Placement of windows from another app inside of MS Word - vba

My question is how to place a window belonging to our win32 application inside of MS Word, when Word has been set as the parent of that window using Windows API SetParent(HandleOfMyWindow, HandleOfWord).
The background of my question is that we have lots of code built around a system where we have installed a macro in Word that when started from a button on the ribbon sends a message to our app to tell it to create a given window and show it inside of Word. This window can then insert text etc. into Word by using Word as a OLE Automation server. This has worked fine for the most part for many years. It still is, but occasionally the window is displayed far out of the visible area of Word. For example it can be 900 pixels to the right of the right edge of Word. It can often be found by making Word very wide across multiple monitors. The problem is only there on multi monitor systems. It is often affected by how our app and Word is placed on the monitors. It might also be affected by what monitors is set as the main monitor.
Our app is made using Delphi creating standard win32 exe's. The problem might have gotten worse after we started using VCL Styles.
I have tried placing our window using Windows API SetBounds and SetWindowPos, just the top and left properties of the form, and some other things. It just never pops up where I think my code is telling it to. Most of the time it is visible and all is well, but still at another position than I set. I just can figure out any system to where it is placed.
However, when writing this I found something that might be relevant, but still no solution:
From SetParent documentation: "Unexpected behavior or errors may occur if hWndNewParent and hWndChild are running in different DPI awareness modes."


VBA draw a box on another application

I'm writing an implementation of the windows UI automation client in VBA and that's going pretty well. But I would like to be able to draw a simple box around the UI element of another window. I'm aware of the inspect.exe application, but was wanting to recreate some of its functionality in VBA for instances where company policy restrictions prevent me from installing any 3rd party applications. Code I've written myself can be copy and pasted from a paste bin account.
Is there something in the windows API or a reference I can import that I could use to draw a box on top of another screen at specific coordinates for a second or two? I'm trying to limit this project to just things that come with an out of the box windows installation.

Access custom right-click menus

I have written an app that makes extensive use of custom right-click menus on an Access form. The code works great and the user loves it, but lately I am having trouble making it work properly.
In earlier versions of Access it worked well, but newer version seem much more limited in how many items can be put in such menus. The documentation is silent on the matter, and nobody in any newsgroup has had any useful ideas, but I regularly get random error about stack space, out of memory, and general lockups when populating the menus. Doing a C&R used to help, but now even that is not enough, and some menus I can no longer populate at all.
I tried building an app that just built menus until it crashed, to get some idea of what the limits may be, and I am well below what that indicated, but the experimental app had nothing else, while the real app has a great deal else.
Is there any information on how much stuff can be put into these menus, and what the menus share space with? There may be something I can do another way to make more room for the menus. I tried moving all code out of the form, leaving only event stubs that called routines in standard code modules, but that did not help.
And how are they stored/activated? The app is MUCH slower to load when it has these menus, even though no code is running on start-up.
********** Edited to add this:
I use VBA to create a menu, like this:
Application.CommandBars.Add "RCStat", msoBarPopup, False, False
then add it to a control. like this:
Application.CommandBars.cboStat.ShortcutMenuBar = "RCStat"
I add controls (only popups and buttons) like this:
Application.CommandBars.Controls.Add(type:=msoControlButton, Parameter:="StatKod = 77")
It runs perfectly and the menu items work exactly as expected, except that it bombs after adding some number of controls. It doesn't seem to matter where I add them, just the total number of added controls hits some undefined threshold, and the app crashes.
I got the original code from Getz, Litwin and Gilbert, 2000 edition. Back then, it worked great. But as the versions advance and the app accumulates data, it is becoming less and less functional. However, there are only around 10,000 records, and the app itself is less than 100MB - nowhere close to any of Access's upper size limits.
I've done quite a bit of work with shortcut menus, and created the Access Shortcut Tool about 5 years ago, but have never attempted a menu with so many controls although some have 3 or 4 levels.
I am not aware of any restrictions on the number of elements in the commandbars collection, but I find that shortcut menus with too many options, like lists and combo boxes with too many items, are difficult for users to navigate. I generally break these up into segments and use buttons in the form header to display the appropriate menu. Sorry I'm unable to provide anything more helpful.
We have a commercial product, Total Access Components, that includes as one of its 30 components a right click popup menu that can include icons and font styles.
Here's the info for the popup menu control:
There's a free trial if you want to try it.

