onRemoteStreamListener doesn't get triggered on the Initiator's Side (Web App) - vue.js

I am trying to build a video chat application between 2 users using the sdk provided by Connecty Cube everything works fine so far till.
User 1 (caller) : initiates the call
User 2 (opponent) : receives the call and accepts it
User 1 & User 2 : should get a call back function onRemoteStreamListener in order to start the Video Session between them
What actually happens User 2 only gets the Event for OnRemoteStreamListener and could view/hear User 1, while onRemoteStreamListener doesn't get triggered in User 1 side. I am not sure what is the problem as I have been going through the documentation provided by Connecty Cube and having it as my reference for the integration
link: https://developers.connectycube.com/js/videocalling?id=accept-a-call
ConnectyCube SDK Version : 3.9.1
Here are samples for the code:
User 1 (Caller Code)
async startVideoSession() {
try {
const {
getters: {
} = this.$store;
const patientConnectyCubeUserResponse = await dispatch(
sessionInfo: getConnectyCubeSessionInfo,
email: getSelectedVideoAppointement.patient.email
const doctorConnectyCubeUserResponse = await dispatch(
sessionInfo: getConnectyCubeSessionInfo,
email: getUserData.email
const {
Credentials: { appId }
} = connectyCubeClient;
const client = new ConnectyCube();
await client.init({ appId, token: getConnectyCubeSessionInfo.token });
await client.createSession({
login: ########,
password: ##########
const token = client.service.sdkInstance.session.token;
await client.chat.connect({
userId: doctorConnectyCubeUserResponse.user.id,
password: token
const isConnected = await client.chat.isConnected;
if (isConnected) {
const calleesIds = [patientConnectyCubeUserResponse.user.id]; // User's ids
const sessionType = client.videochat.CallType.VIDEO; // AUDIO is also possible
const additionalOptions = { bandwidth: 256 };
const session = await client.videochat.createNewSession(
const mediaParams = {
audio: true,
video: true,
options: {
muted: true,
mirror: true
await session
.then(localStream => {
session.attachMediaStream("doctor-video", localStream);
const extension = {};
session.call(extension, error => {
.catch(err => {
console.log("last console.log");
client.videochat.onAcceptCallListener = this.onAcceptCallListener;
// client.videochat.onUserNotAnswerListener = function(session, userId) {
// console.log("call refused");
// };
client.videochat.onSessionConnectionStateChangedListener = function(
) {
console.log("Connection state => \n", connectionState);
client.videochat.onRemoteStreamListener = this.OnRemoteStreamListener;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERRRRRROR", err);
OnRemoteStreamListener(session, userId, remoteStream) {
// attach the remote stream to DOM element
console.log("STREAM FROM DOCTOR");
session.attachMediaStream("patient-video", remoteStream);
User 2 (opponent code)
async initalizeConnectyCube() {
const {
getters: { getPatientData }
} = this.$store;
const client = new ConnectyCube();
const { Credentials, Config } = connectyCubeClient;
await client.init(Credentials, Config);
const sessionInfo = await client.createSession();
await client.init({ appId: Credentials.appId, token: sessionInfo.token });
const sessionStatus = await client.createSession({
login: ########,
password: ########
const token = client.service.sdkInstance.session.token;
await client.chat.connect({
userId: sessionStatus.user.id,
password: token
const isUserConnected = await client.chat.isConnected;
if (isUserConnected) {
client.videochat.onCallListener = this.handleOnCallListener;
client.videochat.onRemoteStreamListener = this.handleOnRemoteStreamListener;
handleOnRemoteStreamListener(session, userID, remoteStream) {
// attach the remote stream to DOM element
console.log("STREAM FROM CALLER");
session.attachMediaStream("patient-video", remoteStream);


