Is there a way in JOOQ to pull a number of records without multiple DB calls? - crud

In our webapp we have a number of places where you would be updating a number of tables in one complex form/view. In raw SQL I would probably select a bunch of columns from a bunch of tables and edit that one record on the primary table as well as related parent/child tables.
In hibernate I would probably just pull a JPA entity for the main table and let hibernate fetch the parent/child relationships as I populate the view. And then later pull from my view back to the entity and call entitymanger .perist/merge.
In JOOQ I have a number of options but it appears you can pull a main record via selectFrom/fetch then use fetchChild fetchParent to pull typed related records like so...
LoadsRecord load = dslContext.selectFrom(LOADS)
SafetyInspectionsRecord safetyInspection = load.fetchParent(Keys.LOADS__FK_SAFETY_INSPECTION);
So this way I am able to pull related records in a typesafe manner. The only annoying thing is I have to run another full query every time I call fetchParent or fetchDhild. Is there a way to eagerly fetch these all at once to avoid multiple round trips to the DB?
It is really nice to have these classes like LoadsRecord for CRUD screens, it makes updating the DB easy.

Classic approach using joins
There are various ways you can achieve materialising a to-one relationship. The simplest one being a simple JOIN or LEFT JOIN if the relationship is optional.
Result<?> result =
You probably want to work with the generated records thereafter, so you can use various mapping tools to map the generic Record types to the two UpdatableRecord types for further CRUD:
for (Record r : result) {
LoadsRecord loads = r.into(LOADS);
SafetyInspectionsRecord si = r.into(SAFETY_INSPECTIONS);
Using nested records
Starting from jOOQ 3.15 and #11812, MULTISET and ROW operators can be used to create nested collections and records. So, in your query, you could write:
Result<?> result =
row(LOADS.ID, ...),
That would already help map the nested data structures into the desired format. Starting from jOOQ 3.17 and #4727, you can even use table expressions directly to generate nested records:
Result<Record2<LoadsRecord, SafetyInspectionsRecord>> result =, SAFETY_INSPECTIONS)
This new feature is definitely going to close one of jOOQ's biggest gaps. You could even simplify the above using implicit joins to this:
Result<Record2<LoadsRecord, SafetyInspectionsRecord>> result =, LOADS.safetyInspections())


How will be better, returning only generated keys of inserted entities vs returning full inserted entities?

I have a question, what is the best way to return data of inserted entities with auto generated keys (IDs). For example, i need to return entities back to front after inserting them into the database. I see three ways:
Returning only generated keys and matching them to necessary entity objects in my code manually.
Returning full entities and map it into appropriate entity class.
Do not return anything and get data back by separate select query.
Case 3 seems less effective, and i can't choose between case 1 and case 2.
P.S. I'm using PostgreSQL, if it make difference.

How to join a table within a user defined function whose name is provided as parameter?

I have three tables in my SQL Server database: 1) School, 2) College, 3) University.
Then I have another table: Tags.
Each of the three tables (School, College, University) can have Tags associated with them. For which purpose I have three association tables: SchoolTags, CollegeTags, UniversityTags.
I am trying to create a user-defined function that will take the name of association table as parameter (i.e. 'SchoolTags') and the Id of the entity (school/college/university) and will return a list of tags associated with that entityId.
The issue I am having is I have got to join Tags with a table whose name will come in as parameter. For that I am creating a dynamic query. And we can not run dynamic queries in SQL Server user-defined functions.
Any idea how can that be acheived?
Note: I want separate association tables as I have created and do not want to convert them into a generic association table and I do not want to add If-Else based on table names in my function so that if a new association table is created, I do not need to update my function.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server.
Whatever language you are using, you would probably use if:
if table = 'school' then
. . .
else if table = 'college' then
. . .
The exact syntax depends on the scripting language for the database you are using.
What you desire is impossible. You cannot pass a table name as a parameter to a UDF and use dynamic sql in the UDF to then create and execute a statement that is specific to the table passed as the argument. You already know that you have no choice but to use if-else statements in your UDF to achieve your goal - it is your pipe-dream of "never having to update (or verify) your code when the schema changes" (yes - I rephrased it to make your issue more obvious) that is a problem.
There are likely to be other ways of implementing some useful functionality - but I suggest that you are thinking too far ahead and trying to implement generic functions without a clear purpose. And that is a very difficult and trouble-prone path that requires sophisticated tsql skills.
And to re-iterate the prior responses, you have a schema problem. You purposely created three different entities - and now you want a common function to use with any of them. So before you spend much time on this particular aspect, you should take some time to think carefully about how you intend to use (i.e., write queries against) these tables. If you find yourself using unions frequently to combine these entities into a common resultset, then you have might have a mismatch between your actual business and your model (schema) of it.
Consider normalizing your database in related, logical groupings for one EducationInstitution table and one JoinEducTags table. Those tables sound like they maintain the same structure but of different typology and hence should be saved in one table with different Type field for School, College, University, etc.
Then, add necessary constraints, primary/foreign keys for the one-to-many relationship between all three sets:
You never want to keep restructuring your schema (i.e., add tables) for each new type. With this approach, your user-defined function would just need to receive value parameters not identifiers like tables to be run in dynamic querying. Finally, this approach scales better with efficient storage. And as you will see normalization saves on complex querying.

