Retrieve uploaded/damaged file HEIC/pdf - pdf

Hello dear StackOverflow community,
When i uploaded the identification selfie for my exam a pdf was requested.
My silly self thought that if i change the.HEIC to .pdf by renaming it, it would get converted.
But now they cant download the file and thus cant grade me, which is horrofic for my circumstances!
The error states
Is there anything possible to do??
Thank you SO SO much :((


Object Detection using R-CNN/YOLO with R

Please help! I’ve been reading online for days and just can’t seem to get a good starting point on this concept.
Would someone please be able to show/write a very short example of R code on how to create an object detection script. I would be so grateful!
I want to read in a few images to reference a car (i.e., car.pngs). Then compare with a few images in a folder to see if a car is present in those images (i.e., file1.png, file2.png, etc.).
Would someone please show me a simple script of how I might be able to do this. TIA

How to extract details from xcresult file in XCUITest (from Xcode 11)?

I want to parse and get all the details related to my UI tests from xcresult file. Before Xcode 11, I can achieve this by reading the TestSummaries.plist file. But Apple has changed the xcresult format from Xcode 11.
I found this on google. But seems like it can only extract the screenshots from the xcresult bundle. I want to extract all details like, start/end times, action/activities times, code coverage details and logs etc.
Apple itself provide xcresulttool command line tool to see the xcresults in a human readable format. But it also does not gives all the needed information.
I saw about XCTestObservation & XCTestRun to build my own test observer but can't find any workable sample in the internet. Am I missing something? Did anyone throw some help on this?
XCTestHTMLReport has helped me to obtain beautiful HTML report with screenshots.

How to recover file from ransomware with "[].pdf" in each file

Which steps should I do to recover my files which are affected by ransomware.
Each html file is changed to byte-code and renamed as [].pdf at last.
Please share you experience on this.
Thanks for your time
First you should know what type of ransomware you are infected with. In your case this might help you.
Also, You should give a try to some free reamsomware decryptor tools such as STOP Decryptor,Rakhni Decryptor provided by some antivirus companies for free.
If you get the variant of the ransomware you are infected with you can try a specific tool on your files if that helps you.

Getting MP4 property data in VB.NET

I’d like to know if there’s any possible way i can get the file title or comments as a string in VB.NET. It’s easy to get the file name but the title under details in the actual files properties seems much harder to get. I need to get the entire property title of a MP4 file i give it. Thanks. I do not have much knowledge of VB but I’m hoping someone can help me :)
Use this:
Dim information = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("C:\myfile.mp4")
To get more information, this could be a possible answer:
Get extended file information details

PDF Manipulation with Adobe's Form Input Fields

I am trying to simplify a process where I currently use my hand calculations of X & Y Co-Ordinates of each value. Which works fine, but is causing me a lot of pain as I have to do quite a number of PDF's.
I know that I can open a PDF and insert "input fields" within Adobe Acrobat Pro, which it would be great if I could use PHP to connect to those input fields and insert a value from a PHP Form.
If someone has some information on something like this it would be much appreciated.
I know this is not a direct answer to your question, but maybe it will save you some time.
We tried doing something similar and ended up abandoning the idea of doing this programatically ourselves. It was much more cost-efficient to just buy this product:
as the cost of paying me to write similar functionality was not a good ROI.
However, a similar (but not exact duplicate) qhestion has been asked here, and you may be able to get ideas from it.
How to do mail merge on top of a PDF?
Your PHP script could generate an FDF that your PDF could import and obtain values from.