authorization header undefined, empty

Can you explain what I'm doing wrong, I don't understand why my header is empty. Login is working but when I trigger the me query it's not working, not authenticated appear and if I console log this it's undefined.
How to keep the user logged, and be able to acces the data ?
Here is my code, if you know what's wrong.
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import express from 'express';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { PrismaClient } from '#prisma/client';
import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
const JWT_SECRET = 'abc123';
const typeDefs = `
type User {
id: ID
username: String
type Query {
me: User
type Mutation {
signup(username: String!, password: String!): User
login(username: String!, password: String!): User
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async me(_, __, context) {
// Check if the request has a valid JWT
const auth = context.req.headers.authorization;
if (!auth) {
throw new Error('Not authenticated');
// Get the user ID from the JWT
const token = auth.split('Bearer ')[1];
const { userId } = jwt.verify(token, JWT_SECRET);
// Retrieve the user from the database
return context.prisma.user({ id: userId });
Mutation: {
async signup(_, { username, password }, context) {
// Hash the password
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);
// Create a new user in the database
const user = await context.prisma.user.create({
data: {
password: hashedPassword,
// Create a JWT for the new user
const token = jwt.sign({ userId: user.id }, JWT_SECRET);
return { token, ...user };
async login(_, { username, password }, context) {
// Retrieve the user from the database
const user = await context.prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
username: username,
if (!user) {
throw new Error('Invalid login');
// Compare the provided password with the hashed password
const valid = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error('Invalid login');
// Create a JWT for the user
const token = jwt.sign({ userId: user.id }, JWT_SECRET);
return { ...user, token };
const main = async () => {
const app = express();
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: ({ req }) => ({ req, prisma }),
await server.start();
server.applyMiddleware({ app });
app.listen(4000, () =>
console.log(`GraphQL server running on http://localhost:4000`)
main().catch((err) => {

Expo apple sign in doesnt work in production

Trying to implement apple sign in in my expo managed project and the sign in doesnt work in production. I have followed all the documentations steps. Changed the bundle ID to the right one.
const handleAppleRegister = (dispatch) => async () => {
try {
// await firebase.auth().signOut() // sign out first
const nonce = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10);
return await Crypto.digestStringAsync(Crypto.CryptoDigestAlgorithm.SHA256, nonce)
.then((hashedNonce) =>
requestedScopes: [AppleAuthentication.AppleAuthenticationScope.FULL_NAME, AppleAuthentication.AppleAuthenticationScope.EMAIL],
nonce: hashedNonce
.then((appleCredential) => {
const { identityToken } = appleCredential;
const provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('apple.com');
const credential = provider.credential({
idToken: identityToken,
rawNonce: nonce
return Firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential).then(async resp => {
const currentUserUID = resp.user.uid;
const db = firebase.firestore();
email: resp.additionalUserInfo.profile.email,
uid: resp.user.uid,
await AsyncStorage.setItem('status', 'apple');
dispatch({ type: 'handleAppleRegister', payload: 'apple' });
.catch((error) => {
// ...
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ERR_CANCELED') {
// handle that the user canceled the sign-in flow
} else {
// handle other errors
I've searched every where for a solution but with no luck. Anyone knows what is missing here

Expo React native asks for location permissions in simulator but not in built app

