Is there a way to restrict dashboard view in AWS CloudWatch? - amazon-cloudwatch

As a developer, I want to see if I can restrict the view of AWS Dashboards based on your role and team. As of now, all dashboard are visible and accessible for all users who share same AWS account.
I looked at the options AWS currently have on their platform under Actions, and it seems like you can share the dashboard, but that's not what I'm looking for.
I want the user to go to AWS Systems Manager>Dashboard by CloudWatch and see the dashboard they are eligible to see. For example, if you are from group A, you will see Tomato dashboard, and if you are from group B, you will see Pineapple dashboard.
Is there a way to do that? Or it's not something that AWS is supporting as of now?
If there's no direct way to achieve this within CloudWatch Dashboard service, what other routes you suggest?


Google UAC - Queries

As you know that in the Google UAC there is linkless campaign. Then how can we use Branch Attribution? I mean my major agenga here is to get a postback to our database on which campaign is resulting in which sorts of user. Please help me here
Google UAC are definitely linkless campaigns but Branch offers a seamless integration here in order to help you track and attribute to monitor your marketing channels.
You would need to connect your Branch dashboard to your admin google adwords account with the respective link ids created for the app to be tracked.
You have to import the events to Google Adwords conversions, and align the attribution windows and timezone as per your Branch dashboard.
Post integration and setup, Branch will automatically track and attribute events to Google Adwords as per last touch attribution logic. You will be able to see campaign level data as well on dashboard.
Requesting you to refer to our documentation for a better understanding on the same :

Salesforce Analytics API runningUser

I want to be able to retrieve my dashboard resource through analytics api but setting the query parameter runningUser as another user id, that way get different result depending on the user running the dashboard. From salesforce documentation analytics api dashboard results resource looks like it should work but it doesn't, each time I make a request the dashboard is ran by the user set from the platform UI without respecting the query param.
Endpoint: /vXX.X/analytics/dashboards/dashboardID?runningUser=runningUserID&filter1=filter1ID&filter2=filter2ID&filter3=filter3ID
Did someone face the same issue? maybe I am missing something.
Preview config from the dashboard edit page, mark the following checkboxes : 'The dashboard viewer' and 'Let dashboard viewers choose whom they view the dashboard as' that way the query parameter 'runningUser' will take effect when running dashboards.

Disallow sharing Google Mobile Developer Services data with Google after allowed

When creating a new app on, I got the following to check or uncheck:
Share your Google Mobile Developer Services data with Google to help
improve Google's products and services. This includes sharing with
Google technical support, account specialists, and anonymous data for
benchmarking. If you disable this option, data can still flow to other
Google products that are explicitly added.
Unfortunately I accidentally checked the field/allowed sharing.
How can I disable/disallow it now after project is already created? Does anybody know how to do that?
Nothing is explicitly stated on which service this data sharing will be applied. However, just doing a quick search of that statement points to it being used for Analytics only.
And if you want to turn the data sharing off for Analytics, you can refer to this help doc:
Change your data sharing settings
You need edit permission to use this feature.
You must customize your data sharing settings when you sign up for an Analytics account, but you can return to the Admin section of an account and change the settings any time.
To change the data sharing settings:
Sign in to Google Analytics.
Select the Admin tab and navigate to the account you want to edit.
In the ACCOUNT column, click Account Settings.
Edit any setting and click Save.
If you just intend to use the project for GCM, I think it doesn't really matter if you allow it or not.

Google Analytics - Service Account and Segments

I've created an app for Google Analytics in the API console. I am trying to list out custom segments that have been created, but have noticed that I cannot view existing Segments that have been created.
I followed this example: Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?
For instance, I log in to my google analytics account, grant access to a profile, then in the google analytics profile, I create a sample segment.
Calling this:
I would expect to see my "test segment" but don't see it.
Is there an additional step that I would need to grant my service account the ability to see the custom segments setup?
This example here shows the custom segments:
I am hoping someone can clarify the workflow. Thanks!
Since segments are tied to google accounts, not service accounts, they aren't available. It's best to grab segment definitions using the web server workflow, or use dynamic filters instead of segments.

Is there a way to pull out AWS EC2 bill usage ? Does amazon provide us with any REST API to get this data

We would like to manage AWS users billing cycles. Does AWS provide an API to get this informtation programmatically ?
Using Cloudwatch, you can get Billing Alerts. You will be notified by SNS when your billing gets above your defined limits. Read more about this in this blog post or in the documentation. Of course you can also use the CloudWatch API to get custom reports using this data.