Extracting the content of a tag depending its attribute value with beautiful soup - beautifulsoup

I have a tree with two tags like this :
<orgName>This is the full name of the organisation</orgName>
<orgName type="acronym">Nickname</orgName>
To get the full name I can write something like:
FullName=w.orgName.string (where w is a parent)
But How can I get "Nickname" without confusion with the full name ?
does not work...
Thanks for your help


How do i can make a node form (like list of name attendance) which only fill with name (Autocomplete Text) will display the biodata fields

I am a new drupal user. I have a node which contain user's biodata. How do i can make a node form (something like list of name attendance) which only fill with name (prefer : Autocomplete Text) will display the biodata fields. Please suggest what module I should study for this situation.
Thank you

Types of url arguments when linking via <a> tag in django template

What is the difference between these linkings?:
Some Page
Some Page .
I've worked with the first one, and can't understand why we need to write like title='title' in the second one.
For the second you are passing 'title' as a string literal to the url parameter title, so this will work if your path looks like:
path('entry/<slug:title>/', some_view, name='entry')
for example. If the path looks like:
path('entry/<slug:slug>/', some_view, name='entry')
the name of the parameter is thus slug, not title. Regardless if you want to pass the value of the title variable, you should use:
Some Page
or in case the URL parameter is slug:
Some Page

cTAKES UMLS ICD10 codes lookup

I created a cTAKES custom dictionary from UMLS database with ICD10 codes.
Right now I able to analyze the text by for example disease name, like Asthma and annotation index will contain the ICD10 code for this matching code = "J45.90".
Is it possible to configure cTAKES in order to reverse this process in order to look for ICD10 code appearance in the text instead?
The XML output contains the start and ends of a matched concept in the original corpus. I personally find it easier to convert the XML to a simple JSON format and then loop through it as needed.
I have been working on an open source solution for parsing out the data and displaying the corpus with the matches it in HTML: https://github.com/GoTeamEpsilon/ctakes-friendly-web-ui#demonstration - let me know if you'd like to contribute.

How to search by name attribute?

I'm trying to find an input element <input id="telephone" name="telephone">. I tried soup.find('input', name='telephone') and didn't find it. However soup.find('input', id='telephone') works fine. I think the problem is that 'name' has two meanings, the name of the tag and the name attribute. So, how can I search by the name attribute?
Obviously in my example I can search by the id attribute, but that's not there in my actual predicament.
You can also use the attrs parameter. For example:
soup.find('input', attrs={'name': 'telephone'})
or, more simply in your case:
soup.find('input', {'name': 'telephone'})
(See https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#the-keyword-arguments)
You don't have to pass the tag name ('input' in your case) - you can just search by attributes alone - but I've included it to match the details of your question.
Hope this is helpful.
Im not sure that you wrote.
soup.find('input', name='telephone');
Would you try to use this?
Hope it works.

bazaar auto tag

I want to use the automatic_tag_name hook to automatic create tag name without the need of manually typing
I tried to write it like it : automatic_tag_name(branch name,10)= "GIL"
Is it the correct syntax? (i found iittle information on it in the documents)
Is it possible to create tag name from a file? this file will contains only the tag name
See this example pahe here:
SO correct call should be:
def post_push_autotag(push_result):
branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_push_autotag', post_push_autotag, 'My autotag')