Getting a Google Site on a GoDaddy Domain - godaddy-api

I have purchased a domain on GoDaddy, but I would like to build the site on Google Sites. I've followed the Google Site instructions to add a code to the DNS at GoDaddy, but it hasn't worked. GoDaddy's response was:
"Ask Google to provide or add google DNS record which will point the GoDaddy domain to their hosting. Usually hosting providers provide either A record or nameservers"
I don't know what this means - could anyone point me in the right direction?


Unable to enforce https for github pages with Godaddy domain

GH-pages tells me the domain is not eligible for HTTPS at this time. I am wondering how do I enable this with a Godaddy purchased domain? My site is connected and running properly, but I cannot get HTTPS to work. I have also checked that there are no mixed-asset types in my index.html
I figured out that in the DNS records that are automatically configured with the GoDaddy domain, you must remove that A Record that has the value of park.

Getting 'SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN' error after deploying site using Surge to a custom domain

I'm using to deploy a simple react app to a custom domain i bought from
I've followed the instructions regarding custom domains on their site and get a confirmation that my site was deployed successfully:
On GoDaddy I've configured the CNAME and A types to point to Surge:
However when I open up the domain at I receive an error message with error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN
I'm quite new to hosting sites on custom domains, so I'm sure I've misunderstood something. The certificate registered on the site is provided by
What configuration steps can I take to resolve this issue? Do I need to create a new certificate to be signed by a CA in order to use this domain, or have I missed something in my deployment?
SSl with surge comes out of the box with * domains. For these domains you can force a redirect of http to https. However, for custom domains surge does not offer SSL as stated explicitly here and they mentioned that it is a feature of surge plus. To answer your Q, yes you could generate a certificate using some provider (e.g. and add it to surge but that would be within the frame of surge plus (not the free tier anymore).
I would try if I were you maybe s3 with cloudfront? it does not cost that much if the traffic is not that high.

Https for Aruba domain hosted on google cloud platform

Hi I have a domain on aruba, hosting is an instance of compute engine on google cloud platform.
I managed to point the domain to hosting by setting two A records from Aruba in DNS management
At this point how do I activate https for the domain in question?
The best way to achieve this and enable HTTPS for your website, would be using LetsEncrypt which is a free, automated and open Certificate Authority (CA). Through their website, you can navigate to the documentation where explains how it works, how to use it and provides useful information.
But probably StackOverflow is not the best place to ask this question. It's better to ask in the ServerFault site since it's a server and not coding problem.

https redirect only works sometimes

There are two domain names: long (example: short (
The 301 redirect works correctly from EXISTING links from various web sites (from when the site had no ssl).
The redirect domain name appears but gives a "insecure site" warning and it appears as
The primary domain name does not show up in google listings at all.
I have validated the full domain name with google and provided a new sitemap to google.
The sitemap submission is not showing any errors. DNS for primary domain name shows it is fully propagated.
The link that appears in google is not the primary domain but the forwarded domain name with an "s" added to the http - selecting that link brings to you a "insecure site" warning screen.
What am I doing wrong?
It appear that your SSL certificat is maybe not valid or generated and auto-signed by your server. You have to use a SSL certificate certified by high autority trusted domain. A lot of hosting services can sell you a validated and trusted SSL certificate, or some companies like CloudFlare can give you for free (with some other protections and services like CDN, DDoS protect, firewall...etc).
If you want to do it yourself, you can use Let's encrypt to make your own trusted certificate (remember that you will have to renew this all 3 months but you can easily automate it).
Well, you can read this guide to know more about SSL certificates and which you sould use.
I hope it will help.
Is there a "return 301" for forced SSL in your sites config? If you don't force SSL then you will receive both secure and insecure ports.

Any way to add a free SSL certificate on a free heroku dyno?

I've got a heroku free plan, which is running on a custom domain with the PointDNS add-on so it can provide nameservers for DNS provider, if that matters.
I've got the website up and running on my custom domain, on https, but the ssl certificate points to *
I suppose I need another SSL certificate for my custom domain, but after looking around for a long while I still couldn't find anything that doesn't require a paid heroku plan.
Is it even possible to add an ssl certificate, on a free heroku plan, on a custom domain? If so, please help me out.
I'm really over my head here and my knowledge about anything-ssl or dns is very limited.
From the PointDNS add-on doc (, I don't see how you can do this easily.
But, if you have purchased the domain (and not ddns), this should be pretty easy with cloudflare.
Setting up a Custom Domain name and FREE SSL certificate for Heroku Apps
Add DNS record to point to your site and redirect to heroku.
Enable the Crypto certificate, after this the certificate will be automatically distributed by Cloudflare.