Capture the time taken by the jobstream to complete - tws

Could someone help me with the command to find the start time and end time of a jobstream.
I am aware that the jobs have this info, but I am looking out for time taken by jobstream.


How do I add hours/minutes to the local time

I've been working on a quick app to do a little math from user inputs that gives me the total of units left to produce, what I'd like is to be able to display what time it would be finished. The issue I'm having is figuring out how to add the number from the hours left to the local time and receive an end time. I'm working in Kotlin.

Pandas Date Time

This is the data recording reported by sensor and its being updated in every 20mins
Sensor Reading
In this case, I would like to find out the outage time period. Anyone can suggest on how to find the outage time. Like in the picture shown above that the down time occurs at 40 minutes long.

Calculate total running time and pause time

Calculate total running time and pause time
I have table as shown in attached image.
Transaction Status meaning : 3= start, 6= pause, 5=stop
I need running time & pause time for batch run template id
Notes :
Transaction can be paused and resumed multiple times as shown in image
STOP can occure only once and can occur after the pause transaction or start transaction
if a transaction started but not paused and stopped system should pick up the current date to calculate
Here is my answer to very same problem. Please check this, and slightly modify by your needs :)

Simple Evaluation to run a step once a week only?

I want to run a Job that, if it is the first time running the Job this week, it will go trough an extra step. I found that I can do this evalution with Simple Evaluation but I can't find how to make this 'once a week'check.
Anyone have any idea how can I make this?
do this
create new transformation, use get System info step and in type, select "first day of this week", check your date with this column and if equal, run your main using job executor else run the other one.

time spent actuals

I would like to be able to copy the total "Time Spent" from a Task on the Time sheet to the Task "Actual" field. This way I can use the Time Sheet to enter the time I've spent on a task and see the value (in the form of the "Actual" column) on the Team Status page. Suggestions the best way to tackle this? I'm new to the Rally APIs so not sure where to start.
The Time Spent field only exists on the Task Detail Page. It is not actually stored in the on the object and thus not returned in the WSAPI. If you wanted to update the Actual value for a task you would have to sum up the hours field on the TimeEntryValue.
My recommendation would be to use a fetch that looks something like
That would give you everything you need in one query.