Expo apple sign in doesnt work in production - react-native

Trying to implement apple sign in in my expo managed project and the sign in doesnt work in production. I have followed all the documentations steps. Changed the bundle ID to the right one.
const handleAppleRegister = (dispatch) => async () => {
try {
// await firebase.auth().signOut() // sign out first
const nonce = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10);
return await Crypto.digestStringAsync(Crypto.CryptoDigestAlgorithm.SHA256, nonce)
.then((hashedNonce) =>
requestedScopes: [AppleAuthentication.AppleAuthenticationScope.FULL_NAME, AppleAuthentication.AppleAuthenticationScope.EMAIL],
nonce: hashedNonce
.then((appleCredential) => {
const { identityToken } = appleCredential;
const provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('apple.com');
const credential = provider.credential({
idToken: identityToken,
rawNonce: nonce
return Firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential).then(async resp => {
const currentUserUID = resp.user.uid;
const db = firebase.firestore();
email: resp.additionalUserInfo.profile.email,
uid: resp.user.uid,
await AsyncStorage.setItem('status', 'apple');
dispatch({ type: 'handleAppleRegister', payload: 'apple' });
.catch((error) => {
// ...
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ERR_CANCELED') {
// handle that the user canceled the sign-in flow
} else {
// handle other errors
I've searched every where for a solution but with no luck. Anyone knows what is missing here


In reactnative expo I tried using secureStore from expo in redux to save token the one I get from api

I tried using redux to save token the one I get from api in react native ..its working now.
First one is for settoken and other one is for gettoken.
enter image description here
export const verifyOTP = (formValues, actions) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const url = `/validate-otp`;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("mobile", formValues.mobile);
formdata.append("otp", formValues.otp);
const response = await api.post(url, formdata);
type: "VERIFY_OTP",
payload: response,
await SecureStore.setItemAsync("userToken", response.data.access_token);
export const checkUser = () => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const token = await SecureStore.getItemAsync("userToken");
const url = `/me`;
const response = await api
.post(url, { token })
.then((res) => {
return res;
.catch((error) => {
return error.response;
type: "CHECK_USER",
payload: response,
The Problem
you are mixing two different implementations in checkUser to handle a promise which is clearly incorrect and leads to the issues.
The Solution
since your other parts of codes use the async/await so try to remove then/catch block from the response constant:
const checkUser = () => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const url = '/me';
try {
const token = await SecureStore.getItemAsycn("userToken);
const response = await api.post(url, {token})
dispatch({type: "CHECK_USER", payload: response})
} catch (error) {
// to proper action on failure case
Note 1: always use async/await in try/catch block. more on MDN documentation.
since you are trying to call two async actions (once for getting token and once for calling '/me' API), I encourage you to use two different try/catch blocks to handle the failure case for each async action separately. for example:
const checkUser = () => {
return async (dispatch) => {
let token = null;
try {
token = await SecureStore.getItemAsync("userToken");
} catch (err) {
// proper action in case of failure on getting the token from storage
// you may need to ignore API calls without the token, so:
try {
const url = '/me';
const response = await api.post(url, {token});
dispatch({type: "CHECK_USER", payload: response});
} catch (err) {
// take proper action with the error response according to your applicaiton

onRemoteStreamListener doesn't get triggered on the Initiator's Side (Web App)

