires server-side specifics). When you get the data on the client, you simply change out the data on the chart or remove and recreate it. When using images, it is as simple as changing the src property on the images, but requires generating the images on the server.
Highcharts provides some really good examples.
Realtime Plot Highcharts
Mostly AJAX shall suffice,but in case you wish to have a tightly coupled system,using Django-chartit might also be an option
When I setout to something very similar, I found these very useful,
Admin theme : Look at these themes and relatively very inexpensive. Big time savers.
These themes already has some built-in graphs/charts. If you want something more complex, D3 JS impressed me. Also look at kendoUI and sencha UI charts.
You can ofcourse build your portal on django but I'm developing on ruby on rails. Good luck!
If you need live data visualization,the best solution is Google Public Data Explorer . But first of all ,you should learn about DSPL ,the Dataset Publishing Language describes how your data is organized and how you want to show your data(e.g,bar chart ,line chart ,bubble char or else)
you can upload your data via to upload your dataset
after you successfully upload your data,open it in your Public data adamin,explore the data,and you can get a link on the right ,you can embed the chart in your own website too
the chart is ilve,you can find some examples first,mostly,the x axis is by year,and you can describe it yourself
Here is a example of Google Public Data Explorer.

Integrate ESRI data with Mapstraction

Is it possible to integrate data from ESRI with Mapstraction. Do anyone got any idea in this area.
At this moment ArcGIS providers aren't supported by mapstraction. If you don't want to use the official javascript, flex or silverlight api from ESRI then you can use OpenLayers.