Send transaction on local avalanche node using geth - geth

I've spun up a local avalanche network using the avalanche network runner and I've successfully connected to it using geth:
❮❮❮ geth attach ws://
Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!
instance: v0.8.4-rc.3
coinbase: 0x0100000000000000000000000000000000000000
at block: 0 (Wed Dec 31 1969 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST))
modules: eth:1.0 net:1.0 rpc:1.0 web3:1.0
To exit, press ctrl-d or type exit
I'm trying to send a transaction from one account to another. I've found that this avalanche network pre-seeds account 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with some ETH based on this comment and confirmed it using geth:
> eth.getBalance("0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52Fc")
However, when I try to send a transaction from this account, it fails:
> eth.getBalance("0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52Fc")
> eth.sendTransaction({from:"0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC", to:"0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FD", value: web3.toWei(0.05, "ether")})
Error: unknown account
at web3.js:6365:37(47)
at send (web3.js:5099:62(35))
at <eval>:1:20(15)
I suspect it's because I don't have the account in the list of accounts:
> eth.accounts
I've tried to import the account using geth account import <path to keyfile> but that did not result in eth.accounts having an entry.
I've also tried to use the personal.importRawKey function, but that doesn't work either:
> personal.importRawKey("56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027", "lol")
Error: the method personal_importRawKey does not exist/is not available
at web3.js:6365:37(47)
at send (web3.js:5099:62(35))
at <eval>:1:22(5)
> personal
listAccounts: undefined,
ecRecover: function(),
getListAccounts: function(callback),
importRawKey: function(),
lockAccount: function(),
newAccount: function,
openWallet: function,
sendTransaction: function(),
sign: function,
unlockAccount: function
Do I need to import this account? If so, how?
How do I send a transaction using geth on a local avalanche network using the default funded address by the avalanche network runner?

Turns out I was on the right track with importing the private key but I had to enable the personal namespace in the avalanche node.
The personal namespace can be enabled by adding internal-private-personal to the C Chain config being used by the node.
Once this namespace is enabled, you can connect to your node with geth and issue
> personal.importRawKey("56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027", "lol")
> personal.unlockAccount("0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC", "lol", 300)
which then enables the account for spending.


Error upon getting transactions received by address using bitcoin-cli

I've got problem with printing transactions received on address.
On my machine I've got full sync node
but still cannot get transactions on address. Command which I use:
bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress ADDRESS
error code: -4
error message:
Address not found in wallet
Is there anything more that I should do?
getreceivedbyaddress is a wallet RPC query. It queries your own wallet.
Bitcoind does not maintain a full per-address index of the blockchain.
To query any address you should use importaddress RPC call
importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh ) Adds an address or
script (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but
cannot be used to spend. Requires a new wallet backup.
rescan is on by default and rescanning can take some time.

Bitcoin Cash ABC - sendrawtransaction Error | Code : -26

Tried to make a single signature transfer between two address generated using node in regtest mode. During which I got the following
Error -> mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) (code 16)
Following was the flow.
createrawtransaction -> args: [ UTXO (txid,vout,scriptPubKey,amount), Receiver address, change address]
-> Success
signrawtransactionwithkey -> args: [Hex-Transaction (output of createrawtransaction), PrivateKey, UTXO (txid,vout,scriptPubKey,amount) ] -> Success
sendrawtransaction -> args: [Hex- Signed Transaction (output of signrawtransactionwithkey)] -> Failed
From basic research, many suggested to add amount field in the signrawtransactionwithkey, Which I did, even after then I was getting the same error.
It is to be noted that the this error came all of a sudden, the Node setup was working fine for months. This happens only in a particular linux machine. Is there any other factors in the host machine can be affect Bitcoin Cash ABC node and cause this issue?
Bitcoin Cash ABC Node running in Regtest mode.
This error may arise due to older having older versions too, try updating the core. I got this error in 0.20.8 but later I updated the node to 0.21.8 it works fine. Not sure what is happening, or is there any kind of expiry to the Bitcoin Core ABC releases.

Geth with clique block sealing without unlock account

Hello I have a local blockchain, Geth client, 2 nodes and clique proof of authority algorithm.
I start geth with this command:
geth --datadir node2/ --syncmode 'full' --port 30312
--rpc --rpcport 8546 --rpccorsdomain "*"
--ipcpath geth.ipc --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner'
--bootnodes 'enode://702efed8e606...ad041b4371a91989#'
--networkid 2456 --gasprice '1' --mine
--unlock '0x46004DEAfddb60d11cA04501df8C52aE4679Be8f' --password password.txt
but because of unlock now everyone can transfer ether from this account to some other account
like so:
const Web3 = require("web3");
var web3Client = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8546"));
await web3Client.eth.sendTransaction({
from: "0x46004DEAfddb60d11cA04501df8C52aE4679Be8f",
to: "0xE77e5634A46153e1cfCa02350cf212BdbC18fbC6",
value: 23
but if I remove --unlock from geth command I can no longer seal blocks
WARN [06-01|14:44:52] Block sealing failed err="authentication needed: password or unlock"
is it possible to seal blocks in some other way so I won't have to unlock the account anymore?
Unfortunately, geth needs access to the private key to sign transactions, so you have to have it unlocked, otherwise it can't sign.
What you can do, is have this node signing, and get rid of
--ipcpath geth.ipc --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner'
instead, give the rpc to another node without an unlocked account.
Use this other node for all your interactions, and allow the first one to sign.

