TypeError: descriptor 'lower' for 'str' objects doesn't apply to a 'list' object - tokenize

I wanna stemming my dataset. Before stemming, I did tokenize use nltk tokenize
You can see the output on the pic
Col Values
But when i do stemming, it return error :
TypeError Traceback (most recent call
<ipython-input-102-7700a8e3235b> in <module>()
----> 1 df['Message'] = df['Message'].apply(stemmer.stem)
2 df = df[['Message', 'Category']]
3 df.head()
5 frames
packages/Sastrawi/Stemmer/Filter/TextNormalizer.py in
3 def normalize_text(text):
----> 4 result = str.lower(text)
5 result = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9 -]', ' ', result, flags =
6 result = re.sub(r'( +)', ' ', result, flags =
TypeError: descriptor 'lower' requires a 'str' object but received a
Hope all you guys can help me


AttributeError: 'ArrayView' object has no attribute 'A1'

I have to import a processed h5ad file, but it seems that X has been passed as a numpy array instead of a numpy matrix. See below:
# Read the data
data_path = "/home/bbb5130/snOMICS/maria/msrna.h5ad"
adata = sn.pp.read_h5ad(data_path, pr_process="Yes")
But the output was:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [15], line 3
1 # Read the data
2 data_path = "/home/bbb5130/snOMICS/maria/msrna.h5ad"
----> 3 adata = sn.pp.read_h5ad(data_path, pr_process="Yes")
4 adata
File ~/miniconda3/envs/snOMICS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scanet/preprocessing.py:54, in Preprocessing.read_h5ad(cls, filename, pr_process)
51 return sc.read_h5ad(filename)
52 else:
53 # initial preprocessing as it is required later
---> 54 return cls._intial(adata)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/snOMICS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scanet/preprocessing.py:35, in Preprocessing._intial(adata)
33 adata.var['mt'] = adata.var_names.str.startswith('MT-')
34 mito_genes = adata.var_names.str.startswith('MT-')
---> 35 adata.obs['percent_mito'] = np.sum(adata[:, mito_genes].X, axis=1).A1 / np.sum(adata.X, axis=1).A1
36 sc.pp.calculate_qc_metrics(adata, qc_vars=['mt'], percent_top=None, inplace=True)
37 sc.pp.filter_cells(adata, min_genes=0)
AttributeError: 'ArrayView' object has no attribute 'A1'
Is there anyway I can change the format, so the file can be read?
Thanks in advance.

Pandas function with 2 arguments to find threshold

I need to find people with greater or equal to threshold gain =>
dataframe contains column 'capitalGain' with different values 10,20,30,50,1000,5000,10000 ...etc
I try :
def get_num_people_with_higher_gain(dataframe, threshold_gain)
threshold_gain = dataframe["capitalGain"][dataframe["capitalGain"] >= threshold_gain].count()
return threshold_gain
Call function
df = get_num_people_with_higher_gain(dataframe, threshold_gain)
But I get the following error message:
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-50-5485c90412c8> in <module>
----> 1 df = get_num_people_with_higher_gain(dataframe, threshold_gain)
2 threshold = get_num_people_with_higher_gain(dataframe, threshold_gain)
NameError: name 'dataframe' is not defined
Since there are 2 arguments in the function (dataframe, threshold_gain), does it mean that both should be somehow defined within the function ?
Here is the solution
def get_num_people_with_higher_gain(dataframe, threshold_gain):
result = len(dataframe[dataframe["capitalGain"] >= threshold_gain])
return result
result = get_num_people_with_higher_gain(dataframe,60000)

