Shinyapp (built on Shiny Dashboard) displaying html code in Chrome tab - shinydashboard

I am using Shiny dashboard and have run into a problem when I deploy the app. The code that I used to modify the header of the app is showing up in the browser tab (see photo for screen shot of Chrome tab). Any ideas on how to prevent this code from showing up in the browser tab?
Here is the code I am using to customize the title:
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title=span("My Title",style=color:yellow,font-size:28pt"), titleWidth = 1400)


How can I verify that correct page is open in safari after clicking on iOS Native app link

I am using Appium with Webdriveio and testing Native app where I have a scenario to click on a button within the Native app that opens a link in the Safari browser.
As I am testing a native app I do not have the privilege to get in deep link from the dev tool so need to fetch the URL from safari browser to verify that the correct link is open
Is there any way to fetch Safari URL via Appium/Webdriveio within Native automation?

Facebook page plugin not working when logging in using incognito

How to fix facebook page plugin when using incognito? The problem is when i'm trying to login on messages tab using incognito mode it is just redirecting to timeline tab and no console error appearing.

Xcode Google Signin Button Image And Text not showing in Iphone

I'm following link steps and setup google login with pods
Google Login Integration Link
When i run my app, i can show google sign-in button text and image in simulator but not showing in my device. i can show only blue button.
(i add view that inherit from GIDSignInButton, not button).
how can i solve the problem ?

iOS App & jQuery Mobile Site - Include JS file ONLY if page is viewed in native iPhone app

I have a mobile website built using jQuery Mobile. I am currently designing an iOS native app with a single webView to display this mobile website.
If the jQuery mobile webpage is viewed in a normal mobile browser, I want all to function normally. BUT if the webpage is viewed using the webView in the iPhone app (not I am designing, I want to include an additional line of code on the webpage to pull in some custom JS.
Here's what I want to be added to the page ONLY IF viewed inside of my iPhone app's webView:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
This code needs to be pulled in (according to the jQuery mobile docs) before jQuery Mobile is loaded. Is this possible? And if so, could you point me in the right direction and give me some code?
I found this link whereby Facebook detects if they are being viewed WITHIN an app. Is there another way to do this obviously NOT using the FB API? Here is their code:
if (FB.UA.nativeApp()) {
// Hide your credits stuff
You can change the user agent in your NSURLRequest, and then check for that agent on your server.
Changing it app-side is easy.

Facebook Canvas application anchor tags are not working properly?

I'm developing a Facebook canvas application in rails 3.1 and using the latest Facebook graph API.
In anchor tags, when I give the href='/something' it's working nice when I navigate in same browser tab. The link is pointing to my host URL like host_url/something host_url contains HTTP as well , but when I open this anchor in a new tab using right click of mouse and chose to open in new tab it open the URL http://host_url/something and not in Facebook canvas.
I also change the anchor href with when I click this link nothing is displayed and request is no coming to my host. When I open this URL in new browser tab it works fine.
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong - if you're using relative links that's what will happen, because the app content is loaded in an iframe
Change your links to be absolute URLs including the[namespace] prefix if you want them to always link to the canvas app when opened in a new window