Vuejs created and mounted doesn't work properly even if at the same level than methods - vue.js

I'm experiencing a strange behaviour with created() and mounted() in Vue.js. I need to set 2 lists in created() - so it means those 2 lists will help me to create a third list which is a merge.
Here is the code :
// return data
created () {
mounted () {
methods: {
retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
.then((response) => {
this.sellOffers =;
.catch((e) => {
getAllProducts() {
.then((response) => {
this.products =;
.catch((e) => {
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
console.log(this.products) // print empty array
console.log(this.sellOffers) // print empty array
for (var i = 0; i < this.sellOffers.length; i++) {
if (this.sellOffers[i].productId === this.products[i]._id) {
this.arr3.push({id: this.sellOffers[i]._id, price: this.sellOffers[i].price, description: this.products[i].description});
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
//end of code
So my problem is when I enter in mergeSellOffersProducts(), my 2 lists are empty arrays :/
This way worked for me :
async mounted() {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
methods: {
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('link/api/selloffer/seller/', { params: { sellerId: this.sellerId } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('link/api/product')).data;

I think the reason is: Vue does not wait for the promises to resolve before continuing with the component lifecycle.
Your functions retrieveSellOffers() and getAllProducts() contain Promise so maybe you have to await them in the created() hook:
async created: {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();

So I tried to async my 2 methods :
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/selloffer/', { params: { sellerId: '615b1575fde0190ad80c3410' } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/product')).data;
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
My data are well retrieved, but yet when I enter in created, the two lists are empty...

You are calling a bunch of asynchronous methods and don't properly wait for them to finish, that's why your data is not set in mounted. Since Vue does not await its lifecycle hooks, you have to deal with the synchronization yourself.
One Vue-ish way to fix it be to replace your method mergeSellOffersProducts with a computed prop (eg mergedSellOffersProducts). Instead of generating arr3 it would simply return the merged array. It will be automatically updated when products or sellOffers is changed. You would simply use mergedSellOffersProducts in your template, instead of your current arr3.
If you only want to update the merged list when both API calls have completed, you can either manually sync them with Promise.all, or you could handle this case in the computed prop and return [] if either of the arrays is not set yet.

When you're trying to merge the 2 lists, they aren't filled up yet. You need to await the calls.
async created () {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
async mounted () {
await this.mergeSellOffersProducts();


Nuxtjs data() variable cannot change

I hava a simple nuxt/vue app. It uses an API to call filters and data, but the fetch hook dont change the variable. Here's my code:
data() {
return {
filters: {},
fulldata: [],
filterName: '',
async fetch({app}) {
app.$axios.$get('/api/oklevelek').then(data => {
this.fulldata = data
this.filters = data.possibleFilters
console.log(this.fulldata) //data shows
console.log(this.fulldata) //undefined
fetchOnServer: true,
methods: {
test() { //test method for data
console.log(this.fulldata) //undefined
Thanks for your time and appreciate your help!
You need to await the response from your fetch call. At the moment, you’re trying to console.log this.fulldata immediately after calling the api, before the data has had chance to return.
async fetch({app}) {
app.$axios.$get('/api/oklevelek').then(data => {
this.fulldata = data
this.filters = data.possibleFilters
console.log(this.fulldata) //data shows
// this runs immediately after the api call
console.log(this.fulldata) //undefined
This should help:
async fetch({app}) {
// add await here
let { data } = await app.$axios.$get('/api/oklevelek')
// now this code waits for the api call to finish
this.fulldata = data
this.filters = data.possibleFilters

Nuxt - Wait after async action (this.$store.dispatch)

I'm new to Nuxt and I'm facing an issue that I don't understand.
If i code something like:
const resp1 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall1', {...dataCall1});
this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', {...dataCall2,});
The is properly set in the 2nd axios call => we wait for the first call to be completed before doing the 2nd one.
However, when I define asyn actions in my vuex store ex:
async action1({ commit, dispatch }, data) {
try {
const respData1 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall1', { });
commit('MY_MUTATION1', respData1);
return respData1;
} catch (e) {
async action2({ commit, dispatch }, data, id) {
try {
const respData2 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', { });
commit('MY_MUTATION2', respData2);
} catch (e) {
and then in my vue component I fire those actions like:
const resp1 = await this.$store.dispatch('store1/action1', data1);
this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', data2,; is undefined in action2.
I also tried managing promise the "old way":
this.$store.dispatch('store1/action1', data1).then(resp1 => this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', data2,
The result is still the same => id = undefined in action2
Can you guys please tell me where I'm wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
Last note: the 2 actions are in different stores
Vuex doesn't allow multiple arguments, so you have to pass it through as an object, so it could look like:
this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', { ...data2, id: });
And then in the store:
async action2({ commit, dispatch }, { id, }) {
try {
const respData2 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', { });
commit('MY_MUTATION2', respData2);
} catch (e) {

Can't use Vue.js Data in Created ()

I'm wondering if is it possible, how can I use Vue.js data in my Created() function.
I'll show some code so you can see why I say.
data (){
return {
model: {},
foo: 'boo'
created (){
const getModel = () => {
const modelId = this.$
axios.get('/api/model', { params: {modelId: modelId}})
.then(res => {
this.model = = 'hello'
.catch(err => console.log(err))
const init = () =>{
The first console.log(foo) returns 'hello'.
The second one (init) returns 'boo'.
Also the first console.log(this.model) is what I expect to get but once is out of the axios method it's like empty again all over the mounted function.
I've tried a lot of things but none of them worked, hope I get a solution... Thanks in advance!
As soon as JS functions are non-blocking - your axios call isn't done (model is still empty) when you call for init
Define init as components method
Call this.init() in axios.get callback
It might have to do with the fact that in your created hook you're creating a function using the function keyword, which means your init function will have its own context(its own this).
A solution to this problem would be to use an arrow function.
data () { return { foo: 'bar' } }
created () {
const init = () => {
init(); // bar
More about arrow functions
Actually, the issue stems from not awaiting for getModel. Because you are making a request, you first need to wait for the promise to resolve, and then use its resolved data in the code that depends on it.
The async/await version would be:
async created () {
const getModel = async () => {
const modelId = this.$
try {
const res = await axios.get('/api/model', { params: {modelId: modelId}})
this.model = = 'hello'
} catch (err) {
const init = () =>{
// An async function always returns a promise
await getModel();

"Maximum call stack size exceeded" by passing the data to the Vuex-state

I am fetching the data from a MongoDB through sending GET requests to my API. Then I loop through the and in each through its properties to push the data which I need to nextArray. And this nextArray should be passed to the schedulingQuality-state in the Vuex. That's how it looks like:
methods: {
get_data() {
const nextArray = [];
for(let i in this.SelectedtValues) {
.then(res => {
for(let n in {
computed: {
SelectedtValues() {
return this.$store.getters.selectedValues;
} ,
schedulingQuality() {
return this.schedulingQuality;
When I'm printing out the nextArray then it seems to be ok. I'm getting a [] on the console and after I click on it the correct content appears with a small i icon which tells: "Value below was evaluated just now". However I am not able to print out the items of this Array separately, each of them has a value of undefined, when I try that.
But my main problem is that it throws an Maximum call stack size exceeded error, when I'm trying to pass it to my Vuex-state in the code above befor printing out, like:
Here is my Vuex-code:
import Vuex from "vuex";
import axios from "axios";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {
schedulingQuality: [],
mutations: {
SchedulingQuality(state, payload) {
state.schedulingQuality = payload;
actions: {
setSchedulingQuality({commit}, payload){
getters: {
schedulingQuality(state) {
return state.schedulingQuality;
export default createStore;
My questions are:
Why it is not possible to print out the Array items separately?
Why I'am getting this error
And how can I fix it?
Thank you for your time.
axios call is asynchronous. At the time you call console.log(nextArray), axios function is not finished yet. That's why you got empty array.
You call multiple api asynchronously, I suggest you check out Promise.all
get_data() {
const nextArray = [];
Promise.all( => {
return axios.get('' + value)
})).then(results => { => {
for(let n in {
}).catch(err => {

How Can I pass params with an API client to vue-head?

I am passing params from my API to vue-head but every time I do that it send me undefined in the head this is the code:
export default {
data: () => ({
errors: [],
programs: [],
methods: {
getProgram() {
.then(response => {
this.programs =
.catch(error => {
this.errors = error
head: {
title: function() {
return {
separator: '|',
complement: 'Canal 10'
any idea what I am doing wrong with my code??
First verify you are fetching the information correctly. Use console log and go to network tab and verify you are fetching the data correct, you might have to comment out vue-head. But what I think is that the problem might be due to vue-head rendering before the api call finishes then no data is being passed.
If you are using vue-router this can be easily solved with beforeRouteEnter() hook. But if not! apparently vue-head has an event that you can emit to update the component after render.
I haven't tried this but it should work. you can add the function below to your methods and call it after the promise is resolved i.e in the then closure.
methods: {
getProgram() {
.then(response => {
this.programs =
.catch(error => {
this.errors = error