What is the default CSS property order? - lint

i have been trying to find documentation on this but i havent been able to. I use stylint in a project and we have the css order option activated. I haven't been able to set up VS code to show the errors and i haven't found a page with the information to actually know the order,so i always need to check on compile time if i have any mistakes in the CSS order properties, and it shows a huge error on screen.
this are the stylelint rules we have
module.exports = {
extends: ['stylelint-config-standard', 'stylelint-config-concentric-order'],
rules: {
'at-rule-no-unknown': [
ignoreAtRules: ['mixin', 'if', 'else', 'include', 'extend']
'max-nesting-depth': 4,
indentation: 4,
// add your custom config here
// https://stylelint.io/user-guide/configuration
'selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown': [
ignorePseudoElements: ['v-deep']
I dont see anything weird about it. It there a page where i can find the correct order? it is so annoying because when i get a stylelint order error, i usually have to find it in a few tries.

You are extending the stylelint-config-concentric-order community config. This config includes and configures the stylelint-order community plugin. You can find the order of the properties in the repo on GitHub.
You can see Stylelint errors in VS Code using the official Stylelint extension.
And you can have the extension automatically fix problems on save, which will include the order of your properties, using the editor.codeActionsOnSave configuration property:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.stylelint": true
"stylelint.validate": ["css", "postcss","scss"],
"css.validate": false,
"scss.validate": false
Alternatively, you can run npx stylelint "**/*.scss" --fix" on the command line to automatically fix problems.


Docusaurus getting mermaid up and running

[docusaurus] Newbie question: I am attempting to get mermaid up and running on my website, but am struggling to implement https://docusaurus.io/docs/markdown-features/diagrams. My docusaurus.config.js file is structured as follows:
const config = {
presets: [
module.exports = config;
Where should the block
markdown: {
mermaid: true,
themes: ['#docusaurus/theme-mermaid'].
be included in this structure?
I have attempted to include the stated block at all different points in the config.js file, but I either get a compile fail, or compile succeed, but no mermaid behaviour.
It is now working - I think the issue here was that the project I was attempting to use mermaid on was a 2.1.0 project. Once I updated it to 2.2.0 then things work as the documentation suggests.

How do you remove console.log from a build using the JS Quasar Framework?

I am trying the Quasar Framework (for those not familiar, it's based on Vue) and it's going well. However I've tried running a build (npm run build) and get repeated:
error Unexpected console statement no-console
... so the build fails because it sees console.log(...) and is not happy. My options:
don't use console.log in development. But it's handy.
comment out the eslint rule that presumably enforces that, so letting console.log into production. But that's not ideal for performance/security.
have the build automatically remove any console.log. That's what I'm after.
But how?
I took a look at the build https://quasar.dev/quasar-cli/cli-documentation/build-commands and it mentions using webpack internally and UglifyJS too. Given that, I found this answer for removing console.log in a general Vue/webpack project: https://github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack-simple/issues/21
... but if that's how, where does that go within Quasar since there is no webpack config file? I imagine in the quasar.conf.js file (since I see an 'extendWebpack' line in there - sounds promising). Or is there a better way to do it? How do other people remove console.log in production when using Quasar? Or handle logging without it?
module.exports = function (ctx) {
return {
build: {
uglifyOptions: {
compress: { drop_console: true }
The above will result in configuring terser plugin with the following:
terserOptions: {
compress: {
drop_console: true
(you can see the generated config with quasar inspect -c build -p optimization.minimizer)
You still also need to remove the eslint rule to avoid build errors, see https://github.com/quasarframework/quasar/issues/5529
If you want instead to configure webpack directly use:
module.exports = function (ctx) {
return {
build: {
chainWebpack (chain) {
chain.optimization.minimizer('js').tap(args => {
args[0].terserOptions.compress.drop_console = true
return args
It will do the same as above.
See https://quasar.dev/quasar-cli/cli-documentation/handling-webpack
and https://github.com/neutrinojs/webpack-chain#config-optimization-minimizers-modify-arguments
1 Edit package.json in Vue's project what had created it before.
2 Then find "rules": {}.
3 Change to this "rules":{"no-console":0}.
4 if you Vue server in on, off it and run it again. Then the issue will be done.
As an alternative I can suggest using something like loglevel instead of console.log. It's quite handy and allows you to control the output.

