Disallow sharing Google Mobile Developer Services data with Google after allowed - google-cloud-messaging

When creating a new app on https://developers.google.com/mobile/add?platform=android&cntapi=gcm, I got the following to check or uncheck:
Share your Google Mobile Developer Services data with Google to help
improve Google's products and services. This includes sharing with
Google technical support, account specialists, and anonymous data for
benchmarking. If you disable this option, data can still flow to other
Google products that are explicitly added.
Unfortunately I accidentally checked the field/allowed sharing.
How can I disable/disallow it now after project is already created? Does anybody know how to do that?

Nothing is explicitly stated on which service this data sharing will be applied. However, just doing a quick search of that statement points to it being used for Analytics only.
And if you want to turn the data sharing off for Analytics, you can refer to this help doc:
Change your data sharing settings
You need edit permission to use this feature.
You must customize your data sharing settings when you sign up for an Analytics account, but you can return to the Admin section of an account and change the settings any time.
To change the data sharing settings:
Sign in to Google Analytics.
Select the Admin tab and navigate to the account you want to edit.
In the ACCOUNT column, click Account Settings.
Edit any setting and click Save.
If you just intend to use the project for GCM, I think it doesn't really matter if you allow it or not.


Whatsapp Cloud API can go live on production

I have successfully setup my account on whatsapp developer app by meta and can send messages to 5 free users. Now the question is how can I go live with the app. I have no verified business manager account, is that necessary?
What will I need to do after verification of business account? Do I need to generate permanent access token and it would work fine?
Plus I need to know how can I send messages to groups on whatsapp?
Yes, you need to become a verified business account and all would work as you saw with the demo account, with no restriction on the number of destinations.
First 1000 conversations/month it's free, you can check details here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/pricing/
Bear in mind, you will NOT be able to message groups with the WA Cloud API. If you need to, you will need to rely on custom APIs that do that. There are some available, see the one shown here:

Google Developers Console - Oauth consent screen configuration doesn't save the input

I'm trying to connect my application with Google calendar to receive data. I registered a new application in Google Developers Console, activated Google Calender API and tried to configure the Oauth consent screen.
There I selected my email address, entered a product name and tried to save it.
What it says:
Sorry, there’s a problem. If you entered information, check it and try again. Otherwise, the problem might clear up on its own, so check back later.
What's my mistake here? By Google it is not the best failure description. I also can not find anything else about it in the internet, only that some one suggested to enter a billing account, what I don't want. Any ideas?
I signed out of all Google accounts, signed back in, and then it worked.
I meet the some problem.
I used google cloud with two accounts, i guess there is conflict with two accounts. I clean the chrome browser history and cache , then the problem is solved.
If anyone is here within this last week in 2020, this is a GSuite bug that's being tracked here -
No one has been able to update or create add-ons. Clearing cache, incognito - none of it has any effect here. Just have to wait for the devs.

https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/ not connected. retrying

I am trying to work out query access to the Google Analytics API. I am not a developer and so progressing via the developer route is currently not an option (notes - https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/coreDevguide).
I have been looking at setting up with BigQuery, but am struggling to check that I can query in the web interface because it will not load for me.
I am logged in with the account that I am using to access our company URL (I can access this perfectly well using the GA interface).
I can also query the http://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/explorer/ interface successfully.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to go the whole hog and set up the bigquery billing (I am hesitant to do this since I want to prove the concept first).
If you cannot access https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/, then I would work with your system administrator to verify that you have network connectivity to that web site.
If you can access the BigQuery UI, then you can follow the Sign Up for BigQuery instructions to enable the UI for you. You do not need to sign up for billing to run a few queries over the public sample tables, but you do need to sign up for billing if you want to load your own data into the system and to significantly increase your query quota limits.
As to BigQuery integration with Google Analytics Premium (see the blog post for background on this feature), you need to request this integration through Google Analytics Premium. Please contact your Google Analytics Premium customer support.

Google Tasks API authorization

I can see many related questions on SO, but none that answers exactly what I'm confused with.
I'm using Google Calendar API in a .NET desktop application that allows user to provide his/her username/password, logs in on his behalf and adds some events to the calendar. Now I want to do exactly the same thing for Tasks feature. I'm trying to use Google Tasks API for this, but have been told that I need to do some OAuth kind of authentication, and even before that, I need to go to my gmail account and set permissions and get my project "key" to enable it.
Now does every user of my application need to do these steps in their Gmail account? Or do I need to do this in MY gmail account once and then my application code will be able to use the generated project "key" to enable my users to add tasks to THEIR gmail tasks list?
Figured it out. For anyone having a hard time understanding this, here it is:
The "key" generation step needs to be done only once per application, not for each user who's going to use your application. To generate a key, login to your Google Account and go to Google APIs Console page. Click API Access button and that's where you can generate keys for different kinds of applications like browser apps, desktop apps, Android apps etc. After registration, you'll need to take Client ID, Client secret and API key from this page and put them into the code. Sample code (.NET) for task creation and several other Google features is available here.
Once your user runs your application, he'll be taken to his Google account in his default browser where he'll be asked if he wants to allow this application to write to his calendar/tasks list. This page will display your logo and description text too that you can provide at registration time. Once allowed, this step won't be required again in the next one hour (this may be adjustable, i don't know yet).

Is it possible to update the Profile image when updating the Google Apps Profile image

The Google Apps API allows companies to make custom integrations into the mail environment. One of the things possible is to use the Profile API to keep contact information up to date. Now that our users are starting to explore the use of Google+ and Hangouts, there comes a need to keep information in sync there too.
One of the key features of the Profile API is the ability to update the profile image (detailed here: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/profiles/#AddUpdating_photo). However, this API doesn't connect back into the Google+ platform by default so the profile images for the organization are getting out of sync.
Is it possible to set it up such that when one image is updated, the corresponding Google+ account's image is updated as well?
Currently, there is not an API for updating the Google+ profile image or other profile data.