Customising selection behaviour for Compose Desktop double-click - kotlin

Is there any way to customise what Compose Desktop considers contiguous characters when performing a double-click?
e.g., if I have this:
fun TextSelectionTest() {
SelectionContainer {
Text(text = "-40;60↋↊2↊2939 + 48;1↊772198↊6i")
The Unicode characters in there are not considered part of the same token, so when I double-click inside one of those numbers it doesn't select the entire number:
This makes copying the text somewhat inconvenient, at least for power users who know that double-click exists.
I've looked at the docs for SelectionContainer and it does take a modifier, but it isn't always clear what modifiers might be available.


Looking for software or API that will give me co-ordinates of text in a pdf

Simple question I hope - I have a pdf and want to detect the co-ordinates of specific word(s) or placeholder text. I then intend to use itextsharp to stamp a replacement bit of text on top at the co-ordinates found.
Can anyone recommend anything please?
As answered in the comments, one could use iText to perform such a task. Maybe there are some better solutions, however, I doubt it. The cause of the mentioned issue, i.e. "[itextsharp] sometimes give co-ords of the start of the sentence the search text is in", is that sometimes glyphs are so close, that their boxes overlap, hence I don't see how it could be handled as you want.
So you can do the following:
extend LocationTextExtractionStrategy class and override eventOccurred, for example, as follows:
public void eventOccurred(IEventData data, EventType type) {
if (type.equals(EventType.RENDER_TEXT)) {
TextRenderInfo renderInfo = (TextRenderInfo) data;
// Obtain all the necesary information from renderInfo, for example
LineSegment segment = renderInfo.getBaseline();
// ...
pass an instance of such an extended class to PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage as follows:
PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(pdfDocument.getPage(1), new ExtendedLocationTextExtractionStrategy()
once text is found, the event will be triggered.
There are some difficulties in such a solution, of course, because the text you want to find and write above could be present in the PDF not as "Text", but "T", "ex", t", or even "t", "x", "e", "T". However, since you use iText, you may want to harness the advantages of one of its products - pdfSweep. This product aims to completely remove unnecessary content from the PDF, with such a content being passed either as some locations (which you want to obtain, so that is not an option) or regexes.
This is how to create such a regex strategy (to find all "Dolor" and "dolor" instances in the document, completely remove them (from all the streams, so that they are either not observed from a PDF viewer nor found in the underlying PDF objects):
RegexBasedCleanupStrategy strategy = new RegexBasedCleanupStrategy("(D|d)olor").setRedactionColor(ColorConstants.GREEN);
This is how to use it:
PdfAutoSweep autoSweep = new PdfAutoSweep(strategy);
autoSweep.cleanUp(pdf); // a PdfDocument instance
And this is how to write some text on the location, at which the unnecessary text was present:
for (IPdfTextLocation location : strategy.getResultantLocations()) {
Rectangle rect = location.getRectangle();
// do something, for exapmle, write some text

activating a text field on <cr> input

Trying to get codename1 textfields to activate when a newline is
entered, the best I've done is to define this in a textfield
public void keyPressed(int keycode)
if(keycode==-90) // where does this number come from?
{ fireDoneEvent();
Where does this mysterious constant "-90" come from.
Is there a better supported way to do this?
Key pressed will only be invoked in a physical keyboard and not on virtual keyboard so you are in a completely wrong direction. If this is a multiline text field you can easily recognize the newline with \n using the DataChangeListener if this is a single line text field you should use the done listener which will only work on the device (with the VKB).

Pharo: customizing smart characters

The checkbox "Smart Characters" in "Code Completion" section of Settings Browser does (at least) two things:
1) It doubles some characters when typed: ', ", (, [, {
2) It enables that I can select a piece of code, press ( (i.e. Shift+9), and the selected code becomes surrounded by parentheses: (). I also can remove parentheses by pressing ( again. I also can do this with [] by pressing [ and with {} by pressing {, i.e. Shift+[.
I do not like the first of these things so I want to disable it, but I like the second thing and want to keep it. How can I achieve this? Turning off the checkbox will disable both.
P.S. I know that when the checkbox is off, adding/removing parentheses works by Cmd+Shift+9 (which is less convenient than Shift+9) and that Cmd+[ works for [], although I do not know any working shortcut for adding/removing {} when the checkbox is off.
The setting is called "Smart Characters", which should give you a clue as to where to look. Open a Finder, type in smartCharacters, and hit Enter. You should see some partial matches as well as an exact match for NECController and NECPreferences class (and the former just calls the latter). If you investigate the classes involved a bit, you'll see that smartCharacters stores a boolean, and that smartCharactersMapping returns a dictionary mapping some characters to their "counterparts", i.e. $[ to $] and so on. Now look at senders of smartCharactersMapping, and you'll see where it's being called from.
The caller you're most likely interested in would be NECController>>smartCharacterWithEvent. So put a breakpoint in that very ugly method to see what it does. You don't care about the first two cases (the editor having a selection and there not being a smart mapping), since you want to prevent the second matching character from being inserted. So the interesting bit for you is this bit:
self newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: char right: opposite
The method only has one implementor and that one sender, so it should be safe to comment out the original method and just return the "left" character, i.e.:
newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: left right: right
^String with: left
In other words, instead of creating a string with the left and right characters, and possibly spaces between them, just return a new string with the single character you typed. Might not be the most elegant way of solving this, but it should work, and should show you how to solve similar problems in the future.
(Ideally, you'll find a better solution, post it here as an alternate answer, and contribute it to the Pharo codebase - Pharo is open source, after all.)

Hiding text but not matplotlib plots in IPython notebooks

Sometimes I have a long notebook (essentially a lab-notebook) with lots of text, headings, plots etc. What I'd like is to be able to filter out all the text and just show the plots, so that I can quickly get an overview of what's in the notebook or find that one plot I want but I can't remember exactly where I put it. There's enough text in the notebooks that it takes a long while to scroll through it all. I'm aware that it's possible with an extension to hide input cells, which helps somewhat, but often there's a lot of text in the outputs too. The matplotlib plots are typically 'inline', so that they are just embedded pngs. Thus it should be sufficient to just hide text while preserving images.
I've looked through the extension index but haven't found anything appropriate. I'm guessing I could achieve something like this using an nbconvert template, or some javascript, but perhaps someone has a good way already.
Depending on the type of text output, you could hide the text_output class via your custom.js. To this end add the following lines to your custom.js:
function(IPython, events) {
function () {
$("#view_menu").append("<li id=\"toggle_toolbar\" title=\"Show/Hide text output\">Toggle Text Output</li>");
function text_toggle() {
if (text_show){
} else {
text_show = !text_show
This adds a menu entry in the view menu to toggle the visibility of the output_text class.
Of course if you have some text in markdown cells, these are not hidden. If required it should be straight forward to adapt the above code to hide the input cells (class input, the markdown cells (class text_cell), etc.

target.frontMostApp().keyboard() failed to locate key 'N'

I'm trying to automate keyboard typing with UI Automation.
But i will get this error after first 'I' is typed
target.frontMostApp().keyboard() failed to locate key 'N'
Script threw an uncaught JavaScript error: target.frontMostApp().keyboard() failed to locate key 'N'
I have a localized swedish keyboard.
Anyone know if this a bug or something I've missed?
This might help:
var vKeyboard = target.frontMostApp().keyboard();
By default this delay is set with 0.03 seconds. This is not enough for your application to update the keys on your keyboard. Increasing this timeout between determining keys for typeString keyboard method will help you. There is no description for setInterKeyDelay on UIAKeyboard reference page but this method is available for UIAKeyboard.
Also I'm not sure about other languages. I do not know if typeString allows to type on other languages but this 100% works for English keyboard for iOS 5.x.
I've had this problem as well and I believe it's a case of the string being typed too quickly.
It seems that the names of the key,change depending on the status of the shift button.If shift is enabled then the key is called 'N',if shift is not enabled then it's 'n'.You'll notice as a string is being typed,that the shift button is tapped before an uppercase letter is typed.Your test is attempting to press the 'N' key before the 'Shift' button has been pressed.It doesn't affect the first letter of your sentence because the keyboard has shift enabled for the first letter.
This also affects typing a lowercase character after an uppercase character:the lowercase character may be typed whilst the shift button is in the process of being unpressed.
I use a workaround of typing each letter of the string with separate typeString() methods.
for (i = 0; i < title.length; i++)
var strChar = title.charAt(i);
The downside to this is that it takes a lot longer to type the full string.
You may also want to look at the following link which provides a similar solution but uses the app.keyboard().keys().tap() method for each character of the string instead of the typeString() method.