How to send alerts in elastalert to a api exposed in our application - elastalert

We have used elastalert to monitor logs in elasticsearch.
If I configure email I get the mail and everything is working as expected.
Now the ask is to send the alerts to an API that is exposed in our application. So that this API will get the alert and work on it..
As far as I searched the alert can be sent to email,slack,MS teams etc but how to send it to some URL.
Any help on this will be really appreciated
Thanks in advance

Read this part in the doc :
here :
This alert type will send results to a JSON endpoint using HTTP POST. The key names are configurable so this is compatible with almost any endpoint. By default, the JSON will contain all the items from the match, unless you specify http_post_payload, in which case it will only contain those items.


Waiting for multiple user entries before sending API request

I am currently developing an application in flutter where the user types a text, which I send through an API POST request. I'm currently able to get the text and send it and get a response, it works fine.
The thing is, I want to allow the user to write multiple messages successively, before sending the request to the API; something like that:
user types message
user presses send message
wait to see if user is typing another message before sending the API request
if user is typing, wait till he presses send, and make one API request with both messages
I don't know if that is possible to do in flutter. I read about debounce() method of different packages but i saw that it works witha delay, does it also work with checking for typing conditions?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

How to know if user has seen a message sent by my bot in Telegram?

I'm developing a Telegram bot, and I want to know whether a user, that has started a private chat with my bot, has seen a certain message sent by bot, and to know when has he seen it.
Is it possible to do so?
Thank you very much.
That's currently not possible.
I'm using this solution.
Create a channel specially for your bot
Let your robot send message from this channel to users, you can use forward method.
Now you can see how many users have seen your message
Telegram Bot API has limit functionality. There is absolutely no way to get message view count at the time of this comment.
Usually TDLib can be used instead of Telegram Bot. It is Telegram client library. You can use it directly or make it as services for BOT to call.
For example. use TdApi.GetMessage to get the message, and the returned message has field of interactionInfo which contains forwardCount or viewCount.
perhaps this answer help you :
in the end of your message place
link example :\checkvisit.php?id=1234
when user open message link automatic run for telegram ...
you can understand message was read
you must in checkvisit.php set to check db if id exist and not read set it to read
then id in db remove or disable
but this method simple - telegram must add 1 parameter to return this
sorry my english not good
it is not possible yet , you might want to search for Madeline bot

Twilio How to collect incoming SMS messages using .net efficiently

I created an application in that ties into a scheduling software. It keeps our employees up to date by sending them SMS updates. Employees can reply back to us. Sending messages works great. The application uses the Rest API to connect to Twilio. I can also get a list of incoming messages but I can't seem to get it in a way that works well for me.
Currently my application checks if there are new messages every 5 minutes. The application gets the messages list (with filter DateSent>=today) and then loops through the messages and copies the new ones into our scheduling database.
Is it possible to do a more efficient data pull for new SMS messages using only? Can I include a time filter in addition to current filter DateSent>=today to limit the result set? Any suggestions? (I don't do web coding unfortunately) Thanks.
Twilio evangelist here.
The best way to do this is just to use Twilios web hook to let Twilio proactively tell you each time its received a message. Whats a web hook you ask? Great question.
A webhook is simply an HTTP request that Twilio will make as soon as it received an inbound SMS messages to your Twilio phone number. You normally tell Twilio to make this HTTP request to a URL that you've created and published to a public website, which you can set up easily by using something like ASP.NET. In this scenario you can think of Twilio like a web browser that is making a request to a web application that you have created.
You can tell Twilio what URL it should request by opening the Numbers tab in your Twilio dashboard, and then locating and clicking the phone number you want to configure:
Now you set the URL you want Twilio to request in the Message Request URL field and click Save:
Now when Twilio requests this URL its going to pass a bunch of parameters with its request that you can use in your application logic. You can also do things like return TwiML back to Twilio in response to its HTTP request that tell it to do things like send an SMS right back to the person who just sent one to you.
If you're looking for a bit more of a step by step, the Quickstarts on our website are pretty easy to follow and will walk you through both sending an receiving text messages. The samples are in C# but are pretty straight forward so converting to VB.NET should be easy.
Hope that helps.
I am doing something similar with VB.Net and Twilio. My solution was to put up an Azure web site and an Azure SQL Database (the two can talk to each other). I set up my Twlio to call an .ashx web page on my Azure web site. Inside of that web page I have code that reads the incoming text message and saves it to my Azure SQL Database.
Works great, but my problem is the Azure database is in "the cloud" and my app\database that sends the original SMS is on mylocal network. Not sure how to cross that divide... (I should add that my local app can read the Azure SQL database, but seems ugly to have to call out to the Azure to get data. Would have preferred to have just saved it in my local db to begin with.)
Probably not a very helpful post, but maybe give you some architectural ideas. If you want to see my .ashx page just let me know.

