Something I can use with React Native for web - react-native

I like React Native's some features like Flatlist, Modal, Animation. I wanted to develop for web with React Native or Expo. I use react navigation but have 404 errors in refresh pages. I also want When user put, it will go directly into postid's page. I tried react-router-dom with HashBrowser. Not great! I kind of want something better than hash browser. What can I use? Any advice please.

I use also react-native-web and react-navigation. If you want the react-navigation to work with the links correct, you must set up the config object like the documentantion
If you don't set up correctly the config object, react-navigation doesn't throw errors in your console, but it doesn't work right!
The question was before 3 months, but I hope this answer helps someone, with the same problem!


Get a google sign in button on React Native Expo

I already have working google sign in, although with just a regular button. How do I render a button that matches google's sign in guidelines with the rainbow G and all? I cannot use the React Native Google Sign In package, as I am using Expo Go.
how you doing ?
So, the best way to get a nice Google, Facebook login in expo is doing a good custom button, is not fair just to tell you to do your own, without even let an example for you. right ?
The best advise is to use React Native Elements, it helps a lot doing your components in React Native and its also avaible to Expo.
#The killer social icons from react native elements would be awesome!
you can also use an fontawesome button
An speacial snack example i made to you.
oficial docs

How to create react native project

I'm new to the react native platform. I'd like to create an app with bottom, stack, and drawer navigation.
I'm not sure which navigation is appropriate for the same react navigation (v4, v5, or v6).
I'd also like to make some API calls. Is it necessary to use redux for this?
Is it better to use React native element or react native paper for ui design?
Please, someone assist me with this.
This doesn't seems to be an appropriate question to ask here, you can go through their official documentations, some courses maybe to learn react-native and its best practices. As for the questions you have asked, since you are learning react native now,
Go with the latest navigation (v6)
It's always a good practice to use redux for api calls.
For UI, you can go with any library that suites your purpose, it does not have to be one, you can use multiple, based on what you want to achieve.

Nooby question for a splash screen in React Native

Trying to make a splash screen for my react native app using this guide:
Trying to type this code in: Code image
and I'm getting errors. Could someone please explain what the "create:" and "inputs:" mean and why they're grayed out?
They are the explanation of the code parts. You put the inputs where it says inputs. Create is the block that you put your code that you want effect to trigger. You can read the documentation about the react hooks so you will have a better grasp before you try to jump into using them; React hooks

Drawer / hamburger menu in React Native

I need to create an app using react native in both android and iOS and i'm still a newbie. So,now i need to implement a drawer like shown in the image above.I've already searched for an example or project that meets with my needs but too badly, i couldn't find anything suitable for me.So can you help me and thank you
You could use this library:
I think it can solve your problem
This RN starter has an example as well:
You should not implement it from scratch yourself but instead you can use a starter project like this. If you want these animations on the drawer icon you can also check the Airbnb's Lottie.
How to implement the hamburger menu with react-native-paper:
At the time, this one worked for me (0.63.4). The others I found were from previous versions (0.45) and required a lot of adjustments regarding newer version implementations. No other extra files are needed except these ones after creating a unmanaged blank project:

How to delete a ListItem by Swiping out the element?

I am trying to find a Component how to remove my ListItems in my ListView. Actually there is a Module working for iOS react-native-swipeout where you can swipeout the elements. I need the same for Android or atleast something similar.
Maybe someone has figured this out, and could tell me how they solved deleting Items from a ListView in a React Native Android App
The react native team removed their experimental implementation for the SwipeableFlatList component (which uses internally a FlatList instead really really deprecated ListView).
I rescued the original code from v0.59 which they removed on v.60 and its available as a npm module here
And theres a good how-to on medium here