Unable to use Aurelia plugin

I'm trying to move one of my custom elements into a plug-in so that I can re-use it across projects.
I had a look at the skeleton plugin and noticed that it has a src/index.js that returns a config with all custom elements defined as globalResources.
So I tried the same thing and I basically have:
export function configure (config) {
And then I have each one of my custom elements next to index.js, for example:
import {inject, bindable, bindingMode, inlineView} from 'aurelia-framework';
<div class="google-map"></div>
export class GoogleMapCustomElement {
// All the Custom Element code here
I've also set up a basic npm script that runs babel on the code and sticks it in dist/:
"main": "dist/index.js",
"babel": {
"sourceMap": true,
"moduleIds": false,
"comments": false,
"compact": false,
"code": true,
"presets": [ "es2015-loose", "stage-1"],
"plugins": [
"scripts": {
"build": "babel src -d dist"
Tbh I'm not entirely sure this is all correct but I took some of it from the skeleton plugin and it seems to run fine.
Anyway, the problem I'm having is that after I install the plugin (npm install --save-dev powerbuoy/AureliaGoogleMaps), add it to my aurelia.json in build.bundles[vendor-bundle.js].dependencies and tell aurelia to use it in main.js (.use.plugin('aurelia-google-maps')) I get:
GET http://localhost:9000/node_modules/aurelia-google-maps/dist/index/google-map.js (404)
So my question is, where does it get the dist/index/ part from?? I'm configuring my globalResources in index.js but nowhere does it say that I have an index folder.
What am I doing wrong?
Bonus question: What is the bare minimum required to transpile my ES6 plug-in code so that others can use it? Does my babel configuration look correct?
What about referencing your plugin within aurelia.json, like this:
"name": "aurelia-google-maps",
"path": "../node_modules/aurelia-google-maps/dist",
"main": "index"
I have absolutely no idea why, but in order to solve this problem I actually had to move my custom elements inside an index/ folder.
So now I have this:
- index.js
- index/
- custom-element-one.js
- custom-element-two.js
And my index.js still looks like this:
export function configure (config) {
Where it gets index/ from I guess I will never know, but this works at least.
I did need the babel plug-in Marton mentioned too, but that alone did not solve the mystery of the made up path.
Edit: To elaborate a bit further, if I name my main entry point something other than index.js the folder too needs that name. For example, if I were to rename index.js main.js I would need to put my globalResources inside a folder called main/.
Edit: thanks for clarifying why you don't want to use the whole skeleton-plugin package.
Focusing on your original question: aurelia-cli uses RequireJS (AMD format) to load dependencies. Probably, your current output has a different format.
Add transform-es2015-modules-amd to babel.plugins to ensure AMD-style output, so it will be compatible with RequireJS and therefore with aurelia-cli.
"babel": {
"sourceMap": true,
"moduleIds": false,
"comments": false,
"compact": false,
"code": true,
"presets": [ "es2015-loose", "stage-1"],
"plugins": [
There are several blog post about plugin creation, I started with this: http://patrickwalters.net/making-out-first-plugin/ .
Of course, there have been many changes since then, but it's a useful piece of information and most of it still applies.
I'd recommend using plugin-skeleton as project structure. It provides you with a working set of gulp, babel, multiple output formats out-of-the-box.
With this approach, your plugin's availability wouldn't be limited to JSPM or CLI only but everyone would have the possibility to install it regardless of their build systems.
Migration is fairly easy in your case:
Download skeleton-plugin
Copy your classes + index.js into src/
npm install
...wait for it...
gulp build
check dist/ folder
most of your pain should now be gone :)
Here are some details based on my observations/experience.
1. Main index.js/plugin-name.js:
In general, a main/entry point is required, where the plugin's configure() method is placed. It serves as a starting point when using it within an Aurelia application. This file could have any name, usually it's index.js or plugin-name.js (e.g. aurelia-google-maps.js) to make it clear for other developers what should be included for bundling. Set that same entry point in package.json as well.
In addition to globalResources, you can implement a callback function to allow configuration overrides. That can be called in the application, which will use the plugin. Example solution
Plugin's index.js
export * from './some-element';
export function configure(config, callback) {
// default apiKey
let pluginConfig = Container.instance.get(CustomConfigClass);
pluginConfig.apiKey = '01010101';
// here comes an override
if (callback) {
Your app's main.js
export function configure(aurelia) {
.plugin('aurelia-google-maps', (pluginConfig) => {
// custom apiKey
pluginConfig.apiKey = '12345678';
aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());
2. HTML and CSS resources:
If you have html only custom elements, you can make them available using globalResources.
Custom css styling is going to require a bit of additional configuration in bundling configuration (see below).
3. Using the plugin with aurelia-cli: Documentation
One of the first new features you'll see soon is a command to help you with 3rd party module configuration. The command will inspect a previously npm-installed package, and make a configuration recommendation to you, automating the process if you desire.
While we are looking forward to that above moment, let's edit aurelia.json:
Configure plugin dependencies. If there are any external libraries (e.g. Bootstrap), then those should be included before your plugin.
Include your plugin:
"name": "plugin-name",
"path": "../node_modules/plugin-name/dist/amd",
"main": "plugin-name",
"resources": ["**/*.html", "**/*.css"] // if there is any
Now, your plugin is ready to include it in main.js as showed in Section 1..
I hope you didn't get sick of reading the word 'plugin' so many (21!) times. :D

