Wallaby with Browserify and TypeScript modules - testing

I am trying to get Wallaby to work with a TypeScript app, using Browserify and Wallabify. However, when I run Wallaby, it outputs No failing tests, 0 passing, and all test indicators are grey.
The file app/spec.setup.ts is responsible for loading node modules dependencies such as chai, sinon, and the app's main module. app/spec.util.ts provides some helpers, imported by individual spec files.
module.exports = function() {
var wallabify = require('wallabify');
var wallabyPostprocessor = wallabify({
entryPatterns: [
return {
files: [
{pattern: 'app/spec.setup.ts', load: false, instrument: false},
{pattern: 'app/spec.util.ts', load: false, instrument: false},
{pattern: 'app/src/**/*.ts', load: false},
{pattern: 'app/src/**/*.spec.ts', ignore: true}
tests: [
{pattern: 'app/src/**/*.spec.ts', load: false}
testFramework: 'mocha',
postprocessor: wallabyPostprocessor,
bootstrap: function (w) {
// outputs test file names, with .ts extensions changed to .js
What's interesting is that I don't get any feedback from changing entryPatterns, even setting it to an empty array or invalid file names. The result is still the same. Only if I remove it entirely, I get errors such as Can't find variable: sinon.
I've also figured that the entryPatterns list may need the compiled file names, i.e. .js instead of .ts extension. However, when I do that, I get Postprocessor run failure: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module' on spec.setup.ts.
I don't know what is the correct way to configure Wallabify for TypeScript compilation, and I couldn't find any complete examples on the web, so I'd appreciate any hints.
P.S. with my current StackOverflow reputation I couldn't add two new tags: wallaby and wallabify. Could someone do me a favour and add the two tags please.

Because TypeScript compiler renames files to .js and applied before wallabify, you need to change your entry patterns like this to make it work:
entryPatterns: [


What is the default CSS property order?

i have been trying to find documentation on this but i havent been able to. I use stylint in a project and we have the css order option activated. I haven't been able to set up VS code to show the errors and i haven't found a page with the information to actually know the order,so i always need to check on compile time if i have any mistakes in the CSS order properties, and it shows a huge error on screen.
this are the stylelint rules we have
module.exports = {
extends: ['stylelint-config-standard', 'stylelint-config-concentric-order'],
rules: {
'at-rule-no-unknown': [
ignoreAtRules: ['mixin', 'if', 'else', 'include', 'extend']
'max-nesting-depth': 4,
indentation: 4,
// add your custom config here
// https://stylelint.io/user-guide/configuration
'selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown': [
ignorePseudoElements: ['v-deep']
I dont see anything weird about it. It there a page where i can find the correct order? it is so annoying because when i get a stylelint order error, i usually have to find it in a few tries.
You are extending the stylelint-config-concentric-order community config. This config includes and configures the stylelint-order community plugin. You can find the order of the properties in the repo on GitHub.
You can see Stylelint errors in VS Code using the official Stylelint extension.
And you can have the extension automatically fix problems on save, which will include the order of your properties, using the editor.codeActionsOnSave configuration property:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.stylelint": true
"stylelint.validate": ["css", "postcss","scss"],
"css.validate": false,
"scss.validate": false
Alternatively, you can run npx stylelint "**/*.scss" --fix" on the command line to automatically fix problems.

rollup esm and umd builds, with typescript plugin and declarations, not possible?

I want to use rollup to make two builds of my library, an UMD version as well as a never ESM version
Earlier my configuration when using the non official plugin rollup-plugin-typescript2 looked like this:
import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2'
import pkg from '../package.json'
export default {
input: 'src/index.ts',
output: [
file: pkg.main,
format: 'umd',
name: pkg.name,
sourcemap: true
file: pkg.module,
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true
plugins: [
tsconfig: "src/tsconfig.json",
useTsconfigDeclarationDir: true
And in my package json I have:
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c ./scripts/dist.js",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.esm.js",
"files": [
And in my tsconfig.json I have:
"compilerOptions": {
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist",
"declaration": true,
"declarationDir": "./dist/#types/chrisweb-utilities",
The resulat was "created dist/index.js, dist/index.esm.js in 2.6s" ... all good
The files that got created where the following:
Today I tried to use the official plugin #rollup/plugin-typescript instead (because I use that one in other projects where I only do a single ESM build and it works without a problem and I wanted to use the same plugins through out all of my projects)
I had a first error because of the configuration propery only rollup-plugin-typescript2 understands:
"(!) Plugin typescript: #rollup/plugin-typescript TS5023: Unknown compiler option 'useTsconfigDeclarationDir'."
So I removed it, which fixed that problem ...
But I got another error: "[!] (plugin typescript) Error: #rollup/plugin-typescript: 'dir' must be used when 'outDir' is specified."
So I added dir to my configuration, which then looked like this:
import typescript from '#rollup/plugin-typescript';
import pkg from '../package.json'
export default {
input: 'src/index.ts',
output: [
file: pkg.main,
format: 'umd',
name: pkg.name,
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist",
file: pkg.module,
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist",
plugins: [
tsconfig: "tsconfig.json",
Nope, next error shows up: "[!] Error: You must set either "output.file" for a single-file build or "output.dir" when generating multiple chunks."
Actually I don't even want to generate chunks, I'm fine with a single file, but I remove dir I'm back to the previous error. So next thing I tried was to keep "dir" and instead remove "file"
This worked, or at least I got a success message: "created dist, dist in 2.6s" but the problem now is that instead of having two builds I just have a single one "dist/index.js", the first build for UMD gets owerwritten by the second one for ESM.
I thought ok one last try, lets output the UMD version in a subfolder of /dist and the ESM version in another one, so I changed my config to this:
output: [
format: 'umd',
name: pkg.name,
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist/umd",
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true,
dir: "dist/esm",
This failed too :( this time with this error: "[!] (plugin typescript) Error: #rollup/plugin-typescript: 'outDir' must be located inside 'dir'." So my outDir is "./dist" which yes is not in dir: "dist/umd" anymore, I only have one outDir in tsconfig, so it can't be in each rollup output.dir, or do I miss something here?
Oh and I actually also tried something else, remember that earlier error where rollup told me that "'dir' must be used when 'outDir' is specified", so I removed outDir from tsconfig.json and hey another rollup error (at this point I think I got all possible rollup errors ;) ) which was the following: "[!] (plugin typescript) Error: #rollup/plugin-typescript: 'dir' must be used when 'declarationDir' is specified."
So I also commented out "declarationDir" in the tsconfig ... no more error, but this is not really the solution as now I don't have typescript type definition files getting generated.
I went back and forth and tried all combinations for hours, but no luck so far...
So I'm stuck and was wondering if someone can help me out? Maybe you had this or a similar problem? Either I'm missing something or this a bug in which case I will open a ticket in a few days.

