Why useQuery refetch() doesn't work sometimes? - react-native

I use react-native with graphql.
I have a query and tried to use refetch.
const { data: updatePhoto, refetch } = useQuery(SEE_PHOTO_QUERY, {
variables: {
id: photoId,
when after I edit my comment, I want to refetch this query and put it on setState in order to change UI.
const onEditValid = async ({ comments }) => {
const commentId = await AsyncStorage.getItem("#commentId");
await editCommentMutation({
variables: {
id: parseInt(commentId),
payload: comments,
update: updateEditComment,
const updateEditComment = async (cache, result) => {
const {
data: {
editComment: { error, ok, id },
} = result;
if (ok) {
const commentId = await AsyncStorage.getItem("#commentId");
const { comments } = getValues();
await textRef.current.clear();
await refetch();
await cache.modify({
id: `Comment:${commentId}`,
fields: {
payload(prev) {
return comments;
But UI doesn't change.
I tried to change UI by modifying cache and refetching data. But both fails for a week.. :(
I also raised the question about fail of cache modify
=> React Native: `cache.modity` doesn't work
But no one answers.
I really need your help.. please help me


UseEffect with getPermissionAsync

unfortunately I am struggling with the hook lifecycle in react native.
I have two hooks at the top level.
const permission = useLocationPermission();
const location = useCurrentLocation(locationPermission);
The first one handles the location permission permission and asks the user to grand.
export default function useLocationPermission() {
const [hasLocationPermission, setHasLocationPermission] = useState(false);
const appState = useRef(AppState.currentState);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const hasPermission = async () => {
const { granted } = await Location.getForegroundPermissionsAsync();
if (!granted) {
const { granted: request } =
await Location.requestForegroundPermissionsAsync();
if (!request) {
"Some Message"
} else {
} else {
return hasLocationPermission;
The second one handles the current location.
export default function useCurrentLocation(hasPermission: boolean) {
const [currentLocation, setCurrentLocation] = useState<LatLng>(initLocation);
useEffect(() => {
if (hasPermission) {
getCurrentPosition().then((locationObject) => {
latitude: locationObject.coords.latitude,
longitude: locationObject.coords.longitude,
} else {
}, []);
const getCurrentPosition = async () => {
return Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({});
const setWatcher = async () => {
await Location.watchPositionAsync({ distanceInterval: 5 }, (locaction) => {
latitude: locaction.coords.latitude,
longitude: locaction.coords.longitude,
return currentLocation;
My problem is that after the user has granted the permission. The location will not been updated anymore (still the initial location). It seems that the second hook is only called ones.
Is there any best practice to handle such situation. So the location will be updated and the watcher is set after the permission is set.
Thanks a lot.
Your list of dependencies for the effect that sets current location is empty. Since you are saying you want that effect to be dependant on hasPermission, set it to [hasPermission] instead.

Vuejs created and mounted doesn't work properly even if at the same level than methods

I'm experiencing a strange behaviour with created() and mounted() in Vue.js. I need to set 2 lists in created() - so it means those 2 lists will help me to create a third list which is a merge.
Here is the code :
// return data
created () {
mounted () {
methods: {
retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
.then((response) => {
this.sellOffers = response.data;
.catch((e) => {
getAllProducts() {
.then((response) => {
this.products = response.data;
.catch((e) => {
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
console.log(this.products) // print empty array
console.log(this.sellOffers) // print empty array
for (var i = 0; i < this.sellOffers.length; i++) {
if (this.sellOffers[i].productId === this.products[i]._id) {
this.arr3.push({id: this.sellOffers[i]._id, price: this.sellOffers[i].price, description: this.products[i].description});
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
//end of code
So my problem is when I enter in mergeSellOffersProducts(), my 2 lists are empty arrays :/
This way worked for me :
async mounted() {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
methods: {
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('link/api/selloffer/seller/', { params: { sellerId: this.sellerId } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('link/api/product')).data;
I think the reason is: Vue does not wait for the promises to resolve before continuing with the component lifecycle.
Your functions retrieveSellOffers() and getAllProducts() contain Promise so maybe you have to await them in the created() hook:
async created: {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
So I tried to async my 2 methods :
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/selloffer/', { params: { sellerId: '615b1575fde0190ad80c3410' } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/product')).data;
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
My data are well retrieved, but yet when I enter in created, the two lists are empty...
You are calling a bunch of asynchronous methods and don't properly wait for them to finish, that's why your data is not set in mounted. Since Vue does not await its lifecycle hooks, you have to deal with the synchronization yourself.
One Vue-ish way to fix it be to replace your method mergeSellOffersProducts with a computed prop (eg mergedSellOffersProducts). Instead of generating arr3 it would simply return the merged array. It will be automatically updated when products or sellOffers is changed. You would simply use mergedSellOffersProducts in your template, instead of your current arr3.
If you only want to update the merged list when both API calls have completed, you can either manually sync them with Promise.all, or you could handle this case in the computed prop and return [] if either of the arrays is not set yet.
When you're trying to merge the 2 lists, they aren't filled up yet. You need to await the calls.
async created () {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
async mounted () {
await this.mergeSellOffersProducts();