App has been working fine for a while but now it's not prompting users for location permission which results in the features using location failing. On both simulator and physical device running expo go, the user is prompted to give permission to location data. (both iOS and Android) All other permissions it needs it asks for (push, camera and calendar)
export default function CheckIn(props) {
const { todayEvents } = useSelector(({ checkin }) => checkin);
const [venueIdd, setVenueId] = useState(0);
const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false);
const [status, setStatus] = useState(null);
const [backgroundLocationPermission, setBackgroundLocationPermission] =
const dispatch = useDispatch();
TaskManager.defineTask("updateLocation", ({ data: { locations }, error }) => {
if (error) {
dispatch(sendBackgroundLocation(locations[0].coords, venueIdd));
async function registerBackgroundFetchAsync() {
return BackgroundFetch.registerTaskAsync(BACKGROUND_FETCH_TASK, {
minimumInterval: 60 * 15, // 15 minutes
stopOnTerminate: false, // android only,
startOnBoot: true, // android only
async function unregisterBackgroundFetchAsync() {
return BackgroundFetch.unregisterTaskAsync(BACKGROUND_FETCH_TASK);
React.useEffect(() => {
const askPermission = async () => {
let getForeground = await Location.getForegroundPermissionsAsync();
if (getForeground.status !== "granted") {
let { status } = await Location.requestForegroundPermissionsAsync();
if (status !== "granted") {
Alert.alert("Permission to access location was denied");
} else {
let backgroundPermissions =
await Location.requestBackgroundPermissionsAsync();
if (backgroundPermissions.status == "granted") {
await AsyncStorage.setItem("background_permission", "true");
}, []);
const checkIn = async (index) => {
let temp = [...todayEvents];
temp[index].isCheckedIn = true;
const backgroundStatus = await AsyncStorage.getItem(
// if (backgroundStatus !== null) {
Location.startLocationUpdatesAsync("updateLocation", {
timeInterval: 120,
distanceInterval: 0.01,
foregroundService: {
notificationTitle: "Company title",
"Information in body",
accuracy: Location.Accuracy.Highest,
}).then((response) => {
// console.log("RESPONSE LOCATION", response);
// }
setTimeout(() => {
const stopped = Location.stopLocationUpdatesAsync("updateLocation");
}, 43200000);
let { coords } = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync();
dispatch(userCheckIn({ lat: coords.latitude, long: coords.longitude }));
const checkOut = async (index) => {
const stopped = Location.stopLocationUpdatesAsync("updateLocation");
let temp = todayEvents;
temp[index].isCheckedIn = false;
//dispatch(userCheckOut()); // This is what I commented out
// And the two rows below is added
let { coords } = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync();
dispatch(userCheckOut({ lat: coords.latitude, long: coords.longitude }));
const review = (index, value) => {
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
}, 1500);
let temp = todayEvents;
temp[index].review = value;
From the app.json following iOS Location permissions are defined:
And for Android:
There's a scenario when the user recently choose the NEVER ASK AGAIN option for that permission. The next time the app attempt to ask it, the request resolves in denied status silently without launching the request permission popup modal.
If this is the case, the app can force the user to grant permission manually in app settings
You can handle this situation like this
const permission = await Location.getForegroundPermissionsAsync();
// Detect if you can request this permission again
if (!permission.canAskAgain || permission.status === "denied") {
* Code to open device setting then the user can manually grant the app
* that permission
} else {
if (permission.status === "granted") {
// Your actually code require this permission
While the solution above doesn't work, Review this ongoing issue in Expo SDK 44 - https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/15273

