How to send message as a channel telethon - telethon

Is this even possible using telethon?
I want to use the send message as channel in public groups option using telethon.
I couldn't find anything about it anywhere

Seems like there is this send_as attribute in send_message for the master branch of Telethon and it's not released yet.


Telegram bot doesn't recieve messages from a channel

Private settings are turned off.
the bot is added to the channel and he is an admin.
i created another channel because maybe the other one had problems but it didn't helped too.
And it still can't see the messages i send in the channel , why?
(i tested it and he gets the messages everywhere except of channels)
consider that channel_post is a different update parameter than regular message parameter which is only for private chats and groups.
check more in:

Telegram Bot - Send Info message

currently I am working to creating telegram bot. Now I required to know is there is any API to send info messages (like the one we get during a user is added r deleted in a group chat)
Thanks in advance
What you want to do can be done using answerCallbackQuery method.
But first of all you have to create a CallbackQuery using InlineKeyboardMarkup to create inline keyboards you can follow the steps in this link.
After creating the callback query you have to answer it using one of the codes below:
if (update.CallbackQuery.Data == "CQ1")
await Bot.AnswerCallbackQueryAsync(update.CallbackQuery.Id,"Text",true,null, 0);
This way the message will look like a message box and will disappear after the user taps on OK. But if you use the code below, the message will show up and disappear automatically after a few seconds.
else if (update.CallbackQuery.Data == "CQ2")
await Bot.AnswerCallbackQueryAsync(update.CallbackQuery.Id, "Text", false,null, 30);
By the way, messages that are shown at times like adding a user to a
group are service messages and theses kinds of message can only be
sent by telegram server.
If my suggestion does not fix your issue you can use pinMessage method
that sticks a single message to the top of the page in groups and
channels. But note that you can only pin one message to a channel
or group and for pinning another message firstly you should unpin the
previous one.
Currently there is no way to send such info messages.
And in my opinion, this feature is unlikely to be added in future because:
info messages usually tell you information about your chat; they are managed by telegram servers
therefore they should not be sent by Users
bot is an instance of User

Is it possible to read bot Telegram messages

I have successfully created a bot with and am able to fetch messages from a chat using the getupdates method (long polling).
The getUpdates method is only showing user posted messages (clientside). When I post messages directly using the sendmessage method (serverside) these messages do appear in the chat, but do not in the getUpdates log.
This page
states it logs only when "An user messages your bot, either directly or in a group." and some other ways, but the sendMessage way is not mentioned.
I've read a bit on the setwebhook method (push) but am not sure this will fix my issue.
Is this possible?
According to Bot FAQ, bots will not be able to see messages from other bots regardless of mode.
The getUpdates method shows only updates from users, not from the bot itself. This means that when you fetch the new messages with the getUpdates method, the Telegram API will list only the messages sent by the users, not the messages sent by the bot via any method (e.g sendMessage, sendPhoto ...).
To get old messages you can store the entire update (or only the parts of the update you need) for each message (even those sent by the bot with the sendMessage method) in a file or in a database and when you need an old message you can simply fetch it form the database or the files.
I managed to get the bot messages using two bots.
One does the sendMessage method and the other one does the getUpdates method.
#Giolacca9 answer inspired me to try this workaround and it works, "not from the bot itself" :)

PubNub - Is there a way to find Channel Groups that contain a channel?

Is there any way other than getting all Channel Groups and checking each one individually? I am wanting to go through and have the server remove the channel from all of the Channel Groups who contain that channel.
I have the client unsubscribing as it should, but in the event that it does not unsubscribe properly (browser crash/loss of connection/etc). I know using presence and detecting leave/timeout is probably the best way to handle this. But, it is just not something we can do in this first implementation.

Process SMS when notified via websocket

So I managed to connect to the websocket with my API token and I do get notifications. For incoming calls, I do get a push with all info like so:
{"type":"push","targets":["stream"],"push":{"type":"mirror","source_device_iden":"XXXXXXX","source_user_iden":"ujC7S24sQxw","client_version":206,"dismissible":true,"title":"5555551212","body":"Incoming call","application_name":"Pushbullet","package_name":"","notification_id":"6","icon"
"Big value here"}}
So I can see that call came from 555-1212 (I changed number for privacy) and it all makes sense. However, for SMSs, all I get is a notification that SMS changed. No body field so I can't see where it came from and what the message is. All it says is sms_changed for type:
What am I doing wrong? I would like to get the SMS message and sender info so that I can publish it. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
This is not publicly documented yet and we might be changing the implementation in the near future so I'm hesitant to make it public. Also I don't know the specifics of the current implementation.
You can view how it works right now by using and looking at the network traffic (in chrome inspector) when you do SMS stuff on the website.