Does Ansible support WebSSH connections? - ssh

I am using Ansible in my current application to deploy my code. I using SSH connections to connect to servers(host) ,where code needs to be deployed. We are migrating to new servers where SSH connection is not available only webssh connection is available.
Can i still use ansible to connect to new servers?

With webSSH, webterminals, Ajax terminals, and such solutions you make it possible to access the SSH service via your web browsers. The necessary code is usually made of JavaScript, Ajax, Websockets or others.
Can I still use Ansible to connect to new servers?
Out of the box there is connection plugin I am aware of.
If you have connection module available which addresses your webterminal, probably yes. An other option can be to use REST API if such is implemented in your webterminal.


using cloudflared to do ssh tunneling accesible by the interenet without need to run cloudflared on the otherside

I have a raspi machine behind NAT in my room, and I want to access it from the interenet using the URL.I found this article.
However, it required me to run the cloudflared program on the connecting client. I understand that this is for the security purpose. Does it possible to make the connect without running the cloudflared program on the client machine.
A follow-up question would be is it possible to ssh into ipv6 machine that using the same technique.
There are various options when it comes to connecting to a machine running on a private network:
Running cloudflared on the client (which you already found)
Installing the WARP client on the user side, then using cloudflared on the server side to expose the service securely. Finally, route the network traffic for the private network on the tunnel via WARP. This approach is described in a tutorial here
Cloudflare started also supporting in browser rendering of an SSH session. I have wrote a tutorial describing how to set it up here.
Approach (3) would do away with the need of running a client since it relies on a simple browser.

How to set Proxy in Karate Framework

I am trying to hit an API using IP port. But the Machine is behind a VPN. Even though my local is connected to the VPN, the HTTP connection is refused. Is there any provision to setup up VPN/Proxy in Karate Framework?
Yes. Please refer to the documentation:

Remote Docker Host Authentication

Hi I'm currently working on a side project. In this project I'll have a central server that will need to connect to several remote docker daemons. My problem is with authentication.
Given that the project will be hosted on Digitalocean, my first thought suggested that I'll accept only connections from the private networking interface. The problem is that that interface is accessible by all other servers in the same datacenter.
Second thought is to allow only requests from the central server using the DOCKER_HOST config, the problem is that if I understand correctly the if the private IP of the centeral server get known, the IP can be spoofed.
Third thought is to enable TLS ( ), I've never dealt with those things before and the tutorial is unclear for me, I lack the knowledge of the terminologies and it's being used heavily.
So basically the problem is that I have a central client and multiple remote docker hosts, what is the best way to connect to them? Thank you.
EDIT: I managed to solve the problem using HTTP authentication by running nginx as a proxy in front of the docker daemon.
My understand is you are trying to build a docker cluster, which can manage all nodes from one single central server.
this is very likely docker's Docker Swarm project, from their doc, they give some simple idea how this is work:
open a TCP port on each node for communication with the swarm manager
install Docker on each node
create and manage TLS certificates to secure your swarm
Sorry this should post as a comment but I do not have enough rep to do that.

How to configure Glassfish that I can use admin service remote with security enabled and local with security disabled

I need a way to use Glassfish admin service (REST call to deploy and configre) from a remote machine and from local machine (command line and applications).
It is clear that for remote access it is necessary to enable secure admin. If we enable secure admin it will break all local access from applications. These application can not be changed to using https to access the admin service. Only thing I can change is that we can use a different port.
I see two possible ways for me:
Using a hack. So I can administrate with secure administrate disable. So I can use plan http. For use a possible solution, because this machine used internally in a test environment.
Configure Glassfish that we can use admin service remote via secure access https and from a local environment with http.
We prefer solution 1, because it fit better in our environment and we have lesser effort. At the moment I see no way or exist a solution (not for production)?
I tried something for solution 2, simular to http-listener-1 http-listener-2. So use two ports 4848 for local unsecure access and as example 4949 for remote secure access.But I always fail with configuration. So I start with a step by step configuration. First enable admin interface oon two ports and as second step I want to add the secure access to the new port admin-listener. But I got only one of the ports working.Please can anyone help me with target configuration? Any domain.xml will be welcome.
Thanks florian
You can try to use SSH and run asadmin utilities from remote machine.

SSL connection on Blackberry Playbook development

is it possible to setup an ssl connection on playbook? I found SecureSocket class in the api but it seems playbook platform doesnt support ssl connections. Any ideas?
It depends what you're trying to connect to, but if it's a web server, then you can use URLRequest to connect via https, which uses an SSL connection.
I don't think there's currently a general way to do it in AIR, without using a third-party library, however.