bitcoin-cli: how to create a wallet and utxo address

I am a relative newbie in bitcoin and blockchain and hope you can help me with some of the questions.
So I launched a "regtest" network and generated 101 blocks using
bitcoin-cli -regtest generate 101
Now, if I launch 'bitcoin-cli -regtest getaddressesbyaccount ""', I get the public address of my default account:
And of course, I should not have any other accounts as for now.
When I launch 'bitcoin-cli -regtest listunspent':
"txid": "694030f8638318c8c54054515ec716159edc494b14234885deb48f294b75a2fe",
"vout": 0,
"address": "n1queZpweTHjrMLvwSmcfrrJSQjsrYG3nG",
"scriptPubKey": "21038cadb266ed1ae6c474f5c1b74fc5f6790eacde843a673a16cfc924a100f2a679ac",
"amount": 50.00000000,
"confirmations": 101,
"spendable": true,
"solvable": true,
"safe": true
First question:
I understand that the only transaction listed by "listunspent" is UTXO,
meaning this is a transaction what I received to my address "n1queZpweTHjrMLvwSmcfrrJSQjsrYG3nG" with 50 BTC as amount.
Where this address comes from? By what bitcoin-cli command I can see/find it in my wallet?
Second question:
How can I create a new wallet with some balances and switch between them ( using bitcoin-cli )?
Basically, I would like to be able to test my app using bitcoin-cli - I need to be able to create wallets, switch between them and send btc between the addresses.
Coinbase coins can't be transferred until 100 blocks after they were created.
(Why did you generate "101" blocks specifically?)
So, the amount in your wallet you see is from the first block you mined. You can verify that by bitcoin-cli -regtest getblock "<hash of first block>" which you had got in return to the generate 101 command you ran earlier (an array of 101 block hashes).
Try the following
generate one more block bitcoin-cli -regtest generate 1
now listunspent and you should see 2 utxos instead of 1.
Depending on what you want to test, maybe simply creating a new address and sending money to it is enough for you?
Shut down core properly.
Rename your wallet.dat file
When you restart, a new wallet(wallet.dat) will be created. You can use them by supplying -wallet arg to bitcoin-qt
For example, if you are on linux:
Create 4 wallets by starting bitcoin core, stopping bitcoin core and then renaming the wallet.dat in your ~/.bitcoin folder (then repeating the process). For example, run this process 4 times to generate :
Then, in linux, in your .bashrc :
alias mywallet="bitcoin-qt -wallet=~/.bitcoin/mywallet.dat"
alias wifeswallet="bitcoin-qt -wallet=~/.bitcoin/wifeswallet.dat"
alias kidswallet="bitcoin-qt -wallet=~/.bitcoin/kidswallet.dat"
alias businesswallet="bitcoin-qt -wallet=~/.bitcoin/businesswallet.dat"

MQL4 How To Detect Status During Change of Account (Completed Downloading of Historical Trades)

In MT4, there exists a stage/state: when we switch from AccountA to AccountB, when Connection is established and init() and start() are triggered by MT4; but before the "blinnnggg" (sound) when all the historical/outstanding trades are loaded from Server.
Switch Account>Establish Connection>Trigger Init()/Start() events>Start Downloading of Outstanding/Historical trades>Completed Downloading (issue "bliinng" sound).
I need to know (in MQL4) that all the trades are completed downloaded from the tradeServer --to know that the account is truly empty -vs- still downloading history from tradeServer.
Any pointer will be appreciated. I've explored IsTradeAllowed() IsContextBusy() and IsConnected(). All these are in "normal" state and the init() and start() events are all fired ok. But I cannot figure out if the history/outstanding trade lists has completed downloading.
UPDATE: The final workaround I finally implemented was to use the OrdersHistoryTotal(). Apparently this number will be ZERO (0) during downloading of order history. And it will NEVER be zero (due to initial deposit). So, I ended-up using this as a "flag".
As the problem was posted, there seems no such "integrated" method for MT4-Terminal.
IsTradeAllowed() reflects an administrative state of the account/access to the execution of the Trading Services { IsTradeAllowed | !IsTradeAllowed }
IsConnected() reflects a technical state of the visibility / login credentials / connection used upon an attempt to setup/maintain an online connection between a localhost <-> Server { IsConnected() | !IsConnected() }
init() {...} is a one-stop setup facility, that is/was being called once an MT4-programme { ExpertAdvisor | Script | TechnicalIndicator } was launched on a localhost machine. This facility is strongly advised to be non-blocking and non-re-entrant. A change from the user account_A to another user account_B is typically ( via an MT4-configuration options ) a reason to stop an execution of a previously loaded MQL4-code ( be it an EA / a Script / a Technical Indicator ) )
start() {...} is an event-handler facility, that endlessly waits, for a next occurrence of an FX-Market Event appearance ( being propagated down the line by the Broker MT4-Server automation ) that is being announced via an established connection downwards, to the MT4-Terminal process, being run on a localhost machine.
A Workaround Solution
As understood, the problem may be detected and handled indirectly.
While the MT4 platform seems to have no direct method to distinguish between the complete / in-complete refresh of the list of { current | historical } trades, let me propose a method of an indirect detection thereof.
Try to launch a "signal"-trade ( a pending order, placed geometrically well far away, in the PriceDOMAIN, from the current Ask/Bid-levels ).
Once this trade would be end-to-end registered ( Server-side acknowledged ), the local-side would have confirmed the valid state of the db.POOL
Making this a request/response pattern between localhost/MT4-Server processes, the localhost int init(){...} / int start(){...} functionality may thus reflect a moment, when the both sides have synchronised state of the records in db.POOL