img src with v-bind not displaying image - vue.js

I'm trying to display a dynamic image with v-bind and it s not working
in template tag:
<img v-bind:src="test" />
in script tag :
data() {
return {
items: [],
imagesref: "",
test: '~/assets/captures/ref_01_03_2022_17_05_21/#DHRD-52484/user language check dates in different language/1.png'
I tired to use the test path on an img tag to check if there's something wrong with the path but it worked fine.
how can i fix this

v-bind:src works as expected. The problem is your path makes no sense in the context of your web page.
To translate a project path into a web path, use vue-loader. Namely:
test: require('./relative/path/to/image.png')
Or you can make use of the existing transform rules.
Note: This might vary based on configuration, but in a standard Vue project, replacing ~/assets with #/assets should fix the problem, without needing require().


Background image issue with local images when i use bg in div

I have a issue in tailwind css when i use bg-"[url('.assets/images.png')]" these is not working when i put online image address the image is coming what could be the issue with local images as i frustrated doing and doing but not geeting any
A explaination would be helpful and correct syntax would be helpful
In your code there is typo, url is outside the []
Extra: Procedure:
When using asset image make sure you add your own background images by editing the theme.backgroundImage section of your tailwind.config.js file:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
'images': "url('.assets/images.png')", 👈 add your image here
Then use it as
<div class="bg-[url('/img/hero-pattern.svg')]">
<!-- ... -->
I don't know the syntax of tailwind css, but it looks like your path '.assets/images.png' is not valid because of the '.assets' part. Try to find out where your image are located in relation to your resulting css file.
If they are organized like
you can write
If it's like
you can write
But as I said I don't know tailwind.
After seeing your Screenshot and the organization of your files I think that
class= "bg-url[('Assets/images.png')]"
will lead to success, because your assets folder is located in the same folder as your index.html and it seems a good idea to write the path inside the quotation marks, not the brackets.

Dynamically add json content with vue-if and other vue attributes

I am working chrome extension which uses vue. I have found that google can take a while to publish updates, so there is some content that I would like to be able to edit with a json that is called by the extension via a $.getJSON https request. So far, that has worked pretty well for getting raw text. But I have problems when I try to add a span tag with a v-if statement such as the following:
Thank you for meeting. We have prepared the following <span v-if='docCount.length > 0'>documents</span><span v-else>document</span> for you today:
What happens is that it just says "prepared the following 'documentsdDocuments'" as if it takes all to be true.
I have gotten this result after putting the above JSON text in a v-html as follows:
<p v-html="coverLetterContent['p1']"></p>
I have gotten the same result after trying the following:
.bind(this)).then( function (result){
I also tried creating a dynamic component as follows but was getting an error and nothing was rendered:
dynamicComponent: function() {
return {
template: `<p>${coverLetterContent["p1"]}</p>`,
methods: {
someAction() {
The error I got on this was: "ReferenceError: coverLetterContent is not defined." coverLetterContent is defined in the vue app data and is accessible via the v-html call described above.

Creating a path to an asset dynamically

The issue is how to get Vue to render the correct path for an asset, if the path to the asset and the assets name is passed through as a props.
When using a Vue component... if passing in props which contain a path and a file name of an asset to be loaded
export default{
name: 'NewComponent',
props: ["path","file"],
calculateCompletePath (){
return this.path+""+this.file;
If using something like the above in a manner such as:
<source :src="calculateCompletePath" type="video/mp4"/>
How can you get the src portion to render correctly - e.g Vue generates its own string referencing the media folder for example
Side note:
I've read somewhere there is the possibility to using require (<<asset>>) but that doesn't seem to work if used on the computed function e.g. return require (this.path+""+this.file);
Any ideas how to get this to work?
Please refer this document for a detailed explanation on how to resolve static assets:
I think the problem is that your asset(in this case an mp4 file) is not located in your computer's /media folder.
See these 3 points for a better understanding:
If your media folder is located under the root folder(/), then, the computed value /media/movie.6ac43bcf.mp4 will work.
If your media folder is under src folder of the app, your computed property should return #/media/movie.6ac43bcf.mp4
If your media folder is somewhere else, then you should create a proper path using #/ or the ./ symbol to reach the file correctly.

Vuelayers vl-style-icon syntax

I've been looking through the vuelayers documentation and have found little info on to use the vl-style-icon module, which is quite important if you want to create icons on your vuelayer map.
I'm pretty sure I have proper syntax when it comes to using it but marker.png won't load in through it. I've tried accessing it as just a normal image and it works fine so it is to my assumption that it's something with my syntax.
Here is my code:
<vl-map :load-tiles-while-animating="true" :load-tiles-while-interacting="true" style="height: 400px">
<vl-view :zoom.sync="zoom" :center.sync="center" :rotation.sync="rotation" projection="EPSG:4326"></vl-view>
<vl-feature v-for="crime in crimePoints" :key="">
<vl-geom-point :coordinates="crime.coords"></vl-geom-point>
<vl-style-icon src="./marker.png" :scale="0.4" :anchor="[0.5, 1]"></vl-style-icon>
vl-style-box and vl-style-icon are the main points here. I have also checked to see if the points come up without vl-style-box and they do. What could be wrong with my code?
You can try like this:
<vl-style-icon :src="require('./marker.png')" :scale="0.4" :anchor="[0.5, 1]"></vl-style-icon>
If you used Vue CLI to create your vue project include this in your vue.config.js file. First section tells webpack to parse url attribute on custom tags other than what is already configured (Source).
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
config.module.rule('vue').use('vue-loader').tap(options => {
options.transformAssetUrls = {
'vl-style-icon': 'src',
return options;
Run the following command to verify the correct vue-loader configuration is there
vue inspect > output.js

Problems interning strings for custom Dojo build

Trying to figure out why I can't seem to intern strings in my dojo build. My layer files get created correctly, but the code associated with each of the individual dijits doesn't get interned properly.
Here is a piece of portion of the build output that illustrates where it is failing:
release: Interning strings for : ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/commenting.js
release: ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/templates/commenting.htm
release: Optimizing (shrinksafe, stripConsole=normal) file: ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/commenting.js
release: Could not strip comments for file: ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/commenting.js,
error: InternalError: illegal character
It looks like the optimize fails because the template doesn't get added to the js file properly. Here is what the js looks like after the html gets interned. You can't tell from the output, but a byunch of special characters get tacked on at the end of the javascript.
if(!dojo._hasResource["fwijits.optionalDijits.commenting"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["fwijits.optionalDijits.commenting"] = true;
//The main widget that gets returned to the browser
dojo.declare("fwijits.optionalDijits.commenting", [dijit.layout.ContentPane, dijit._Templated], {
widgetsInTemplate: true,
_earlyTemplatedStartup: true,
templateString: dojo.cache("fwijits.optionalDijits", "templates/commenting.htm"),
basePath: dojo.moduleUrl("fwijits.optionalDijits"),
//This function contains all configurable parameters
constructor: function(params){
params = params ||{};
//This functions run on a "startup" call
startup: function(){
var _this = this;
console.debug("button clicked");
The htm file is pretty simple, so I don't think it's the root of my problem.
<div dojoAttachPoint="containerNode">
<div dojoattachpoint="_outerDiv">
<div dojoattachpoint="_addPoint" dojotype="dijit.form.Button" dojoattachevent="onClick:_addPointComment"><b>Add Comment</b></div>
Any suggestions?
Which version of Dojo? There is a bug in the build system with interning strings that do not end in HTML or HTM, although I've never tried with HTM to know for sure.
Might be worth a check. I know this was fixed in 1.7 and backported to 1.8.