Less.js setting file property to 'to.css' in sourcemap

so using lessc(2.7.2) compiler and the the following
less.render(data, {
filename: entryFile,
plugins: [autoprefixPlugin],
compress: true,
sourceMap: {
sourceMapURL: '/static/extensions/css/index.css.map',
sourceMapBasepath: 'project/web/webroot/',
sourceMapRootpath: '/',
outputSourceFiles: true,
sourceMapFullFilename: '/static/extensions/css/index.css'
It generates a CSS/map string which are then written to files. now I've worked out most of the setting, but I'm still getting one issue.
In the .map file, the property "file" is set to "to.css".
I understand why, the compiler does not know the name of the file as it's not written yet, but I can't find anything in the docs about this either.
Am I missing an option?

Setup Babel + Uglify + Karma using Grunt

I´m trying to setup a build workflow using the aforementioned technologies, but I´m getting the following error, which seems very generic upon running tests on karma:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'a.Sifter=b()')
This happens even without adding any ECMSA6 specific feature. The same workflow works fine without the transpiling phase in the workflow.
What I tried was to set the babeljs after a concatenation phase and before executing a uglifying on it, like the following snippet:
var defaultTasks = [
"sass:prod", // compile scss sources
"cleanAll", // clean folders: preparing for copy
"copyAll", // copying bower files
"cssmin:customVendor", // minify and concat 'customized from vendor' css
"concat:vendorStyles", // concat vendors's css + minified 'customized from vendor' and distribute as 'css/vendor.css'
"uglify:rawVendors", // minifies unminified vendors
"concat:vendorScripts", // concat vendors's scripts and distribute as 'scripts/vendor.js'
"ngAnnotate:app", // ng-annotates app's scripts
"concat:appScripts", // concat app's (customized from vendor's + ng-annotated + customer's)
"babel",// uses babeljs to convert brandnew ES6 javascript into ES5 allowing for old browsers
"uglify:app" // minify app script and distribute as 'scripts/app.js'
if (!skipTest) {
defaultTasks.push("karma:target"); // run tests on minified scripts
The imporant definitions are shown:
babel: {
options: {
"presets": ['es2015']
dist: {
files: {
"<%= concat.appScripts.dest %>": "<%= concat.appScripts.dest %>"
uglify: {
options: {
mangle: {
except: [
"jQuery", "angular", "tableau", "LZString", "moment", "Moment", "Modernizr",
"app", "modules"
app: {
files: [{
src: ["<%= concat.appScripts.dest %>"],
dest: "<%= app.dist %>/scripts/app.js"
I´ve tested the transpile a bit, running the default logic from babel url, and it works well, converting basic stuff.
Is there any better workflow that I could use to still run the tests against the same code that would be executed for real?
In the end, the workflow was correct.
I just need to modify the filesets a bit in order to avoid transpiling the selectize.js file (which wasn´t really needed).
However, not sure why it was breaking
That solved to me, so I´m closing the question, but perhaps might be useful for someone else.

How can I optimize this custom dojo 1.7.2 build

I am working on my first project which uses a dojo 1.7.2 component, and only need a vertical slider widget. I was able to create a custom build which is supposed to include only the modules needed for my stated dependencies. Using the following build profile, and the command C:\dojo-release-1.7.2-src\util\buildscripts>build -p profiles/km.admin.dashboard.profile.js -r the resulting release/dojo/dojo.js.uncompressed.js is 796kb, and the release/dojo/dojo.js is 236kb. Is there any way to exclude more unneeded modules to reduce the file size? For instance, I just opened the release/dojo/dojo.js.uncompressed.js and took a quick look, there is a dojo/json package, I am not using any json. How do I exclude it? Thank you.
dependencies = {
layers: [
name: 'dojo.js',
customBase: true,
dependencies: [
staticHasFeatures: {
prefixes: [
[ 'dijit', '../dijit' ],
[ 'dojox', '../dojox' ]
There are some approaches by which you can trim down dojo.js to a bare minimum and keep adding the modules within dojo.js that you really need.
and also:
http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2008/07/01/dojo-in-6k/ (this is somewhat old and cutombase approach in the first link might work better)