display a popup inside external application

I'm developing an application in which, if I press a combination of keys shows me a popup inside the form of another external application, I mean something like the "windows game menu", but I have no idea how to show the popup in the external application. I leave you an image to make you understand what I mean as a popup. sorry for my english but I do not speak.
Thanks in advance
You cannot control one application form of another application without having access to its code or knowing if a queue messaging command has been set for doing it.
It is possible to program a window of your application to be shown over any other , likely this will not be working over a Directx - OpenGL full-area, i.e. when you are playing a videogame that is using the same functionality because the last one is winning.
In this case your popup will be visible barely as a flick, but considering standard form application you can make it to stand over by working with userd32.dll method
"SetWindowPos" with the flag HWND_TOPMOST.
You will need first to detect the position of the application window, or if it is a fullscreen one you can simply detect the size of the screen and consider to place it in the center, then you can set the position of your application form "pop-up".
Details about the SetWindowPos , which is among windwows base dll but can be invoked from .net here below:
Make a window topmost using a window handle

Why do a .net form and controls not size properly on a given user's machine?

We received a large net desktop application from another agency to implement at our agency. It's messy, but works. It uses a midi form with forms opening inside that, and panels. We compiled and deployed in Visual Studio 2015. It's VB.
All users have Windows 7 64 Pro. For one user, when forms open, the lower portion is cut off. If restored (un maximized), the form shrinks to a tiny window in the upper left of the midi window. If borders are dragged the form will expand, but only a small portion of the form at the upper left will contain anything, as if inside a shrunken panel with scroll bars.
I changed the application so forms have a minimum size that should prevent them from shrinking down, but that doesn't work on her machine. I also changed a couple of panels to "fill" similar to adjacent panels. On other machines the application works excellent, even if display is changed to larger 150%. On the problem machine, the application only works if the display is set to smaller 100% and will not work on medium or larger. The user chooses to have larger.
I can place code on resize events and try to force everything to display correctly, but should not have to do that. The application works correctly everywhere else. Something is different about the problem machine where window metrics are not being computed properly or something similar. All machines are made from the same image and have the same drivers. I cannot see any additional software installed.
I would like to know if anyone else has seen this issue and how it was resolved.

Forms open and load very slow. Sometimes they won't open

I have a relatively small VB winforms project.
It is currently used to launch numbers hyperlinks and some apps on a server.
There are a couple functions that do all the work, but the it really boils down to:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe", urlVar)
or if it is an app sitting on the server, the variable passed into the function appLinkVar will contain the need file path to launch the application.
The "items" are stored on a SQL Local Database (.mdf)
Id, appName, appLink, appClickCount, appFavList,anddecision, which tells the function if it is calling a website or opening an executable.
Currently, there are forty rows in the database and I project 150+ in the end that need to be updated centrally and often (weekly). But that's a different question for later. The reason I added in it in this question was for insight as to why I am using a database instead of a Setting or XML file for some links. (better suggestions welcome)
My admin main form loads Visible = False and loads the icon in the system try. So you can't actually see the first form that opens. It is a hidden admin window and it's main purpose is to put the icon in the system tray. The green RJ icon -
Then all of the app interaction is around the notify icon. Example: the app loads on hover. right-click for settings and options etc.
Once the primary form loads, on mouse over the "Primary Label" for example and the white form to the left appears and so on. Not much to it.
The Frequently Accessed items is currently stored on the database called appClickCount, this will be coming off of the database and to another recommended way of storing the data. But when I initially added the database, I noticed some lag in the main form loading. It would take it 5-7 seconds to populate the Frequently Accessed Items List and so on. So I changed the code from to mainWindow.visible(). Worked great for me. opened and closed very quickly. But after some use today by a tester, the application became almost unresponsive. He clicked on the notification icon numerous times and the app failed to load. Then threw a SQL time out error. It was the end of the day and I couldn't grab a screenshot.
I need to make this more reliable.
After some discussion the other day on SO, I was talking to someone that recommended I re-write the app in C# WPF, and that is definitely the plan. But I need this thing to past testing as is in VB this week. Where can I start troubleshooting the delay in opening? What other suggestions do you have to improve the application? Do I need to have an invisible form load first so I have access to a system tray icon or is there a better way?
I have talked to quite a few people on here lately and got some really good advice, I figured I would lay it all out here and see what input you guys can give a new guy... I'm also gonna go hang in the C# room for a little bit if you have any further questions.