I am trying to build a video chat application between 2 users using the sdk provided by Connecty Cube everything works fine so far till.
User 1 (caller) : initiates the call
User 2 (opponent) : receives the call and accepts it
User 1 & User 2 : should get a call back function onRemoteStreamListener in order to start the Video Session between them
What actually happens User 2 only gets the Event for OnRemoteStreamListener and could view/hear User 1, while onRemoteStreamListener doesn't get triggered in User 1 side. I am not sure what is the problem as I have been going through the documentation provided by Connecty Cube and having it as my reference for the integration
link: https://developers.connectycube.com/js/videocalling?id=accept-a-call
ConnectyCube SDK Version : 3.9.1
Here are samples for the code:
User 1 (Caller Code)
async startVideoSession() {
try {
const {
getters: {
} = this.$store;
const patientConnectyCubeUserResponse = await dispatch(
sessionInfo: getConnectyCubeSessionInfo,
email: getSelectedVideoAppointement.patient.email
const doctorConnectyCubeUserResponse = await dispatch(
sessionInfo: getConnectyCubeSessionInfo,
email: getUserData.email
const {
Credentials: { appId }
} = connectyCubeClient;
const client = new ConnectyCube();
await client.init({ appId, token: getConnectyCubeSessionInfo.token });
await client.createSession({
login: ########,
password: ##########
const token = client.service.sdkInstance.session.token;
await client.chat.connect({
userId: doctorConnectyCubeUserResponse.user.id,
password: token
const isConnected = await client.chat.isConnected;
if (isConnected) {
const calleesIds = [patientConnectyCubeUserResponse.user.id]; // User's ids
const sessionType = client.videochat.CallType.VIDEO; // AUDIO is also possible
const additionalOptions = { bandwidth: 256 };
const session = await client.videochat.createNewSession(
const mediaParams = {
audio: true,
video: true,
options: {
muted: true,
mirror: true
await session
.then(localStream => {
session.attachMediaStream("doctor-video", localStream);
const extension = {};
session.call(extension, error => {
.catch(err => {
console.log("last console.log");
client.videochat.onAcceptCallListener = this.onAcceptCallListener;
// client.videochat.onUserNotAnswerListener = function(session, userId) {
// console.log("call refused");
// };
client.videochat.onSessionConnectionStateChangedListener = function(
) {
console.log("Connection state => \n", connectionState);
client.videochat.onRemoteStreamListener = this.OnRemoteStreamListener;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERRRRRROR", err);
OnRemoteStreamListener(session, userId, remoteStream) {
// attach the remote stream to DOM element
console.log("STREAM FROM DOCTOR");
session.attachMediaStream("patient-video", remoteStream);
User 2 (opponent code)
async initalizeConnectyCube() {
const {
getters: { getPatientData }
} = this.$store;
const client = new ConnectyCube();
const { Credentials, Config } = connectyCubeClient;
await client.init(Credentials, Config);
const sessionInfo = await client.createSession();
await client.init({ appId: Credentials.appId, token: sessionInfo.token });
const sessionStatus = await client.createSession({
login: ########,
password: ########
const token = client.service.sdkInstance.session.token;
await client.chat.connect({
userId: sessionStatus.user.id,
password: token
const isUserConnected = await client.chat.isConnected;
if (isUserConnected) {
client.videochat.onCallListener = this.handleOnCallListener;
client.videochat.onRemoteStreamListener = this.handleOnRemoteStreamListener;
handleOnRemoteStreamListener(session, userID, remoteStream) {
// attach the remote stream to DOM element
console.log("STREAM FROM CALLER");
session.attachMediaStream("patient-video", remoteStream);

Login state management and cache for React Native with Apollo client

I'm learning graphQL with React native and using the apollo client. I'm experimenting with some code that has a simple login screen and I'm trying to check my understanding of the cache. My graphql client code is below. By turning on the debug for the persistCache I see the line when use CMD + R to reload an iOS simulator with expo. This suggests the cache is working.
[apollo-cache-persist] Restored cache of size 29
My question is what else is needed to complete the overall process of not needing to login again? I assume I need to maintain state on whether it's logged in and not show the login screen. I'm after some examples which show this.
const retryLink = new RetryLink({
delay: {
initial: 300,
max: 5000,
jitter: true
attempts: {
max: Infinity,
retryIf: (error = {}) => {
return error.statusCode > 299 || !error.statusCode
const formatObject = data => _.isObject(data) ? JSON.stringify(data) : data;
const formatGraphQLError = err =>
`Message: ${err.message}, Location: ${formatObject(
const errorLink = onError(({ networkError = "", graphQLErrors = [] } = {}) => {
if (networkError)
console.log(`[Network Error]: ${networkError}`);
if (graphQLErrors.length)
graphQLErrors.map(formatGraphQLError).forEach(err => console.log(`[GraphQL Error]: ${err}`))
const authLink = setContext(async (_, { headers }) => {
const token = await Auth.token();
if (token)
return {
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
else return { headers };
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: Config.apiUrl
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
// Set up cache persistence.
storage: AsyncStorage,
trigger: 'background',
debug: true
const logLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
console.log("Running GraphQL query or mutation");
return forward(operation);
//-- Combine the links in your required order.
let _notifications = 42;
const client = new ApolloClient({
resolvers: {
Query: {
permission: async (_, { type }) => await Permissions.askAsync(type),
token: async () => await Auth.token(),
notifications: () => _notifications
Mutation: {
login: async (_, { email, password }) => {
return await Auth.login(email, password)
updateNotifications: async (_, { notifications }) => _notifications = notifications
link: ApolloLink.from([
export default client;