PHP script to send and retrive sms from a website

I'm not sure where to begin, but got a case I need help from others where and if possible to solve.
Thing is, got a new alarm system at home, this system uses sms function so I can send a short code to my alarm asking for status if it`s ON or OFF, or i can turn it on/off from an sms.
Since both the sms number and code is strictly personal, I would not like to tell my carpenter the codes, but in the mean while he is working at my home, I can give him a login to my site, where he can see if the alarm is turned on or even turn it on/off by him self.
I would like to build me a website, that does the same.
Got a login to my site, when logged in, i would like the website to send an sms automatically, then retrieve the answer and display it on the website.
Is this even possible ? If so, anyone can past me in the right direction here ?
Thanks in advance =)
You can send an SMS from a website. Most mobile operators will gladly offer you an apropriate API.
For instance Deutsche Telekom has an API called "Developer Garden" that allows you to send SMS via a WebService and much more.
see here for an example:
Other providers may also offer such services.
you need an sms gateway ( we use these guys :, but nearly any will do )
Your easiest option is to find one where you can insert SMS'es for sending via a URL, eg in our case the URL looks like this:[user]&key=[longcode]&method=http&senderid=[id]&sms=[phonenumber]&message=[here's the message]
it's extremely simple to use. If your site handles the login otherwise, then you can use this for the rest.
Now, how to receive SMS'es is a bit tricker :)
But this provider, for example, offers you options to;
Send the reply as an email to a nominated email address.
Send the reply as an email to the original user who sent the message.
Send the reply as an SMS to a nominated mobile number.
POST the reply to your website or application . e.g. We can call a http/https request to your script
as you can see, both the email and the POST options are providing great ways to integrate.
I'd say if you don't handle incoming email already, then stick to the POST method.
voila :)

Mailchimp API (v1.3): addresses added with listSubscribe() don't appear in dashboard

I'm using Mailchimp's API (v1.3) to add email addresses to a subscriber list on one of our sites. Obviously, I'm using listSubscribe() and everything is working fine, for the most part (read: API call returns true, all of the data I'm sending to Mailchimp gets added/updated correctly).
The problem, however, is that whenever a new address is added, the things that are normally supposed to happen (in particular: email notifications to list manager, addresses showing up in the dashboard list status stream) aren't happening.
I've looked around for quite a bit and haven't found anyone with the same issue. Any ideas?
The default action of listSubscribe to add a subscriber is opt-in. This means that when you submit a listSubscribe the subscribed user will get an email asking to confirm their opt-in.
If the user does not follow the link in the email then they will not appear in the dashboard.
You can bypass this by using:
'double_optin' => FALSE,
However this is only recommended for very occasional circumstances (essentially where you are handling the opt-in).
In my case I am not activating a user account until they verify their email address. If let the opt-in email be sent then the user is going to get a number of emails from my web app. I'm being very careful to make sure that they're verifying their subscription and all subscription stuff is being processed by the web app (eg a user unsubscribes within the web app, not via MailChimp).
I talked to the Mailchimp support, and they said those actions won't happen using their public API; there is no way to trigger them.