Full Text Search Find Exact Word - sql

I use full text search on my SynonymWords table. I need to find exact word.
I put my search word between quotes but it still to get result.
I expected there is no result. Where i do a mistake?
My query is
SELECT * FROM SynonymWords WHERE CONTAINS(Words,'"zebra"')
The result is here

Fulltext index doesn't work that way
it would find Zebra as long as there is a space or an interpunct before and behind it, so that ozt can idenitfy it a a word.
That's the function of the full text search and you can't change it.
A word like zebrajsduerhn would not be found by your query
You would change it to
SELECT * FROM SynonymWords WHERE CONTAINS( [words], '"zebra*"')
It taes some time to get used to it
Iyou want to have an exact search for word i would recoment to read this thread SQL Server query to match the exact word which handles this and also have an answer for regular expressions.
If you need something faster you should take a look at elasticsearch and opensearch, but these needs also some time to undertsand the concepts


SQL Server full text search and spaces

I have a column with a product names. Some names look like ‘ab-cd’ ‘ab cd’
Is it possible to use full text search to get these names when user types ‘abc’ (without spaces) ? The like operator is working for me, but I’d like to know if it’s possible to use full text search.
If you want to use FTS to find terms that are adjacent to each other, like words separated by a space you should use a proximity term.
You can define a proximity term by using the NEAR keyword or the ~ operator in the search expression, as documented here.
So if you want to find ab followed immediately by cd you could use the expression,
'NEAR((ab,cd), 0)'
searching for the word ab followed by the word cd with 0 terms in-between.
No, unfortunately you cannot make such search via full-text. You can only use LIKE in that case LIKE ('ab%c%')
You can create a view (WITH SCHEMABINDING!) with some id and column name in which you want to search:
REPLACE(columnname,' ','') as search_string
FROM YourTable
Then create index
Then create full-text search index on search_string field.
After that you can run CONTAINS query with "abc*" search and it will find what you need.
But it wont help if search_string does not start with your search term.
For example:
ab c d -> abcd and you search cd
No. Full Text Search is based on WORDS and Phrases. It does not store the original text. In fact, depending on configuration it will not even store all words - there are so called stop words that never go into the index. Example: in english the word "in" is not selective enough to be considered worth storing.
Some names look like ‘ab-cd’ ‘ab cd’
Those likely do not get stored at all. At least the 2nd example is actually 2 extremely short words - quite likely they get totally ignored.
So, no - full text search is not suitable for this.

SQL Server Efficient Search for LIKE '%str%'

In Sql Server, I have a table containing 46 million rows.
In "Title" column of table, I want make search. The word may be at any index of field value.
For example:
Value in table: BROTHERS COMPANY
Search string: ROTHER
I want this search to match the given record. This is exactly what LIKE '%ROTHER%' do. However, LIKE '%%' usage should not be used on large tables because of performance issues. How can I achieve it?
Though I don't know your requirements, your best approach may be to challenge them. Middle-of-the-string searches are usually not very practical. If you can get your users to perform prefix searches (broth%) then you can easily use Full Text's wildcard search (CONTAINS(*, '"broth*"')). Full Text can also handle suffix searches (%rothers) with a little extra work.
But when it comes to middle-of-the-string searches with SQL Server, you're stuck using LIKE. However you may be able to improve performance of LIKE by using a binary collation as explained in this article. (I hate to post a link without including its content but it is way too long of an article to post here and I don't understand the approach enough to sum it up.)
If that doesn't help and if middle-of-the-string searches are that important of a requirement then you should consider using a different search solution like Lucene.
Add Full-Text index if you want.
You can search the table using CONTAINS:
FROM YourTable
WHERE CONTAINS(TableColumnName, 'SearchItem')