Testing authentication with Auth0 in a full stack application with Cypress

I’m working on a full-stack NestJS application, integrating with Auth0 using the express-openid-connect library. I’m using Cypress for e2e tests, and I’m trying to find a way of testing my login using Cypress.
I found this article - https://auth0.com/blog/end-to-end-testing-with-cypress-and-auth0/, but it seems to be very much tied to a React application. I’m calling the /oauth/token API endpoint, and I get a response, but I’m unsure how to build out my callback URL to log me in to the application. Here’s what I have so far:
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
cy.session('logged in user', () => {
const options = {
method: 'POST',
url: `${Cypress.env('OAUTH_DOMAIN')}/oauth/token`,
body: {
grant_type: 'password',
username: Cypress.env('AUTH_USERNAME'),
password: Cypress.env('AUTH_PASSWORD'),
scope: 'openid profile email',
audience: `${Cypress.env('OAUTH_DOMAIN')}/api/v2/`,
client_id: Cypress.env('OAUTH_CLIENT_ID'),
client_secret: Cypress.env('OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET'),
cy.request(options).then((response) => {
// What do I do here?
Any pointers would be gratefully recieved!
I ended up sorting this out by using Puppeteer to handle my login, stopping at the point of redirection to the callback URL and returning the cookies and callback URL to Cypress, as detailed in this article:
Things have changed a bit since then, and with the introduction of Cypress's experimentalSessionSupport it's a bit simpler. I ended up whittling the solution down to having the following in my Cypress setup:
// cypress/plugins/auth0.js
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const preventApplicationRedirect = function (callbackUrl) {
return (request) => {
const url = request.url();
if (request.isNavigationRequest() && url.indexOf(callbackUrl) === 0)
request.respond({ body: url, status: 200 });
else request.continue();
const writeUsername = async function writeUsername({ page, options } = {}) {
await page.waitForSelector('#username');
await page.type('#username', options.username);
const writePassword = async function writeUsername({ page, options } = {}) {
await page.waitForSelector('#password', { visible: true });
await page.type('#password', options.password);
const clickLogin = async function ({ page } = {}) {
await page.waitForSelector('button[type="submit"]', {
visible: true,
timeout: 5000,
const [response] = await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }),
return response;
exports.Login = async function (options = {}) {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: options.headless,
args: options.args || ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'],
const page = await browser.newPage();
try {
await page.setViewport({ width: 1280, height: 800 });
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', preventApplicationRedirect(options.callbackUrl));
await page.goto(options.loginUrl);
await writeUsername({ page, options });
await writePassword({ page, options });
const response = await clickLogin({ page, options });
if (response.status() >= 400) {
throw new Error(
`'Login with user ${
} failed, error ${response.status()}`,
const url = response.url();
if (url.indexOf(options.callbackUrl) !== 0) {
throw new Error(`User was redirected to unexpected location: ${url}`);
const { cookies } = await page._client.send('Network.getAllCookies', {});
return {
callbackUrl: url,
} finally {
await page.close();
await browser.close();
// cypress/plugins/index.js
const auth0 = require('./auth0');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
require('dotenv').config({ path: '.env.test' });
config.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN = process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN;
config.env.AUTH_USERNAME = process.env.AUTH_USERNAME;
config.env.AUTH_PASSWORD = process.env.AUTH_PASSWORD;
on('task', {
LoginPuppeteer(options) {
return auth0.Login(options);
return config;
// cypress/support/commands.js
const { getUnixTime } = require('date-fns');
* Create the cookie expiration.
function getFutureTime(minutesInFuture) {
const time = new Date(new Date().getTime() + minutesInFuture * 60000);
return getUnixTime(time);
* Create a cookie object.
* #param {*} cookie
function createCookie(cookie) {
return {
name: cookie.name,
value: cookie.value,
options: {
domain: `${cookie.domain.trimLeft('.')}`,
expiry: getFutureTime(15),
httpOnly: cookie.httpOnly,
path: cookie.path,
sameSite: cookie.sameSite,
secure: cookie.secure,
session: cookie.session,
* Login via puppeteer and return the redirect url and cookies.
function login() {
return cy.task('LoginPuppeteer', {
username: Cypress.env('AUTH_USERNAME'),
password: Cypress.env('AUTH_PASSWORD'),
loginUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/login',
callbackUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/callback',
* Login with Auth0.
Cypress.Commands.add('loginAuth0', () => {
cy.session('logged in user', () => {
login().then(({ cookies, callbackUrl }) => {
.forEach((c) => cy.setCookie(c.name, c.value, c.options));
You can then use cy.loginAuth0() in your app to login with a real Auth0 instance. Make sure you have "experimentalSessionSupport": true in your cypress.json. That way you'll only have to perform this (admittedly long winded) task only once in your test suite!

