Node is not able to join cluster in v3.8.24 version - rabbitmq

We are upgrading our system from RabbitMQ version 3.6.10 & Erlang version v19.3.4 to RabbitMQ v3.8.24 and Erlang version v23.3.4.8.
We are using Rightscale to deploy our deployments. While performing resiliency testing on 3 node cluster we had deleted one node (node3) and as a result 1 new node (node4) auto churned with the same cluster Id. All the cluster join commands are well in place and are working properly for 3.6.10. But we have observed that after upgrading the newly launched node on v3.8.24 is not able to join the cluster. Rather than it is treating itself as a new single node deployment.
On the 1st and 2nd node we are getting below error in the crash.log file.
2022-02-17 09:01:32 =ERROR REPORT====
** gen_event handler lager_exchange_backend crashed.
** Was installed in lager_event
** Last event was: {log,{lager_msg,[],[{pid,<0.44.0>}],info,{["2022",45,"02",45,"17"],["07",58,"45",58,"12",46,"982"]},{1645,83912,982187},[65,112,112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,32,"mnesia",32,101,120,105,116,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,114,101,97,115,111,110,58,32,"stopped"]}}
** When handler state == {state,{mask,127},lager_default_formatter,[date," ",time," ",color,"[",severity,"] ",{pid,[]}," ",message,"\n"],-576448326,{resource,<<"/">>,exchange,<<"amq.rabbitmq.log">>}}
** Reason == {badarg,[{ets,lookup,[rabbit_exchange,{resource,<<"/">>,exchange,<<"amq.rabbitmq.log">>}],[]},{rabbit_misc,dirty_read,1,[{file,"src/rabbit_misc.erl"},{line,367}]},{rabbit_basic,publish,1,[{file,"src/rabbit_basic.erl"},{line,65}]},{lager_exchange_backend,handle_log_event,2,[{file,"src/lager_exchange_backend.erl"},{line,173}]},{gen_event,server_update,4,[{file,"gen_event.erl"},{line,620}]},{gen_event,server_notify,4,[{file,"gen_event.erl"},{line,602}]},{gen_event,server_notify,4,[{file,"gen_event.erl"},{line,604}]},{gen_event,handle_msg,6,[{file,"gen_event.erl"},{line,343}]}]}
2022-02-17 09:01:37 =ERROR REPORT====
** Connection attempt from node 'rabbit#node-4' rejected. Invalid challenge reply. **
2022-02-17 09:01:37 =ERROR REPORT====
** Connection attempt from node 'rabbitmqcli-481-rabbit# node -4' rejected. Invalid challenge reply. **
*node-4 is the new node which is churned automatically.
Here we have two concerns.
Why the newly churned node is not able to join the cluster.
It has been observed that post termination old node details are still present in Disc Nodes section. Is there any specific reason for retaining it or some configurational changes that need to be performed.

I was somehow able to resolve the issue by doing some googling. So, just thought to share my findings with you. Might be it will help someone.
Based on RabbitMQ recommendations it is always good to have RabbitMQ cluster having static nodes.
It might be possible that an unresponsive node might be able to rejoin cluster once recovered and dynamic removal of the nodes is not recommended. Please refer,understood%20and%20considered.
After having all due diligence, in case if we want to remove the unused node then we can use forget_cluster_node and pass the expired node name from any working node. It will clean all the entries.
I hope it will help you guys.


clustre apache ignite (2.9.1-1) ubuntu 18.04

for testing, I build a clustre apache ignite (2.9.1-1) when starting first node, everything is ok, when starting second nodes, I get an error (Failed to add node to topology because it has the same hash code for partitioned affinity as one of existing nodes) since I am not an expert in apache-ignite, I wanted to clarify how I can fix this error
You need to specify different consistentId for every node in the cluster.
In this case, it is possible that you are starting both nodes with myIgniteNode01.

AWS EKS node group migration stopped sending logs to Kibana

I encounter a problem while using EKS with fluent bit and I will be grateful for the community help, first I'll describe the cluster.
We are running EKS cluster in a VPC that had an unmanaged node group.
The EKS cluster network configuration is marked as "public and private" and
using fluent-bit with Elasticsearch service we show logs in Kibana.
We've decided that we want to move to managed node group in that cluster and therefore migrated from the unmanaged node group to a managed node group successfully.
Since our migration we cannot see any logs in Kibana, when getting the logs manually from the fluent bit pods there are no errors.
I toggled debug level logs for fluent bit to get better look at it.
I can see that fluent-bit gathers all the log files and then I saw that we get messages:
[debug] [out_es] HTTP Status=403 URI=/_bulk
[debug] [retry] re-using retry for task_id=63 attemps=3
[debug] [sched] retry=0x7ff56260a8e8 63 in 321 seconds
Furthermore, we have managed node group in other EKS clusters but we did not migrate to them they were created with managed node group.
The created managed node group were created from the same template we have from working managed node group with the only difference is the compute power.
The template has nothing special in it except auto scale.
I compared between the node group IAM role of working node group logs and my non working node group and the Roles seems to be the same.
As far for my fluent bit configuration I have the same configuration in few EKS clusters and it works so I don't think that the root cause but if anyone thinks something else I can add it if requested.
Someone had that kind of problem? why node group migration could cause such issue?
Thanks in advance!
Lesson learned, always look at the access policy of the resource you are having issue with, maybe it does not match your node group role

Infinspan console shows only one node for clustered servers in the cache node view

We are working with infinspan version 9.4.8 in a domain mode with cluster of two hosts servers with two nodes.
In the statistics of the cluster view we can see that both nodes get hits but when we look at the view of the cache nodes for a distributed cache we can see only one node in the nodes view
In console of infinspan 8 we used to have the two nodes in the cache nodes view but after upgrading to version 9 it is not the case
Could you please advise if it is bug in the console for version 9.4.8 or something is missed in the configuration
This is a bug which has just been fixed and will be included in the upcoming 9.4.18.Final release. The issue is tracked by ISPN-11265.
In the future please utilise the Infinispan JIRA directly if you suspect a bug.

Solr issue: ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so

So today we run into a disturbing solr issue.
After a restart of the whole cluster one of the shard stop being able to index/store documents.
We had no hint about the issue until we started indexing (querying the server looks fine).
The error is:
2014-05-19 18:36:20,707 ERROR o.a.s.u.p.DistributedUpdateProcessor [qtp406017988-19] ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so
2014-05-19 18:36:20,709 ERROR o.a.s.c.SolrException [qtp406017988-19] org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ClusterState says we are the leader (http://x.x.x.x:7070/solr/shard3_replica1), but locally we don't think so. Request came from null
at org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessor.doDefensiveChecks(
at org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessor.setupRequest(
at org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessor.processAdd(
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.JsonLoader$SingleThreadedJsonLoader.processUpdate(
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.JsonLoader$SingleThreadedJsonLoader.load(
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.JsonLoader.load(
at org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler$1.load(
at org.apache.solr.handler.ContentStreamHandlerBase.handleRequestBody(
at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.execute(
We run Solr 4.7 in Cluster mode (5 shards) on jetty.
Each shard run on a different host with one zookeeper server.
I checked the zookeeper log and I cannot see anything there.
The only difference is that in the /overseer_election/election folder I see this specific server repeated 3 times, while the other server are only mentioned twice.
Not even sure if this is relevant. (Can it be?)
Any clue what other check can we do?
We've experienced this error under 2 conditions.
Condition 1
On a single zookeeper host there was an orphaned Zookeeper ephemeral node in
/overseer_elect/election. The session this ephemeral node was associated with no longer existed.
The orphaned ephemeral node cannot be deleted.
Caused by:
This condition will also be accompanied by a /overseer/queue directory that is clogged-up with queue items that are forever waiting to be processed.
To resolve the issue you must restart the Zookeeper node in question with the orphaned ephemeral node.
If after the restart you see Still seeing conflicting information about the leader of shard shard1 for collection <name> after 30 seconds
You will need to restart the Solr hosts as well to resolve the problem.
Condition 2
Cause: a mis-configured systemd service unit.
Make sure you have Type=forking and have PIDFile configured correctly if you are using systemd.
systemd was not tracking the PID correctly, it thought the service was dead, but it wasn't, and at some point 2 services were started. Because the 2nd service will not be able to start (as they both can't listen on the same port) it seems to just sit there in a failed state hanging, or fails to start the process but just messes up the other solr processes somehow by possibly overwriting temporary clusterstate files locally.
Solr logs reported the same error the OP posted.
Interestingly enough, another symptom was that zookeeper listed no leader for our collection in /collections/<name>/leaders/shard1/leader normally this zk node contains contents such as:
But the node is completely missing on the cluster with duplicate solr instances attempting to start.
This error also appeared in the Solr Logs:
HttpSolrCall null:org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$SessionExpiredException: KeeperErrorCode = Session expired for /roles.json
To correct the issue, killall instances of solr (or java if you know it's safe), and restart the solr service.
We figured out!
The issue was that jetty didn't really stop so we had 2 running processes, for whatever reason this was fine for reading but not for writing.
Killing the older java process solved the issue.

Brisk TaskTracker not starting in a multi-node Brisk setup

I have a 3 node Brisk cluster (Briskv1.0_beta2). Cassandra is working fine (all three nodes see each other and data is balanced across the ring). I started the nodes with the brisk cassandra -t command. I cannot, however, run any Hive or Pig jobs. When I do, I get an exception saying that it cannot connect to the task tracker.
During the startup process, I see the following in the log: (line 695) TaskTracker up at: localhost.localdomain/
A few lines later, however, I see this:
Retrying connect to server: localhost.localdomain/ Already tried 9 time(s).
INFO [TASK-TRACKER-INIT] (line 321) Server at localhost.localdomain/ not available yet, Zzzzz...
Those lines are repeated non-stop as long as my cluster is running.
My cassandra.yaml file specifies the box IP (not or localhost) as the listen_address and the rpc_address is set to
Why is the client attempting to connect to a different port than the log shows the task tracker as using? Is there anywhere these addresses/ports can be specified?
I figured this out. In case anyone else has the same issues, here's what was going on:
Brisk uses the first entry in the Cassandra cluster's seed list to pick the initial jobtracker. One of my nodes had in the seed list. This worked for the Cassandra setup since all the other nodes in the cluster connected to that box to get the cluster topology but this didn't work for the job tracker selection.
looks like your jobtracker isn't running. What do you see when you run "brisktool jobtracker"?