Jest testing of async middleware for authentication

I'm using a static array to scaffold a user table, prior to refactoring with actual postgres db and some fetch()-ing code. At present, the tests work, but obviously they are working synchronously. Here's the placeholder API code:
// UserAPI.js
let findUserById = (credentials = {}) => {
const { userId } = credentials
if (userId) {
const foundUser = users.find(user => user.id === userId)
if (foundUser !== undefined) {
const { password: storedpassword, ...user } = foundUser
return user
return null
exports.byId = findUserById
And an example test as follows:
// excerpt from TokenAuth.test.js
const UserAPI = require('../lib/UserAPI')
describe('With TokenAuth middleware', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should add user to req on authorised requests', () => {
const token = createToken(fakeUser)
const authReq = { headers: { authorization: 'Bearer ' + token } }
const myMiddleware = TokenAuth(UserAPI.byId)
myMiddleware(authReq, fakeRes, fakeNext)
// expect(authReq.user).toStrictEqual({ id: 1, username: 'smith#example.com' });
This runs fine, and along with other tests gives me the coverage I want. However, I now want to check that the tests will deal with the async/await nature of the fetch() code I'm going to use for the proper UserAPI.js file. So I re-write the placeholder code as:
// UserAPI.js with added async/await pauses ;-)
let findUserById = async (credentials = {}) => {
const { userId } = credentials
// simulate url resolution
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)) // avoid jest open handle error
if (userId) {
const foundUser = users.find(user => user.id === userId)
if (foundUser !== undefined) {
const { password: storedpassword, ...user } = foundUser
return user
return null
exports.byId = findUserById
... at which point I start getting some lovely failures, due I think it's returning unresolved promises.
My problem is two-fold:
How should I alter the UserAPI.test.js tests to deal with the new async nature of findUserByCredentials() ?
Am I ok in my assumption that ExpressJS is happy with async functions as request handlers? Specifically, due to the async nature ofUserAPI.findUserByCredentials is this ok?
Main App.js uses curried UserAPI.byId() for the findUserById.
// App.js (massively simplified)
const express = require('express')
const TokenAuth = require('./middleware/TokenAuth')
const RequireAuth = require('./middleware/RequireAuth')
const UserAPI = require('./lib/UserAPI')
let router = express.Router()
const app = express()
app.use('/users', UserRouter)
module.exports = app
My TokenAuth middleware would now run along these lines:
// TokenAuth.js (simplified)
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const signature = process.env.SIGNATURE
let TokenAuth = findUserById => async (req, res, next) => {
let header = req.headers.authorization || ''
let [type, token] = header.split(' ')
if (type === 'Bearer') {
let payload
try {
payload = jwt.verify(token, signature)
} catch (err) {
let user = await findUserById(payload)
if (user) {
req.user = user
} else {
module.exports = TokenAuth
A partial answer us simply to add an async/await on the middleware call:
it('should add user to req on authorised requests', async () => {
const token = createToken(fakeUser)
const authReq = { headers: { authorization: 'Bearer ' + token } }
const myMiddleware = TokenAuth(UserAPI.byId)
await myMiddleware(authReq, fakeRes, fakeNext)
// expect(authReq.user).toStrictEqual({ id: 1, username: 'smith#example.com' });

react-native-linkdin-login is not working in ios?

I am using react-native-linkdin-login library to support linkding sigin in my application.It is working properly in android but in iOS it always ask to download an application rather than application already exist in device and redirect to the APP store. When I open and login to linkdin account, I can't come back to my react-native application, with user profile details.
Give me any suggestion as soon as possible.
async componentWillMount() {
async handleLinkedinLogin(){
LinkedinLogin.login().then((user) => {
this.setState({ user : user });
}).catch((e) => {
var err = JSON.parse(e.description);
alert("ERROR: " + err.errorMessage);
alert('Error', e);
return true;
getUserProfile(user) {
LinkedinLogin.getProfile().then((data) => {
const userdata = Object.assign({}, this.state.user, data);
this.setState({ user: userdata });
const Email = userdata.emailAddress;
const Fullname = userdata.firstName+' '+userdata.lastName;
const SocialAppId = userdata.id;
const SignupType = 'Linkedin';
alert("Please wait....")
}).catch((e) => {