Error : len() of unsized object - Wilconox signed-rank test

I am running Wilconox signed-rank test on the dataset which looks like :
df = {'Year': ['2019','2018','2017', ....], 'Name':{jon, tim, luca,...}, 'SelfPromotion': [1,0,1,...]}
the script is as follows:
import pandas
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
data1 = df['SelfPromotion']=1
data2 = df['SelfPromotion']=0
print(mannwhitneyu(data1, data2))
this gives me the following error:
TypeError: len() of unsized object
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-e49d9838e5ac> in <module>
3 data1 = data['SelfPromotion']=1
4 data2 = data['SelfPromotion']=0
----> 5 print(mannwhitneyu(data11, data22))
~/opt/anaconda3/envs/shityaar/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/stats.py in mannwhitneyu(x, y, use_continuity, alternative)
6391 x = np.asarray(x)
6392 y = np.asarray(y)
-> 6393 n1 = len(x)
6394 n2 = len(y)
6395 ranked = rankdata(np.concatenate((x, y)))
TypeError: len() of unsized object
I have tried every possible solution for this error by looking at similar questions but unfortunately, no solution could get it to work. I would appreciate some help.
mannwhitneyu expects array like parameters and you are passing integers as args, hence the failure.
Do something like this:
In [26]: data1 = df['SelfPromotion'] == 1
In [28]: data2 = df['SelfPromotion'] == 0
In [31]: mannwhitneyu(data1, data2)
Out[31]: MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=3.0, pvalue=0.30962837708843105)

While removing html text from column, object of type 'float' has no len() error is occuring

I am using an amazon dataset to do sentiment analysis. Dataset content is
dataset con be found on:
I am trying to remove html from Review column.
This is what I am doing. Note: dataset is assigned to df.
df_removedNoise = []
def removingHTML(text):
soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml').get_text()
return soup
def removingNoise(text):
html_removed = removingHTML(text)
return html_removed
for i in df["Reviews"]:
text = removingNoise(i)
Even though Reviews column has object as a datatype, I am still getting an error like.
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-83-3591f5d7a54f> in <module>
10 for i in df["Reviews"]:
---> 11 df_removedNoise.append(removingNoise(i))
<ipython-input-83-3591f5d7a54f> in removingNoise(text)
6 def removingNoise(text):
----> 7 html_removed = removingHTML(text)
8 return html_removed
<ipython-input-83-3591f5d7a54f> in removingHTML(text)
1 df_removedNoise = []
2 def removingHTML(text):
----> 3 soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml').get_text()
4 return soup
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bs4/__init__.py in __init__(self, markup, features, builder, parse_only, from_encoding, exclude_encodings, **kwargs)
244 if hasattr(markup, 'read'): # It's a file-type object.
245 markup = markup.read()
--> 246 elif len(markup) <= 256 and (
247 (isinstance(markup, bytes) and not b'<' in markup)
248 or (isinstance(markup, str) and not '<' in markup)
TypeError: object of type 'float' has no len()
Any help will be appreciated!
Check for NaN with df[df['Reviews'].isnull()], if you find any try to dropna first

how to fix the calculation error which says 'DataFrame' object is not callable

im working on football data set and this is following error im getting. please help,
#what is the win rate of HomeTeam?
n_matches = df.shape[0]
n_features = df.shape[1] -1
n_homewin = len(df(df.FTR == 'H'))
win_rate = (float(n_homewin) / (n_matches)) * 100
print ("Total number of matches,{}".format(n_matches))
print ("Number of features,{}".format(n_features))
print ("Number of maches won by hom team,{}".format (n_homewin))
print ("win rate of home team,{:.2f}%" .format(win_rate))
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-122-7e4d81fc684e> in <module>
5 n_features = df.shape[1] -1
----> 7 n_homewin = len(df(df.FTR == 'H'))
9 win_rate = (float(n_homewin) / (n_matches)) * 100
TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not
expected result should print the team winning ratio
I think problem is with (), need [] for filter by boolean indexing:
n_homewin = len(df[df.FTR == 'H'])
Or simplier count Trues values by sum:
n_homewin = (df.FTR == 'H').sum()
you should modify it to df[df.FTR == 'H']. The parentheses imply a function call