I am trying to connect Neo6 GPS module to Rpi3. GPS module is blinking but not receiving any data - gps

I am trying to connect Neo6 GPS module to Rpi3. I referred this link https://sparklers-the-makers.github.io/blog/robotics/use-neo-6m-module-with-raspberry-pi/, but I am unable to receive data from GPS module
I made sure serial is enabled with sudo raspi-config. but still it is not receiving data.


Facing issue to connect with GPSD with UART

We connected L89 GNSS module to processor via UART. I may running gpsmon and gpspipe commands on board but but not getting NMEA logs. But when we were connected L89 to processor via USB, that time I am getting NMEA logs on gpsmon and gpspipe, what is issue with UART?
I edit /etc/default/gpsd file.
# Default settings for gpsd.
# Please do not edit this file directly - use `dpkg-reconfigure gpsd' to
# change the options.
START_DAEMON="true" command to continue
but I am not getting NMEA data using gpsd...

Unable to instantiate the chaincode in muticloud setup

I am trying to achieve the multicloud architecture. My network has 2 peers, 1 orderer and a webclient. This network is in Azure. I am trying to add a peer from Google Cloud Platform to the channel of Azure. For this, I created a crypto-config for 3rd peer from Azure webclient. But in the crypto-config, I made the changes like peers in Azure have their own certificates while for the 3rd peer, I placed the newly created certificates. Now I can install, instantiate, invoke and do queries in the peers(1 and 2). And I can install the chaincodes in 3rd peer. But I am unable to instantiate the chaincodes.
Getting the following error: Error: could not assemble transaction, err proposal response was not successful, error code 500, msg error starting container: error starting container: Post http://unix.sock/containers/create?name=dev-(CORE_PEER_ID)-documentCC-1: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
Can anyone guide me on this.
Note: All the peers, orderer, webclient are running in different vm(s)
It doesn’t matter how many places your solution is deployed
The problem is you are running docker by using sudo command try to add docker to sudo group
Below block will help you out
To learn more concept about docker.sock
You can refer to my answer in another Can anyone explain docker.sock

Bluetooth Mesh provisioning using Meshctl: "connect" not working

I am able to provision, configure and control using BlueZ's meshctl tool on Raspberry Pi3. However, after restarting meshctl, or using "disconnect", I am not able to control my device. I tried the "connect" command after restarting meshctl, but it only starts discovery it seems. Is there any way to retain the control after restarting meshctl? Here is a snippet of my logs:
[meshctl]# connect 0 0100
Looking for node id 0100 on network with net index 0000
SetDiscoveryFilter success
Discovery started
Adapter property changed
[CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:46:C1:29 Discovering: yes
I am assuming the arguments for connect command are network key index which is 0 and Unicast address of the node to connect to which is 0100.
If it helps, going to onoff menu and trying to control gives the error "Failed to AcquireWrite". And BlueZ version is 5.50.
Thanks in advance!

Using 'connmanctl config' to set static IP without wired connection

I am currently using 'connmanctl config' to set static and DHCP settings with a wired connection. I'm curious if anyone has been successful with applying settings with the wire unplugged?
I would typically use 'connmanctl services' for a list of services then perform a string.match(blah, "ethernet_%w+_cable") to use that wired service name. I have been able to find and apply that service name with the ethernet cable unplugged BUT now when using 'connmanctl config':
connmanctl config ethernet_f8dc7a04ea82_cable --ipv4 manual --nameservers
I get this error:
Error ethernet_f8dc7a04ea82_cable: Method "SetProperty" with signature "sv" on interface "net.connman.Service" doesn't exist
As you can see I have the service applied to the command and this is the same service name as when the cable is plugged in. This feature would be nice for equipment that needs to be pre-programmed before reaching the customer. I have also researched this error but can't find it being an issue with others the same as it is with my situation. Have also read many blogs, articles, etc...on trying to achieve this with nothing that jumps out at me.
...Any ideas ?
I had to perform this action via back-end with the code that I am using to configure. Just an example...settings are applied to /var/lib/connman/ethernet_?????cable/settings. I created the adapter name with the MAC address because it does not exist until the network is detected, created the directory /ethernet?????_cable then created an empty settings file on the fly. When programming and saving the settings via the equipment I am using I just insert the settings manually. When a network cable is plugged in and detected the settings you have applied work wonderfully.

OpenGTS platform

I have been currently working with OpenGTS platform, I would like to help me with something.
I want to connect a GPS to the platform is the "GPS TRACKER 103ab" this GPS works under the protocol "TK-103". To see if they could help me connect this device to the platform. I followed the documentation to activate the devicenter code heree through SMS to my cell with commands like:
Begin123456 = to start the device.
IMEI123456 = so that the device will return the 15 digits.
adminip123456 = 8080 to set the ip + port that I am using.
The problem is that still can not get connect with the platform, help me.
Protocol "TK-103"
You can use Traccar GPS server to receive data from your device and integrate it with OpenGTS if you want to access the data from OpenGTS web interface. Traccar supports more communication protocols than OpenGTS.
The correct command to set ADMINIP is :
adminip123456 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] [xxxx]
where the first field is the IP address of your server, must be an address public and accessible from the outside.
and the second field (note that they are only separated by a space) is the port where the server expects the connection , the default is 31272 for tk10x protocol. NEVER 8080 , this is the port where Tomcat listens.
After setting the ' adminp ' , use the command:
to start position reports every minute.
it is also necessary to set the APN,APNuser,APNpassword from the mobile service provider's of the device.
use the commands:
apn123456 datos.personal.com
apnuser123456 gprs
apnpasswd123456 gprs
(This is an example using the appropriate data to the service provider's Personal.ar)