vue apollo 2 composition api track result

So I am trying to add product impressions to my site by following this article:
I have created a bit of logic to fire off the required data like this:
import { getCurrentInstance } from "#vue/composition-api";
import { useGtm } from "#gtm-support/vue2-gtm";
export function useTrackProductImpressions(items: any[]) {
console.log("trying to track products", items);
if (!items?.length) return;
const gtm = useGtm();
if (!gtm.enabled()) return;
const dataLayer = window.dataLayer;
if (!dataLayer) return;
const products = items.map((product, i) => {
const retailers = product.retailers ?? [];
return {
name: product.title, // Name or ID is required.
id: product.id,
price: retailers[0].price,
brand: product.brand,
category: product.categorySlug,
variant: product.variant,
position: i,
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const route = instance.proxy.$route;
const routeName = route.meta?.title ?? route.name;
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
event: "productClick",
ecommerce: {
click: {
actionField: { list: routeName }, // Optional list property.
// eventCallback: function () {
// document.location = productObj.url;
// },
This seems pretty normal and I have a click version of this that works fine.
The problem is, the click event can be fired when a link is clicked, this one needs to fire when the view loads, I assume in setup.
So, I have my apollo logic:
import { useQuery, useResult } from "#vue/apollo-composable";
import * as listProducts from "#graphql/api/query.products.gql";
export const defaultParameters: {
identifier?: string;
searchTerm: string;
itemsToShow: number;
page: number;
filters: any;
facets: string[];
} = {
searchTerm: "*",
itemsToShow: 12,
page: 1,
filters: [],
facets: ["Criteria/Attribute,count:100"],
export function useSearchProducts(params) {
const { result, loading, error, fetchMore } = useQuery(listProducts, params);
const response = useResult(result, null, (data) => data.searchProducts);
return { response, loading, error, fetchMore };
And from my setup I invoke like this:
const { category } = toRefs(props);
const page = ref(1);
const skip = ref(0);
const orderBy = ref([
key: "InVenue",
value: "desc",
const params = computed(() => {
const filters = createFilters("CategorySlug", [category.value.slug]);
const request = createRequest(
return { search: request };
const { response, loading, error} = useSearchProducts(params);
Which I can then return to the template like this:
return { response, loading, error };
Now I have done this, I want to add some tracking, so initially I did this:
watch(response, (result) => useTrackProductImpressions(result?.value?.items));
But it was always undefined.
I added console log on result within the watch method and it is always undefined.
So I changed to this:
const track = computed(() => {
But this never gets invoked (I assume because it has no return value and I don't use it in the template).
My question is, which is the best way to do what I am attempting? Am I missing something or am I on the write track?
I think I was close, I just used the computed property to return my products like this:
const products = computed(() => {
if (!response.value) return [];
return response.value.items;
const total = computed(() => {
if (!response.value) return 0;
return response.value.total;
const hasMoreResults = computed(() => {
if (!response.value) return false;
return response.value.hasMoreResults;
return {

Nuxt - Wait after async action (this.$store.dispatch)

I'm new to Nuxt and I'm facing an issue that I don't understand.
If i code something like:
const resp1 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall1', {...dataCall1});
this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', {...dataCall2, resp1.id});
The resp1.id is properly set in the 2nd axios call => we wait for the first call to be completed before doing the 2nd one.
However, when I define asyn actions in my vuex store ex:
async action1({ commit, dispatch }, data) {
try {
const respData1 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall1', { ...data });
commit('MY_MUTATION1', respData1);
return respData1;
} catch (e) {
async action2({ commit, dispatch }, data, id) {
try {
const respData2 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', { ...data });
commit('MY_MUTATION2', respData2);
} catch (e) {
and then in my vue component I fire those actions like:
const resp1 = await this.$store.dispatch('store1/action1', data1);
this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', data2, resp1.id);
resp1.id is undefined in action2.
I also tried managing promise the "old way":
this.$store.dispatch('store1/action1', data1).then(resp1 => this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', data2, resp1.id))
The result is still the same => id = undefined in action2
Can you guys please tell me where I'm wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
Last note: the 2 actions are in different stores
Vuex doesn't allow multiple arguments, so you have to pass it through as an object, so it could look like:
this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', { ...data2, id: resp1.id });
And then in the store:
async action2({ commit, dispatch }, { id, ...data }) {
try {
const respData2 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', { ...data });
commit('MY_MUTATION2', respData2);
} catch (e) {

useMutation not mutating the local state

I'm getting this error while trying to mutate the local state in apollo.
errInvariant Violation: Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a "gql" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql
Initial state
registration: {
__typename: 'Registration',
tempMerchantId: '',
authorizeProfile: {
__typename: 'AuthorizePersonProfile',
nid_front: '',
nid_back: '',
authorized_person_photo: ''
My mutation
export const setAuthorizePersonQuery = gql`
mutation setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo($authorizePerosnData: Object!){
setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo(authorizePersonData: $authorizePerosnData) #client
My resolver
export const setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo = (
_, { authorizePersonData }, { cache }
) => {
try {
const prevData = cache.readQuery({ getAuthorizePersonProfileQuery });
data: {
registration: {
__typename: 'Registration',
authorizeProfile: {
__typename: 'AuthorizePersonProfile',
} catch (e) {
return null;
I'm trying to mutate the local state on button press, the function is
const handlePressedNext = () => {
variables: { authorizePersonData: generateNidData() }
.then(() => {
generateNidData function is like bellow
const generateNidData = () => ({
nid_front: nidFrontImage,
nid_back: nidBackImage
I'm new to apollo client. I can not understand what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help me figure out the problem?
getAuthorizePersonProfileQuery is not a valid option for readQuery. Presumably, you meant use query instead.