The property imageUrl is not recognized by vocabulary - schema

I am facing this issue. after the audit search showed this error here is my website can anybody help me to solve this.
enter image description here

there is no such property as imageUrl, it should be just image
so, in the Article markup, replace
"imageUrl": "",
"image": "",


why meta tag Open Graph LINE social preview not woking?

I have a meta tag that works with facebook and twitter, but I want it to work with social LINE, is there any way, please help.
Thank you!
enter image description here
enter image description here

typing is not possible in text field in safari

in this page:
it occurs the following problem:
in the "product" field, if you click on "Other" you are not able to type anything in the field.
How can I solve it?
Thank you very much!
I solved it just adding form tag!

Facebook API : feed a carousel post (multi-photos)

For some time now, Facebook offers a new carousel post (basic feeding with link and many pictures) similar to the carousel ads, but every picture's link lead to the same page, it's a basic publication with text, link, image...
An sample of what I need (it's french, but sample images speak for itself:
and the result about this news :
I've only find documentation about the carousel ads (payable) via marketing API.
Any body know if is possible with the standard API ? My research come to nothing...
Special thanks for every one !
Thanks to CBroe for the comment left explaining where to find this information.
If you look at that post in Graph API Explorer, you see that the images are in the child_attachment structure. And apparently, you can use that field when creating page posts, too
Facebook feed documentation
Here's an example in Python on how to accomplish what the documentation means:
import requests
post_data = {"access_token": "your access token",
"message": "whatever you want to say"
"link": ""
"child_attachments": '''[
"link": "",
"picture": ""
"link": "",
"picture": ""
}]'''}}"<your page id>/feed", data=post_data)

Magnific Popup - Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe

Magnific pop up for Google Maps not working on Chrome mobile. When triggered I get "Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe".
It works perfectly with the Google Maps URL given in the Magnific example but not when I use my own, I'm not sure if Google have changed their URL structure since but it looks like the new "embeded" URL is causing the problem.
Here's an example of the kind of URL I'm using:!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2382.9841570555454!2d-6.227123684388949!3d53.32563697997466!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x48670ec57aa7b09d%3A0x7965235d57af13f!2sClayton+Hotel+Ballsbridge!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sie!4v1453039698107
Is there a way I can change this URL to more like the working URL structure given in the example?:,+London,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&t=v&hnear=221B+Baker+St,+London+NW1+6XE,+United+Kingdom
Been wracking my brains with this one....any help would be greatly appreciated!
I noticed this too. It's because Magnific Popup uses "" whereas Google now uses "". I had this which didn't work
and I changed it to
Which now works.
Hope that helps a little.
Google maps should be embedded in iframe in Magnific pop plugin
View map
Because the right solution isn't listed here. The only thing you have to do is removing this attribute: disableOn: 700.
Keep only the code below:
disableOn: 700,
type: 'iframe',
mainClass: 'mp-fade',
removalDelay: 160,
preloader: false,
fixedContentPos: false
Then it will works again.
PS: If you want to keep the new Google URL address form, you should change code inside jquery.magnific-popup.js library from:
gmaps: {
index: '//',
src: '%id%&output=embed'
gmaps: {
index: '',
src: '%id%'

Google Plus doesn't show article image, just shows title and article link

I am trying to share a post from my website(blog) onto Google plus but it isn't showing the featured image of the article, instead it is just showing the title and link of the article. I have microdata and also "og" tags for my page. When tested using Google Structured data testing tool, it is showing all good. I expect to get some help here. If I am trying to share the home page, it is showing an image, however if I am trying to share any post from the website, it is not showing any image. Please help, let me know if you need any more info, would be happy to provide.
One of post's from website
The og:image meta tag is being used by google plus rather than the image property within your -as #abraham pointed out this is a broken link, it should go to - currently it includes /wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/07/ which isn't part of the image's path.
In the structured data it is valid, but not correct: BlogPosting has an image set but without a full path which may be why it gets ignored: the source should begin http:// etc. This is also needed if you want the image to appear in the google search results preview.
The WebPage element does not have an image set: only the BlogPosting does. Consider setting the same image property using a meta tag inside the WebPage element if fixing the BlogPosting image's path does not resolve the structured data issue, e.g.
<meta itemprop="image" content="" nt-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Print" />
In the structured data there are two unrelated mistake
the BlogPosting has author set to a link with fixed IP address this will reduce the chance of it connecting the blog with C Young's profile on the website.
the file name has 'releiving' in it, which is not the spelling used in the text on the image itself. This doesn't matter a great deal.