Blender boolean subtraction not rendering in Cura 3d - blender

I am trying to make a simple 3d object to print out on my 3d printer using Blender.
I have succeeded in creating what I want in Blender, which is essentially a platform 100mm x 120mm x 15mm with an inset trough of 10mm depth this leaving a 10mm border around the trough.
Looks spot on in Blender.
I have removed the inset object and checked that it looks ok.
Then I export it to an STL and open it in Cura 3D and I just get a solid platform, it's like it has ignored the boolean subtraction.
What am I doing wrong? Edit : Apply Modifiers is ticked.

In the boolean modifier tab you should be able to see a little down arrow to the left of the "X" button above difference (see first picture). When you click the drop down button, you should see a button that says apply(see second picture. When you hit apply it will apply the modifier and you will see the boolean modifier disappear and be good to remove the other object used in the modifier (pictures 3 & 4)
Picture of the location of the drop down button
Picture of the drop down menu
Modifier Goes away
Finished product with Difference modifier


Colors[4] not showing color selection on Front Panel

I am trying to set the color of an indicator to different colors based on different values, like 1 = red, 2 = blue etc. Using guidance from a Youtube video (accessible using this link:, I have created a Colors[4] control for the indicator I have after changing it to the "write" function.
The Problem on the front panel is that I am getting a control with numbers instead of a color box where I can select the colors to show based on the value. This was the control I got instead.
This is the control I am trying to achieve (below):
Is there any way that I can get the color box on my control instead of the number controls? I am not sure if it can be changed through a control on the front panel or something but what I have tried so far keeps leading me back to this problem.
Any advice is much appreciated
A color box control is just a U32 number (three bytes for RGB and one which is always 0), which is why that's what you get.
There is a right click plugin which adds a replace with color box option directly to the right click menu of unsigned 32 bit numbers, but I don't remember if it ships with LV or not.
If you don't have that, you can always just right click the indicator inside the cluster, select replace and navigate the palettes to find the color box. You can also copy a color box and then select the indicator and paste, which replaces the selected control.
The color[4] is actually an array of 4 colors (UInt32 as Yair said), that define 2 color gradients, one for the 'Off' state, and the other for the 'On' State of the control.
If you want to set the control's color, you will have to define all 4 of them.

how to create a sliding open door effect

i'm looking to create a sliding open door effect with jquery that has the following functionality:
arrive on the page and the doors are closed
click a link and the doors slide outwards a fixed amount on the x-axis
click the same link again and the doors close
i started out with the concept here, which works great:
but realised that i wanted the doors to slide across, rather than shrink in size, using the type of functionality seen here:
so i think what i am looking for is some type of 'animate' functionality:
this is the logic of the functionality i am trying to achieve:
static state:
background: an image that is revealed when the doors slide open.
door-left-inner: 122px wide x 244px high, centered and offset left -61px with z-index 3.
door-left-outer: 122px wide x 244px high, centered and offset left -151px with z-index 2.
door-right-inner: 122px wide x 244px high, centered and offset right 61px with z-index 3.
door-right-outer: 122px wide x 244px high, centered and offset right 151px with z-index 2.
onclick (all these functions take place at the same time):
door-left-inner x-position slide on click: -164px on x-axis.
door-left-outer x-position slide on click: -74px on x-axis.
door-right-inner x-position slide on click: 164px on x-axis.
door-right-outer x-position slide on click: 74px on x-axis.
here is a diagram of what i am trying to achieve:
attempted code (not currently working)
$("#open_close_doors").click(function(){ $("#leftdoor_inner").animate({"left": "-=50px"}, "slow");});​
and here is my jsfiddle attempt at getting one of the doors to slide - i figure once i know how to get one of the doors sliding i'll be able to apply the same logic to the others. also i'm a relative newb to jquery.
thank you.
Here's the corrected jsFiddle for the same:
$("#open_close_doors").click(function(){ $("#leftdoor_inner").animate({"left": "-=50px"}, "slow");});​
It should be:
$("#leftdoor_inner").animate({"left": "-=50px"}, "slow");
The difference lies in the way you access an element. As you can see, when you access an element by class, you use " .classsname" instead of "#classname" as you have done.
"#name" is used for accessing elements by their id.

ClickTag banner issues in Flash CS5

I've created some animated as well as static banners in Flash CS5 and I'd like to apply clickTag ActionScript 2.0 code to them. However, I only found tutorials where over all the existing layers, you create a rectangle using the Rectangle Primitive Tool, set the border, fill, and opacity to 0 and then apply the code and export the movie. When I create the rectangle, there is no setting for opacity, and when I set no border and no fill, the rectangle disappears and the dark dot in the timeline becomes empty so I can't click on the rectangle in order to convert it into a symbol.
I would really appreciate any advice on this!
Create your rectangle using 'Rectangle Primitive' tool shapes menu instead of the regular Rectangle tool.
select your rectangle by a single click.
From the properties panel select the bucket symbol (the one used to control the fill color) and you will find a setting 'alpha' for setting the transparency.
change the alpha value to 0. after that remove the stroke.
select your rectangle, from the top menu : Modify > Convert to symbol. give it a name and select 'button' from the dropdown. press ok.
now select the button you just created, open the actions panel and paste the following code :
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http:")
getURL(clickTAG, "_blank");

blender 2.60: precision modelling: how to see effect of grid subdivisions?

I am using blender 2.60. In the 3D view I press B to bring up
the Properties window (View -> Properties) and look at the
Display section, where under Grid Floor I find the
"Subdivisions" option. When I change this value
nothing happen (the subdivisions are not visible).
When I try to move an object (in Object mode right
click a cube for example and press G, then click
CTRL + SHIFT, it still moves the cube in increments
of 0.10 if the "Scale" is set to 1.000.
My question is, how do I see the effect of setting
the subdivisions option under 3D Window -> View ->
Properties -> Display -> Subdivisions in blender 2.60?
John Goche

Dynamically set maximum scale of horizontal pointer slide in labview?

I want to make a primitive movie player in Labview. I want the user to be able to load in a movie and have a slider to select frames. As such, I want the range of the slider to go from zero to N where N is the number of frames in the movie.
How do I set the scale of the slider programmatically?
I don't see any inputs to the slider, only one output.
Here is an example of a "Horizontal Pointer Slide" bar taken from the NI Website. The slide bar is in the upper right hand corner of the image.
Right click on the slider:
Create -> Property Node-> Data Entry Limits -> Maximum
Create -> Property Node-> Scale -> Range -> Maximum
This creates property nodes you can wire up to set the maximum limit of the slider.