Nhibernate Query with multiple one to many mappings

I'm a beginner in NHibernate. I have to write a complex query on say an "Employee" to populate all the associations for Employee based on the where clause. What I'm looking for is similar to this - when you do a Employee.FindById(10) should fill up OwnedDepartment, SubscribedGroups etc.
The Employee model I need to populate is really heavy (many associations with other objects)
but I need to populate only few associations. How do I achieve it using a query over? or any other approaches?
I was reading about eager loading just now, has it something to do with the loading ? In my map I have not mentioned any loading techniques, so by default all of my employee's child element are getting loaded already. There is a bunch of queries getting triggered underneath.
All the associations are lazy loaded by default. That means that the load is triggered when you access it - that's why so many queries are issued. If you want to eagerly load the data (which means either joining the tables or - rarely - doing additional select queries at once), you have to specify it in your mapping or query, depending how you fetch your data. The concept is generally called "eager fetching".
If you want to get a single Employee by ID, the standard way to do it is using session.Get<Employee>(10) - but that approach means that eager loads need to be specified in the mapping. For mapping by code it will be c.Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy); for collections or c.Lazy(LazyRelation.NoProxy) for many-to-one - see here or here for details.
I prefer specifying that kind of things in the query - just where it is used, not globally for the whole entity, regardless who is fetching and what for. In LINQ provider you have FetchMany(x => x.SubscribedGroups) for collections and Fetch(x => x.OwnedDepartment) for many-to-one relations. You can find similiar options in QueryOver, if that's your choice.

Is eager loading same as join fetch?

Is eager fetch same as join fetch?
I mean whether eagerly fetching a has-many relation fires 2 queries or a single join query?
How does rails active record implement a join fetch of associations as it doesnt know the table's meta-data in first hand (I mean columns in the table)? Say for example i have
people - id, name
things - id, person_id, name
person has one-to-many relation with the things. So how does it generate the query with all the column aliases even though it cannot know it when i do a join fetch on people?
An answer hasn't been accepted so I will try to answer your questions as I understand them:
"how does it know all the fields available in a table?"
It does a SQL query for every class that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base. If the class is 'Dog', it will do a query to find the column names of the table 'dogs'. In production mode it should only do this query once per run of the server -- in development mode it does it a lot. The query will differ depending on the database you use, and it is usually an expensive query.
"Say if i have a same name for column in a table and in an associated table how does it resolve this?"
If you are doing a join, it generates sql using the table names as prefixes to avoid ambiguities. In fact, if you are doing a join in Rails and want to add a condition (using custom SQL) for name, but both the main table and join table have a name column, you need to specify the table name in your sql. (e.g. Human.join(:pets).where(" = 'John'"))
"I mean whether eagerly fetching a has-many relation fires 2 queries or a single join query?"
Different Rails versions are different. I think that early versions did a single join query at all times. Later versions would sometimes do multiple queries and sometimes a single join query, based on the realization that a single join query isn't always as performant as multiple queries. I'm not sure of the exact logic that it uses to decide. Recently, in Rails 3, I am seeing multiple queries happening in my current codebase -- but maybe it sometimes does a join as well, I'm not sure.
It knows the columns through a type of reflection. Ruby is very flexible and allows you to build functionality that will be used/defined during runtime and doesn't need to be stated ahead of time. It learns the associated "person_id" column by interpreting the "belongs_to :person" and knowing that "person_id" is the field that would be associated and the table would be called "people".
If you do People.includes(:things) then it will generate 2 queries, 1 that gets the people and a second that gets the things that have a relation to the people that exist.

NHibernate How to make Criteria inner join without hydrating objects?

Some quick nhibernate problem:
I have sql tables:
Item { Id, Name }
ItemRange { Id, Name }
ItemHasItemRange { Id, ItemId, ItemRangeId }
Mappings are simple, so I will not paste them, the ItemId and ItemRangeId are foreign keys, Item class has ItemHasItemRanges collection mapped as lazy bag.
I want all items which are in particular ItemRange, but I do not want to retrieve associated ItemRangeObjects, I just want to do inner join to narrow results.
When I do it like that:
c.CreateCriteria("Item", "i")
.CreateAlias("ItemHasItemRanges", "ihpr", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("ihpr.ItemRange.Id", I18nHelper.CurrentItemRange.Id));
It works fine, but all ItemHasItemRange objects are fetched as well to the Item.ItemHasItemRanges collections (which is mapped as lazy)
I do not want to fetch Item.ItemHasItemRanges, because it takes time. I just want to do inner join to limit result set. It is possible in NHibernate?
So I think that you just want to retrieve those objects in order to show an overview / list, and you are not going to actually 'do' something with those objects (unless perhaps loading one of them) ?
In that case, I think that it is better for you to work with 'projections'.
Here's the scenario:
You'll have to create a (simple) class that just contains the properties that you want to show (where you're interested in).
You'll have to 'import' that class into NHibernate, so that NHibernate knows of its existence.
Next, you can create your Criteria statement like you have it now. (Working with your domain classes).
Then, you should specify how the projection should look like. That is, how the properties of your Item entity map to the properties of your 'DTO'/View class (= the simple class you just created).
Specify that an AliasToBean ResultTransformer should be used.
Then, execute your Criteria query. NHibernate will be able to produce the simplest possible query that is needed in order to retrieve all the data that is necessary.
I've explained something similar here
I find out the problem was somewhere else. ItemHasItemRange table did not have multiple index on ItemId and ItemRangeId - id only had separate indexes on each field. Thats why performance was so poor.
But NHibernate question is still valid - is it possible to create inner join for criteria only to narrow results and not to fetch all joined objects which normally are lazy.