Apollo subscriptions JWT authentication

I am using Robin Wieruch's fullstack boilerplate but it is missing authentication for subscriptions. It uses JWT token for sessions and it is working fine for http but for ws auth is completely missing.
I need to pass user trough context for subscriptions as well, I need session info in subscriptions resolver to be able to decide weather I should fire subscription or not.
I did search Apollo docs, I saw I should use onConnect: (connectionParams, webSocket, context) function, but there is no fully functional fullstack example, I am not sure how to pass JWT from client to be able to get it in webSocket object.
Here is what I have so far:
import express from 'express';
import {
} from 'apollo-server-express';
const app = express();
const getMe = async req => {
const token = req.headers['x-token'];
if (token) {
try {
return await jwt.verify(token, process.env.SECRET);
} catch (e) {
throw new AuthenticationError(
'Your session expired. Sign in again.',
const server = new ApolloServer({
introspection: true,
typeDefs: schema,
subscriptions: {
onConnect: (connectionParams, webSocket, context) => {
context: async ({ req, connection }) => {
// subscriptions
if (connection) {
return {
// how to pass me here as well?
// mutations and queries
if (req) {
const me = await getMe(req);
return {
secret: process.env.SECRET,
server.applyMiddleware({ app, path: '/graphql' });
const httpServer = http.createServer(app);
const isTest = !!process.env.TEST_DATABASE_URL;
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
const port = process.env.PORT || 8000;
httpServer.listen({ port }, () => {
console.log(`Apollo Server on http://localhost:${port}/graphql`);
const httpLink = createUploadLink({
uri: 'http://localhost:8000/graphql',
fetch: customFetch,
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({
uri: `ws://localhost:8000/graphql`,
options: {
reconnect: true,
const terminatingLink = split(
({ query }) => {
const { kind, operation } = getMainDefinition(query);
return (
kind === 'OperationDefinition' && operation === 'subscription'
const authLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
operation.setContext(({ headers = {} }) => {
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
if (token) {
headers = { ...headers, 'x-token': token };
return { headers };
return forward(operation);
const errorLink = onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
if (graphQLErrors) {
graphQLErrors.forEach(({ message, locations, path }) => {
console.log('GraphQL error', message);
if (message === 'UNAUTHENTICATED') {
if (networkError) {
console.log('Network error', networkError);
if (networkError.statusCode === 401) {
const link = ApolloLink.from([authLink, errorLink, terminatingLink]);
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const client = new ApolloClient({
You need to use connectionParams to set the JWT from the client-side. Below is the code snippet using the angular framework:
const WS_URI = `wss://${environment.HOST}:${environment.PORT}${
const wsClient = subscriptionService.getWSClient(WS_URI, {
lazy: true,
// When connectionParams is a function, it gets evaluated before each connection.
connectionParams: () => {
return {
token: `Bearer ${authService.getJwt()}`
reconnect: true,
reconnectionAttempts: 5,
connectionCallback: (error: Error[]) => {
if (error) {
inactivityTimeout: 1000
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink(wsClient);
In your server-side, you are correct, using onConnect event handler to handle the JWT. E.g.
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: contextFunction,
introspection: true,
subscriptions: {
onConnect: (
connectionParams: IWebSocketConnectionParams,
webSocket: WebSocket,
connectionContext: ConnectionContext,
) => {
console.log('websocket connect');
console.log('connectionParams: ', connectionParams);
if (connectionParams.token) {
const token: string = validateToken(connectionParams.token);
const userConnector = new UserConnector<IMemoryDB>(memoryDB);
let user: IUser | undefined;
try {
const userType: UserType = UserType[token];
user = userConnector.findUserByUserType(userType);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
const context: ISubscriptionContext = {
// pubsub: postgresPubSub,
subscribeUser: user,
locationConnector: new LocationConnector<IMemoryDB>(memoryDB),
return context;
throw new Error('Missing auth token!');
onDisconnect: (webSocket: WebSocket, connectionContext: ConnectionContext) => {
console.log('websocket disconnect');
server-side: https://github.com/mrdulin/apollo-graphql-tutorial/blob/master/src/subscriptions/server.ts#L72
client-side: https://github.com/mrdulin/angular-apollo-starter/blob/master/src/app/graphql/graphql.module.ts#L38