Setup Babel + Uglify + Karma using Grunt

I´m trying to setup a build workflow using the aforementioned technologies, but I´m getting the following error, which seems very generic upon running tests on karma:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'a.Sifter=b()')
This happens even without adding any ECMSA6 specific feature. The same workflow works fine without the transpiling phase in the workflow.
What I tried was to set the babeljs after a concatenation phase and before executing a uglifying on it, like the following snippet:
var defaultTasks = [
"sass:prod", // compile scss sources
"cleanAll", // clean folders: preparing for copy
"copyAll", // copying bower files
"cssmin:customVendor", // minify and concat 'customized from vendor' css
"concat:vendorStyles", // concat vendors's css + minified 'customized from vendor' and distribute as 'css/vendor.css'
"uglify:rawVendors", // minifies unminified vendors
"concat:vendorScripts", // concat vendors's scripts and distribute as 'scripts/vendor.js'
"ngAnnotate:app", // ng-annotates app's scripts
"concat:appScripts", // concat app's (customized from vendor's + ng-annotated + customer's)
"babel",// uses babeljs to convert brandnew ES6 javascript into ES5 allowing for old browsers
"uglify:app" // minify app script and distribute as 'scripts/app.js'
if (!skipTest) {
defaultTasks.push("karma:target"); // run tests on minified scripts
The imporant definitions are shown:
babel: {
options: {
"presets": ['es2015']
dist: {
files: {
"<%= concat.appScripts.dest %>": "<%= concat.appScripts.dest %>"
uglify: {
options: {
mangle: {
except: [
"jQuery", "angular", "tableau", "LZString", "moment", "Moment", "Modernizr",
"app", "modules"
app: {
files: [{
src: ["<%= concat.appScripts.dest %>"],
dest: "<%= app.dist %>/scripts/app.js"
I´ve tested the transpile a bit, running the default logic from babel url, and it works well, converting basic stuff.
Is there any better workflow that I could use to still run the tests against the same code that would be executed for real?
In the end, the workflow was correct.
I just need to modify the filesets a bit in order to avoid transpiling the selectize.js file (which wasn´t really needed).
However, not sure why it was breaking
That solved to me, so I´m closing the question, but perhaps might be useful for someone else.

Wallaby with Browserify and TypeScript modules

I am trying to get Wallaby to work with a TypeScript app, using Browserify and Wallabify. However, when I run Wallaby, it outputs No failing tests, 0 passing, and all test indicators are grey.
The file app/spec.setup.ts is responsible for loading node modules dependencies such as chai, sinon, and the app's main module. app/spec.util.ts provides some helpers, imported by individual spec files.
module.exports = function() {
var wallabify = require('wallabify');
var wallabyPostprocessor = wallabify({
entryPatterns: [
return {
files: [
{pattern: 'app/spec.setup.ts', load: false, instrument: false},
{pattern: 'app/spec.util.ts', load: false, instrument: false},
{pattern: 'app/src/**/*.ts', load: false},
{pattern: 'app/src/**/*.spec.ts', ignore: true}
tests: [
{pattern: 'app/src/**/*.spec.ts', load: false}
testFramework: 'mocha',
postprocessor: wallabyPostprocessor,
bootstrap: function (w) {
// outputs test file names, with .ts extensions changed to .js
What's interesting is that I don't get any feedback from changing entryPatterns, even setting it to an empty array or invalid file names. The result is still the same. Only if I remove it entirely, I get errors such as Can't find variable: sinon.
I've also figured that the entryPatterns list may need the compiled file names, i.e. .js instead of .ts extension. However, when I do that, I get Postprocessor run failure: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module' on spec.setup.ts.
I don't know what is the correct way to configure Wallabify for TypeScript compilation, and I couldn't find any complete examples on the web, so I'd appreciate any hints.
P.S. with my current StackOverflow reputation I couldn't add two new tags: wallaby and wallabify. Could someone do me a favour and add the two tags please.
Because TypeScript compiler renames files to .js and applied before wallabify, you need to change your entry patterns like this to make it work:
entryPatterns: [