Api to delete all subjects at one go in confluent schema registry - confluent-schema-registry

Does confluent schema registry facilitates an API to delete all subjects at one go. I'm aware confluent provides deletion with respect to specific subjects.


Can MuleSoft API/Anypoint copy data from one database's table to another database's table without any additional step (any custom code)?

I have two SQL server databases (DB-A and DB-B) located on two different severs in same network.
DB-A has a table T1 and I want to copy data from DB-A's Table T1 (source) to DB-B's Table T2 (Destination). This DB sync should take palace anytime any record in T1 is added, updated, and deleted.
Please note: All db to db data syc options are out of consideration, I must use MuleSoft API for this job.
I am new to MuleSoft and its offered products, I am told mule soft platform can help with building and managing API’s.
I explored web for MuleSoft offering, there are many articles (mentioned below) which are suggesting that MuleSoft itself can read and write from one DB table and write to another DB table (using DB connectors etc).
Is it possible that MuleSoft itself can get this data sync job done without us writing own MuleSoft API invoker or MuleSoft API Consumer (to trigger MuleSoft API from one end or to receive data from MuleSoft API on the other end and write to DB table)?
What are all key steps to get this data transfer working? If you can provide any reference which shows step by step journey to achieve the goal will be huge help.
First let's clarify the terminology since the questions mixes several concepts in a confusing way. MuleSoft is a company that has several products that may apply. A MuleSoft API should be considered an API created by MuleSoft. Since you clearly are talking about APIs created by you or your organization that would be an incorrect description. What you are talking about are really Mule applications, which are applications that are deployed and executed in a Mule runtime. Mule applications may implement your APIs, or may implement integrations. After all Mule originally was an ESB product used to integrate other systems, before REST APIs where a thing. You may deploy Mule applications to Anypoint Platform. Specifically to the CloudHub component of the platform, or to an on-prem instance of Mule runtime.
In any case, a Mule application is perfectly capable of implementing APIs, integrations or both. There is no need that it implements an API or call another API if that is not what you want. You need to trigger the flow somehow, either reading directly from the database to find new rows, with a scheduler to execute a query at a given time, an HTTP request or even have an API listening for requests to trigger the flow.
As an example the application can use the <db:listener> source of the Database connector to start the flow fetching rows. You need to take care of any watermark columns configurations to detect only new rows. See the documentation https://docs.mulesoft.com/db-connector/1.13/database-documentation#listener for details.
Alternatively you can trigger the flow in another way and just use a select operation.
After that use DataWeave to transform the records as needed. Then use insert or update operations.
There are examples in the documentation that can help you to get started. If you are not familiar with Mule you should start with reading the documentation and do some training until you get the concepts.

Sending data using Avro objects, is there an advantage to using schema registry?

I have an application where I generate avro objects using an AVSC file and then produce using them objects. I can consumer then with the same schema in another application if I wish by generating the pojos there. This is done with an Avro plugin. The thing I noticed is that the schema doesn't exist in the schema registry.
I think if I change my producer type/settings it might create it there (I am using kafka spring). Is there any advantage to having it there, is what I am doing at the minute just serialization of data, is it the same as say just creating GSON objects from data and producing them?
Is it bad practice not having the schema in the registry?
To answer the question, "is there an advantage" - yes. At the least, it allows for other applications to discover what is contained in the topic, whether that's another Java application using Spring, or not.
You don't require the schemas to be contained within the consumer codebase
And you say you're using the Confluent serializers, but there's no way to "skip" schema registration, so the schemas should be in the Registry by default under "your_topic-value"

Deletion and cleanup in Redis

Say I maintain a set to define membership for "articles" in "tag" groups.
If I delete an article, is it up to me to manually cleanup any references to the article in sets, or any sets that are specifically associated with the now-deleted article?
Yes it is. The reference you are referring to is only exists at the application level. Redis does not provide support for reference nor cascading actions. So you need to handle it in your application manually.

How to model the domain with Amazon S3

Lets say I have an Illustration entity which is an aggregate root. That entity contains some data about the artwork and is persisted in a SQL database while the artwork itself is persisted on Amazon S3. Also, I would want to save some scaled-down or thumbnail versions of the artwork so I introduced a Blob entity in many-to-one relationship with Illustration for representing the binary data of the artwork in various versions.
Now I wonder how should i design the persistence of Blobs. Amazon S3 is a kind of database (please don't start the flame what is a true database here ;) ), just different than SQL and I think that it should be abstracted like so, that means by a Repository. So I would have a BlobRepository where I could store artwork data. On the other hand - in this domain Blob is definitely not an aggregate root - it is always used as a part of Illustration aggregate. So it should't have its own repository.
So maybe Amazon S3 should not be treated as a persistence technology, but rather as a generic external service, next to EmailSender, CurrencyConverter etc.? If so, where should I inject this service? Into Illustration entity methods, IllustrationsRepository, application service layer?
First of all when dealing with DDD there is no many-to-one or any RDBMS concepts, because in DDD the db does not exist, everyhthing is sent to a Repository. If you're using an ORM, know that the ORM entities are NOT Domain entities, they are Persistence objects.
That being said, I think the Illustration Repository should abstract both the RDBMS and S3. These are persistence implementation details, the repo should deal with them. Basically the repo will receive the Illustration AR, which will be saved partly in RDBMS and partly as a blob in S3.
So the Domain doesn't know and shouldn't know about Amazon S3, maybe tomorrow you'll want to use Azure Db, why should the Domain care about it?. It's the Repository's responsibility to deal with it.

