GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY not letting me build Electron Pacakge - npm

the problem
npm init -y
npm i path electron request http
npx electron-packager . --arch=ia32 --platform=win32 --out=release --electron-version=13.1.9
to build an electron project found in the current directory. Previous to reformatting my OS, I never had issues with this. However, now every time I execute these commands, after the last one electron-packager.
the error
In the console, I see Unsupported GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY configuration value: URL protocol must be "http:"
I cannot find any help on Google, or Stackoverflow about why this is occurring.
what i tried
I tried commenting out all parts of code in my relatively small project, to try to figure out what is giving me this issue.
I also tried repackaging the same project on my MacOS & Windows 10/11 machines, nothing works.
I am really frustrated/confused as to why this is happening, especially since I was able to use electron-packager a while back on the exact same project with no issues.
project dependencies

Actually this is a bug, has been fixed 5 hours ago (Mar 14, 2022, 9:55 PM GMT)
GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY configuration value: URL protocol must be http
Just do:
npm update


react-native-config not working (Empty Config in both OS)

I'm really struggling with what seems like a very primitive error. I have installed react-native-config and when console.logging the Config object it returns {}.
The problem occurs both on android and iOS and it doesn't seem to be a linking issue because (even though RN 71.3 doesn't require manual linking) when following the steps to link manually on android I got an error saying RNCConfigPackage already linked.
This is a simplified version of my code:
import Config from 'react-native-config';
And this is what my .env file looks like:
Debugging attempts
I have already tried:
Running gradlew clean and pod install (even though it's not a platform specific issue)
Run with ENVFILE=.env react-native run-android to hard code the env file
I understand that this is very limited information in order to debug the issue but any direction and help is appreciated including any approach you would follow to debug.
EDIT: The Config appeared in the end but is very late to update, an issue more people seem to be facing, I have used react-native-dotenv instead.

Vue Material postinstall failed

So I've been working on a Vue.js project for couple times now, and I am facing a problem I've never seen before.
Trying to git pull the project on another computer, or even downloading the project as a zip file, when it's time to npm install, vue-material module fails and the whole thing cannot be run.
It goes this way, with vie-material :
vue-material#1.0.0 postinstall C:\<my_things>\node_modules\vue-material
sh build/git-hooks/
Then I see this :
/usr/bin/bash: build/git-hooks/ No such file or directory
Then the modules' tree shows in the terminal, and at the end, I can see all the errors related to vue-material, with this statement :
Tell the author that this fails on your system:
sh build/git-hooks/
By the way, I tried to crate a brand new Vue project, and tried to add vue-material inside, no problem, so it has to do with my project.
Obviously though, /usr/bin/bash does not exist, since I'm running Windows 10.
Any knowledge on npm's installing routine ? I'm out of solution to try...
Can you share your package.json file?
I had this same problem just now and found that NPM could possibly be installing the incorrect version. Where I had "^vue-material": "1.0.0-beta-7" NPM was installing version 1.0.0 instead of 1.0.0-beta-7. If you remove the ^ then it may work for you. This is where I found the answer that helped me.
Well, after couple times figuring out what was wrong, I got this :
I tried to use yarn and it told me that my node version was too old (vue-material needed 7.0+ and my node was 6.9, or at least that is what yarn told me), so I got myself the 8.9.3 node.
After this I tried to use yarn again, and the error with that bash script showed again.... then I just tried to use npm install again, and it worked just fine...
I don't know about the bash script thing, but one thing to remember is to always check for node and npm's version when errors happend.... (and yarn looks very cool and simple imo ^^).
You kinda made me think about a version problem though, I got you that ! :D
Problem solved....

Publishing #progress/kendo-ui to nexus 3..5.1 npm pkg repository

We've migrated from Nexus 3.01.01 to 3.5.1-02. In the process we had to migrate internally published npms. One of those is the kendo-ui (commercial one) from Telerik/Progress. We have downloaded the licensed copy from Telerik and publishing it to our local nexus for consumption by our developers.
However the publishing fails with an error during payload parsing. I can publish the same tar without an issue to the older (3.01.01) nexus, so the tar/payload it self is OK.
The error seem to be at the point of trying to parse the npm payload. I can also publish a demo/simple npm (both scoped and non-scoped) without an issue. Spend the whole day trying to figure this out with no luck - appreciate any pointers or advice.
2017-09-06 18:49:09,160+0800 WARN [qtp762281666-4116] MIDALLE -
Failure servicing: PUT /repository/npm-hosted/#progress%2fkendo-ui
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected token VALUE_NULL at
[Source:; line: 1, column: 896] at
Here's the gist for the full error from the nexus log.
This issue was resolved in scope of
Fix Version/s:
There was a problem with parsing null values in package.json
I got this to work however I'm still trying to figure out the impact of the change. Please be cautious if you apply the same 'hack' to get this to work. I had to do this, because there was several other project teams that was getting affected.
In a nutshell I had to strip out few keys from the package.json of the kendo-ui package. My analysis is that these settings makes npm issue a network call that fails in our constraint environment.
The package.json keys that I removed are as follows.
First section
"_resolved": "",
"_shasum": "09a652ead21700716dd5a50f9e86e9bffcea640e",
"_shrinkwrap": null,
Second section
"dist": {
"shasum": "09a652ead21700716dd5a50f9e86e9bffcea640e",
"tarball": ""
I'd really appreciate if someone who know more about npm and npm definitions can inform the purpose of these settings in the package.json and potential impacts of removing them.

react-native init hangs/stalls with no error

New to react, working through a udemy tutorial on a Mac. Installed node ok but when I go to start a project
react-native init projectname
terminal output:
This will walk you through creating a new React Native project in /Users/myuserid/projects/projectname
Installing react-native package from npm...
and it just "hangs" there... seemingly frozen or chugging along. When I check Monitor it looks like Terminal is using 0% CPU. There is no indication (backslash flipping or otherwise) that it is processing.
Inside the projectname directory is a "package.json" file and a "node_modules" file with a bunch of subfiles.
I saw this post with a similar problem (, but doesn't look like there is a remedy. Is there any way to speed this up? How can I tell if it has stalled forever? Will this happen during every project init I do?
I'm not in China... I have fast internet... and I'm using NPM 3.3.12
Thank you!
I got the same issue , and i found the 1st comment on the question is useful .
Indeed , If no error, it means that it takes time to download dependencies.
You can track downloading by adding --verbose :
react-native init projectname --verbose
You will spend a long period to reach 50% of downloading.
Nevertheless, you might face the following error :
npm WARN react-native#0.34.0 requires a peer of react#~15.3.1 but none
was installed. npm verb exit [ 0, true ]
If so , check this thread .
I had the same problem while using an existing (empty) directory as App name
It worked as soon as I changed the App name to something new

Travis-CI not being able to load tv4

My project was passing on Travis till my last commit. After this commit, Travis says:
Error: Cannot find module 'tv4' (at
It has installed tv4#1.1.3 as part of the build (as seen at
In version 1.1.3 of tv4, the name field in package.json is "tv4" (, so I guess it's not a case issue.
I've tried rebuilding a number of times, but it hasn't helped. Running grunt test locally works perfectly.
Any ideas?
I have the same issue, but i managed to fix this when i changed package.json to the following:
{"main": "tv4.js"}
Instead of
{"main": "tv4.min.js"}
If you take a look at: