How to use testharness for flink timer with 3 inputs - kotlin

I wanted to test the flink timers using testHarness, I can do it when I have one input key using KeyedOneInputStreamOperatorTestHarness.
But I wanted to test the process function with 3 input key.
class Sample: KeyedProcessFunction<String, Tuple4<String, input1?, input2?, input3?>, Tuple2<String, sampleOutput?>>
I am unable to use the testHarness for process function with more than 2 input keys?
Any suggestions?


Increase delay and load over time in jMeter

I'm trying to get an increase in delay/pause and load over time in jmeter load testing while keeping the sequence constant. For example -
Initially - 10 samples (of 2 get requests - a,b,a,b,a,b...)
Then after 10 samples, a delay/pause of 10 secs and then 20 samples (a,b,a,b,a,b...)
After the 20 samples, another delay/pause of 20 secs; then 30 samples (a,b,a,b,a,b...)
And so on.
Constraints here being -
Getting exact number of samples
Getting the desired delay
The order of requests should be maintained
The critical section controller helps with maintaining the order of threads but only in a normal thread group. So if I try the ultimate thread group to get the desired variable delay and load, the order and number of samples go haywire.
I've tried the following-
Run test group consecutively
Flow control action
Throughput controller
Module controller
Interleave controller
Synchronizing timer (with and without flow control)
Add think times to children
Is there any way to get this output in jMeter? Or should I just opt for scripting?
Add User Defined Variables and set the following variables there:
Add Thread Group and specify the required number of threads and iterations
Add Loop Controller under the Thread Group and set "Loop Count" to ${samples}. Put your requests under the Loop Controller
Add JSR223 Sampler and put the following code into Script area:
def delay = vars.get('delay') as long
sleep(delay * 1000)
def new_delay = delay + 10
vars.put('delay', new_delay as String)
def samples = vars.get('samples') as int
def new_samples = samples + 10
vars.put('samples', new_samples as String)

using .net StackExchange.Redis with "wait" isn't working as expected

doing a R/W test with redis cluster (servers): 1 master + 2 slaves. the following is the key WRITE code:
var trans = redisDatabase.CreateTransaction();
Task<bool> setResult = trans.StringSetAsync(key, serializedValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Task<RedisResult> waitResult = trans.ExecuteAsync("wait", 3, 10000);
trans.WaitAll(setResult, waitResult);
using the following as the connection string:
[server1 ip]:6379,[server2 ip]:6379,[server3 ip]:6379,ssl=False,abortConnect=False
running 100 threads which do 1000 loops of the following steps:
generate a GUID as key and random as value of 1024 bytes
writing the key (using the above code)
retrieve the key using "var stringValue =
redisDatabase.StringGet(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave);"
compare the two values and print an error if they differ.
running this test a few times generates several errors - trying to understand why as the "wait" with (10 seconds!) operation should have guaranteed the write to all slaves before returning.
Any idea?
WAIT isn't supported by SE.Redis as explained by its prolific author at Stackexchange.redis lacks the "WAIT" support
What about improving consistency guarantees, by adding in some "check, write, read" iterations?
SET a new key value pair (master node)
Read it (set CommandFlags to DemandReplica.
Not there yet? Wait and Try X times.
4.a) Not there yet? SET again. go back to (3) or give up
4.b) There? You're "done"
Won't be perfect but it should reduce probability of losing a SET??

JMeter order of samples with Redis Data

I am using Redis Data Set as a data source in my JMeter tests. I have configured the redis key with a value I retrieve from a JSR223 sampler.
Below are my test samplers.
in the bove JSR223 sampler I retrieve a previous value ${operator} and put in to properties.
Then in the next sampler ,
I reuse the value as ${__P(operator)}.
The issue with this is ,it doesn't look like JSR233 sampler is running before jp#gc RedisDataset. so the script fails like below.
Stop Thread seen for thread XXXXXX 1-1, reason: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterStopThreadException: End of Redis data detected, thread will exit
If I run the script once commenting the Redis data set sampler, and run on a second run with enabling it, the value can be seen, as the value have been stored in the Jmeter memory, this way it was evident that Redis data set runs before JSR223 sampler. I can not move JSR 233 sampler out of the test fragment to a much higher level as I need to run it within the test fragment.
Is there a location which defines these order of executions with Redis samplers ?
Or is there a way to define the order in Jmeter so that JSR223 will run before Redis sampler?
After #Dmitri-t s reply, I have updated the project as follows .
As per Execution Order chapter of JMeter User Manual:
0. Configuration elements
1. Pre-Processors
2. Timers
3. Sampler
4. Post-Processors (unless SampleResult is null)
5. Assertions (unless SampleResult is null)
6. Listeners (unless SampleResult is null)
Redis Data Set is a Configuration Element therefore it will be executed prior to anything else.
The only way you can make this operator property dynamic is overriding it via -J command-line argument like:
jmeter -Joperator=something -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
I got That working in the following way
|--Thread group
|--Module Controller -1
| |--CSV Data Set Config - to load operator name(this is going to be reused in other thread groups)
|--Module Controller -2
|--JSR233 Sampler - To read a second level file with ${operator} in its name
|--For Each Controller - to read through the second level file
| |--User Defined Variables - to split the line from the second level file in to variables
|--HTTP Request - Action sampler with ${operator} and other variables
Ref : Iterating over a csv file

Flink: How to process rest of finite stream with combination of countWindowAll()

//assume following logic
val source = arrayOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) // total 12 elements
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment(1);
val input = env.fromCollection(source)
.aggregate(...) // pack them to List<Int> for bulk upload to DB
.addSink(...) // sends bulk
When i execute it - only first 10 processed, but rest 2 elements
are thrown away - flink shutdown without processing of them.
The only avoid for me - while i totally controll source data, i can push some well-known IGNORABLE_VALUES to source collection to fit window size and then ignore them in sink... but i think where is some far more professional way in flink.
You have a finite stream of 12 and a window that triggers for every 5 elements. So the first window gets 5 elements and then triggers, then the next 5 are received and it triggers, but the last 2 come and the job knows that no more are going to come. So since there aren't 5 elements in the window the trigger doesn't fire so nothing is done with them.

Load Runner Session ID Changes Indefinitely

Good day
I'm trying to perform load testing with LoadRunner 11. Here's an issue:
I've got automatically generated script after actions recording
Need to catch Session ID. I do it with web_reg_save_param() in the next way:
"LB=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=",
"RB=; Path=/app/;",
web_add_cookie("S_ID; DOMAIN={host}");
I catch ID from the response (Tree View):
Compare it with Replay Log and see:
"S_ID = 75C78912AE78D26BDBDE73EBD9ADB510".
Compare 2 IDs above with the next request ID and see 3rd ID (Tree View):
Why do I have 3 different IDs?
Let me know if I have to provide extra information.
You should Use(Search=All) below Code. Provided your Right and left boundary is correct:
"LB=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=",
"RB=; Path=/app/;",
web_add_cookie("{S_ID}; DOMAIN={host}");
For Details refer HP Mannual for web_reg_save_param function.
I do not see what the conflict or controversy is here. Yes, items related to state or session will definitely change from user to user, one recording session to the next. They may even change from one request to the next. You may need to record several times to identify the change and use pattern for when you need to collect and when you need to reuse the collected data from a response in a subsequent request.
Take a listen to this podcast. It should help