Is this a good use-case for Redis on a ServiceStack REST API?

I'm creating a mobile app and it requires a API service backend to get/put information for each user. I'll be developing the web service on ServiceStack, but was wondering about the storage. I love the idea of a fast in-memory caching system like Redis, but I have a few questions:
I created a sample schema of what my data store should look like. Does this seems like it's a good case for using Redis as opposed to a MySQL DB or something like that?
schema http://www.miles3.com/uploads/redis.png
How difficult is the setup for persisting the Redis store to disk or is it kind of built-in when you do writes to the store? (I'm a newbie on this NoSQL stuff)
I currently have my setup on AWS using a Linux micro instance (because it's free for a year). I know many factors go into this answer, but in general will this be enough for my web service and Redis? Since Redis is in-memory will that be enough? I guess if my mobile app skyrockets (hey, we can dream right?) then I'll start hitting the ceiling of the instance.
What to think about when desigining a NoSQL Redis application
1) To develop correctly in Redis you should be thinking more about how you would structure the relationships in your C# program i.e. with the C# collection classes rather than a Relational Model meant for an RDBMS. The better mindset would be to think more about data storage like a Document database rather than RDBMS tables. Essentially everything gets blobbed in Redis via a key (index) so you just need to work out what your primary entities are (i.e. aggregate roots)
which would get kept in its own 'key namespace' or whether it's non-primary entity, i.e. simply metadata which should just get persisted with its parent entity.
Examples of Redis as a primary Data Store
Here is a good article that walks through creating a simple blogging application using Redis:
You can also look at the source code of RedisStackOverflow for another real world example using Redis.
Basically you would need to store and fetch the items of each type separately.
var redisUsers = redis.As<User>();
var user = redisUsers.GetById(1);
var userIsWatching = redisUsers.GetRelatedEntities<Watching>(user.Id);
The way you store relationship between entities is making use of Redis's Sets, e.g: you can store the Users/Watchers relationship conceptually with:
SET["ids:User>Watcher:{UserId}"] = [{watcherId1},{watcherId2},...]
Redis is schema-less and idempotent
Storing ids into redis sets is idempotent i.e. you can add watcherId1 to the same set multiple times and it will only ever have one occurrence of it. This is nice because it means you don't ever need to check the existence of the relationship and can freely keep adding related ids like they've never existed.
Related: writing or reading to a Redis collection (e.g. List) that does not exist is the same as writing to an empty collection, i.e. A list gets created on-the-fly when you add an item to a list whilst accessing a non-existent list will simply return 0 results. This is a friction-free and productivity win since you don't have to define your schemas up front in order to use them. Although should you need to Redis provides the EXISTS operation to determine whether a key exists or a TYPE operation so you can determine its type.
Create your relationships/indexes on your writes
One thing to remember is because there are no implicit indexes in Redis, you will generally need to setup your indexes/relationships needed for reading yourself during your writes. Basically you need to think about all your query requirements up front and ensure you set up the necessary relationships at write time. The above RedisStackOverflow source code is a good example that shows this.
Note: the ServiceStack.Redis C# provider assumes you have a unique field called Id that is its primary key. You can configure it to use a different field with the ModelConfig.Id() config mapping.
Redis Persistance
2) Redis supports 2 types persistence modes out-of-the-box RDB and Append Only File (AOF). RDB writes routine snapshots whilst the Append Only File acts like a transaction journal recording all the changes in-between snapshots - I recommend adding both until your comfortable with what each does and what your application needs. You can read all Redis persistence at http://redis.io/topics/persistence.
Note Redis also supports trivial replication you can read more about at: http://redis.io/topics/replication
Redis loves RAM
3) Since Redis operates predominantly in memory the most important resource is that you have enough RAM to hold your entire dataset in memory + a buffer for when it snapshots to disk. Redis is very efficient so even a small AWS instance will be able to handle a lot of load - what you want to look for is having enough RAM.
Visualizing your data with the Redis Admin UI
Finally if you're using the ServiceStack C# Redis Client I recommend installing the Redis Admin UI which provides a nice visual view of your entities. You can see a live demo of it at: