Pharo: customizing smart characters - smalltalk

The checkbox "Smart Characters" in "Code Completion" section of Settings Browser does (at least) two things:
1) It doubles some characters when typed: ', ", (, [, {
2) It enables that I can select a piece of code, press ( (i.e. Shift+9), and the selected code becomes surrounded by parentheses: (). I also can remove parentheses by pressing ( again. I also can do this with [] by pressing [ and with {} by pressing {, i.e. Shift+[.
I do not like the first of these things so I want to disable it, but I like the second thing and want to keep it. How can I achieve this? Turning off the checkbox will disable both.
P.S. I know that when the checkbox is off, adding/removing parentheses works by Cmd+Shift+9 (which is less convenient than Shift+9) and that Cmd+[ works for [], although I do not know any working shortcut for adding/removing {} when the checkbox is off.

The setting is called "Smart Characters", which should give you a clue as to where to look. Open a Finder, type in smartCharacters, and hit Enter. You should see some partial matches as well as an exact match for NECController and NECPreferences class (and the former just calls the latter). If you investigate the classes involved a bit, you'll see that smartCharacters stores a boolean, and that smartCharactersMapping returns a dictionary mapping some characters to their "counterparts", i.e. $[ to $] and so on. Now look at senders of smartCharactersMapping, and you'll see where it's being called from.
The caller you're most likely interested in would be NECController>>smartCharacterWithEvent. So put a breakpoint in that very ugly method to see what it does. You don't care about the first two cases (the editor having a selection and there not being a smart mapping), since you want to prevent the second matching character from being inserted. So the interesting bit for you is this bit:
self newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: char right: opposite
The method only has one implementor and that one sender, so it should be safe to comment out the original method and just return the "left" character, i.e.:
newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: left right: right
^String with: left
In other words, instead of creating a string with the left and right characters, and possibly spaces between them, just return a new string with the single character you typed. Might not be the most elegant way of solving this, but it should work, and should show you how to solve similar problems in the future.
(Ideally, you'll find a better solution, post it here as an alternate answer, and contribute it to the Pharo codebase - Pharo is open source, after all.)


VIM equivalent of IntelliJ's expand/shrink selection?

How would one achieve the same result. I believe the keybinding for macOS Intellij is op+up/down and on windows it is alt+w/d.
Essentially the function highlights the current word, then, with successive presses, expands out to the full string/line/area in-between parenthesis/further out to the next set of parenthesis. Very useful for developing in LISP.
The closest I've gotten is this:
Try this plug in:
It expands selections based on Vim’s text objects.
Well this may seem comfortable but does not correspondent with the internal logic of vim itself.
See, in vim everything you enter is like a sentence. va{ for example: there is a verb v -> visually select and an object (or movement) { -> paragraph. In this case there is also a modifier a around. You can exchange stuff in this sentence and it will still work vaw, dil, cB and so on. The power of vim is greatly based on that concept.
Of course you can write a function that does vaw first, then S-v and lastly va{ but that will only work with visual selection. It will not work with c or d or anything. So I will recommend to get used to use different keys for different actions.
The visual selection is mostly not needed anyway. Change a paragraph? directly use ca} and so on.
I have found that VI/VA + WOBO (as many times as you need to expand) works similarly. Not as fast but its the same concept and you can even expand/shrink asymmetrically based on your WO's and BO's (Or OW's and OB's depending on how you look at it)

How do you handle game battle combos? - Scratch 3.0

I'm new to programming, and I was wondering how you are able to handle consecutive, timed key presses in order for the character to do something different. For example, in games like 'Super Smash Bros.' you press one button for a character to punch, and if you press it again, they will do their second punch; pressing it once more will result in a kick. How am I able to program this in Scratch 3.0 (preferrably, but an explanation in another programming language might help)?
By the way, if this helps, I am using a 'state' variable in order to handle other animations such as running; I want the character to be able to animate when the timed key presses occur.
Makey makey (in the extensions) does something similar to that, but if you wanted to make your own from scratch (no pun intended) you could do something like this example that I made:
As stated earlier, makey makey is the only option...
I know, they only have a few selected options
try this:
You usually use
when (up right down left v) pressed:
// Do something
Why don't you use
when (join(up up right right left left up down)()) pressed:
// Do Something
Yes, its the join()() block. Fill up the first blank with the combos you want, separated by a space, and leave the 2nd one empty. Drag it into the selectable part of the Makey Makey hat block, and there you go!

Localizable.strings - Why do I need to put the placeholder in the key?

In Localizable.strings file, why is it necessary to put placeholders in the key.
Assuming you use a dot notation like;
"welcome-back.label" = "welcome back, %#"
I've seen examples where they mix placeholders and dot notation something like this;
"welcome-back %#.label" = "welcome back, %#"
^ The above might be incorrect.
But what I don't understand is why you even need the placeholder at all in the key when its just a pointer to a value.
Can someone shed light on this?
Many thanks
You don't need it in the key, it's there to make life easier for people who read the code in the future so they can easily tell that a parameter should be passed, what it's for and therefore which variable should be used. If you want to use some other specification to indicate this that's fine. If you want to make it super terse and hard to use that's also fine, just discouraged...
NSLocalizedString will replace the string on the left hand side with the string on the right hand side. The string on the right hand side must obviously be the correct string for the situation, the string on the left hand side can be anything you want. You could use keys "1", "2", "3" etc and it would work (although you would go mad).
You can improve your life as a developer with the right strategies. I tend to never use plain english text as the key, because the same English word can have many different translations (for example "key" in German can be Taste, Schlüssel, Tonart and lots of other things). Instead I write some text that describes what the text is used for.
And to avoid problems when you type in the key incorrectly, which the compiler has no chance to find, I tend to use #define statements for the keys. Much easier to keep just a list of #defines and your localizable.strings in sync, and the compiler will tell you if you misspell a #defined constant.
And I tend to use the word "format" for strings that are format strings and not used directly. So I might have in one header file
#define kWelcomeBackLabelTitleFormat #"WelcomeBackLabelTitleFormat"
and in the localizable.strings file
"WelcomeBackLabelTitleFormat" = "welcome back, %#";
(The #define saves you if you used "WelcomebackLabelTitleFormat" by mistake with a lowercase b).

IEnumString searching substrings - possible?

I've implemented auto completion to a combobox like this article shows. Is it possible to make it search for substrings instead of just the beginning of the words?
I haven't found any way to customize how IEnumString/IAutoComplete compares the strings. Is it possible?
The built in search options help a bit but it is complete chaos. To find instring matches you need to set flag AcoWordFilter. But this will prevent from numbers being matched!! However, there is a trick to get the numbers to match: preced with a double-quote as in "3 to find a string containing or starting with "3". Some more chaos? In the AcoWordFilter you also need to prefix other characters not considered part of a "word", eg. you need to prefix parentheses with a " but then you will not find parentheses at the first position!
So the solution is either to create your own implementation of IAutoComplete or offer the user to switch between the modes (a bit awkward).
I dont think that the MS engineers are especially proud of such chaos. How about one more option: AcoSearchAnwhere?
After retrieving the Edit control's IAutoComplete interface, query it for an IAutoComplete2 interface. Calling its SetOptions member you can disable prefix filtering by specifying the ACO_NOPREFIXFILTERING AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.
This is available on Windows Vista and later. If you need a solution that works with pre-Vista versions, you'll have to write your own.

How can I validate text box input?

I am creating a program and I need to validate my text boxes. For the program the user needs to put in a phrase. But I am not sure how to make sure that the user actually entered in a phrase, the phrase isn't (ex.) skldkfdl, or that there isn't a space.
Strings in Java
You could do a String.Trim() to get rid of trailing whitespaces first...
then do a String.IndexOf(" ") to check for a space.
If the function returns -1, it means there is no space in the string.
Running on the assumption that you're using VB.Net - Add an event handler for the event where you want to validate the text, such as when a "Submit" button is clicked. You may want to use a CancelEventHandler, so that you can cancel the click.
In the event handler, if you're looking for just simple validation, you can use if-statements to check some simple conditions, such as if you just want to check "if input.equals(password)".
Look here for an example of using CancelEventHandler
If you're looking for some more complex validation, you'll want to use regular expressions.
This page might help get you started
Checking to see if something is "a phrase", as in, proper English, would be very difficult. You would need to make sure that all of the words are in the dictionary, and then you would need to check for proper grammar, which is incredibly complex, given English grammar rules. You may want to simplify your approach, depending on your problem. For example, maybe just check that no weird characters are used, that there is more than one space, and that each word contains a vowel.