SQL Contains - only match at start

For some reason I cannot find the answer on Google! But with the SQL contains function how can I tell it to start at the beginning of a string, I.e I am looking for the full-text equivalent to
LIKE 'some_term%'.
I know I can use like, but since I already have the full-text index set up, AND the table is expected to have thousands of rows, I would prefer to use Contains.
You want something like this:
Rather than specify multiple terms, you can use a 'prefix term' if the
terms begin with the same characters. To use a prefix term, specify
the beginning characters, then add an asterisk (*) wildcard to the end
of the term. Enclose the prefix term in double quotes. The following
statement returns the same results as the previous one.
-- Search for all terms that begin with 'storm'
SELECT StormID, StormHead, StormBody FROM StormyWeather
WHERE CONTAINS(StormHead, '"storm*"')
You can use CONTAINS with a LIKE subquery for matching only a start:
FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS('"Alice in wonderland"')
) AS S1
WHERE S1.edition LIKE 'Alice in wonderland%'
This way, the slow LIKE query will be run against a smaller set
The only solution I can think of it to actually prepend a unique word to the beginning of every field in the table.
e.g. Update every row so that 'xfirstword ' appears at the start of the text (e.g. Field1). Then you can search for CONTAINS(Field1, 'NEAR ((xfirstword, "TERM*"),0)')
Pretty crappy solution, especially as we know that the full text index stores the actual position of each word in the text (see this link for details: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142551.aspx)
I am facing the similar issue. This is what I have implemented as a work around.
I have made another table and pulled only the rows like 'some_term%'.
Now, on this new table I have implemented the FullText search.
Please do inform me if you tried some other better approach

Search literal within a word

Is there a way to perform a FULLTEXT search which returns literals found within words?
I have been using MATCH(col) AGAINST('+literal*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) but it fails if the text is like:
Please Note that there is no space after commas.
I want all three cases above to be returned.
I think that should be better fetching the array of entries and then perform a text manipulation over the fetched data (in this case a search)!
Because any text manipulation or complex query take more resources and if your database contains a lot of data, the query become too slow! Moreover, if you are running your
query on a shared server, that increases the performance issues!
You can easily accomplish what you are trying to do with regex, once you have fetched the data from the database!
UPDATE: My suggestion is the same even if you are running your script on a dedicated server! However, if you want to perform a full-text search of the word "literal" in BOOLEAN MODE like you have described, you can remove the + operator (because you are searching only one word) and construct the query as follow:
SELECT listOfColumsNames WHERE
MATCH (colName)
However, even if you add the AND operator, your query works fine: tested on Apache Server with MySQL 5.1!
I suggest you to read the documentation about the full-text search in boolean mode.
The only one problem of this query is that doesn't matches the word "literal" if it is a sub-string inside an other word, for example: "textliteraltext".
As you noticed, you can't use the * operator at the beginning of the word!
So, to accomplish what you are trying to do, the fastest and easiest way is to follow the suggestion of Paul, using the % placeholder:
SELECT listOfColumsNames
WHERE colName LIKE '%literal%';

Best way to implement a stored procedure with full text search

I would like to run a search with MSSQL Full text engine where given the following user input:
"Hollywood square"
I want the results to have both Hollywood and square[s] in them.
I can create a method on the web server (C#, ASP.NET) to dynamically produce a sql statement like this:
WHERE CONTAINS(TITLE,'"hollywood*"')
AND CONTAINS(TITLE, '"square*"')
Easy enough. HOWEVER, I would like this in a stored procedure for added speed benefit and security for adding parameters.
Can I have my cake and eat it too?
I agreed with above, look into AND clauses
WHERE CONTAINS(TITLE,'"hollywood*" AND "square*"')
However you shouldn't have to split the input sentences, you can use variable
by the way
search for the exact term (contains)
search for any term in the phrase (freetext)
The last time I had to do this (with MSSQL Server 2005) I ended up moving the whole search functionality over to Lucene (the Java version, though Lucene.Net now exists I believe). I had high hopes of the full text search but this specific problem annoyed me so much I gave up.
Have you tried using the AND logical operator in your string? I pass in a raw string to my sproc and stuff 'AND' between the words.