[![I cannot upload the obj.names and obj.data files][1]][1]
Even though my path file is correct, I am not able to upload obj.names and obj.data files.
I tried as /mydrive/yolov4/obj.names.gdoc ./data --> it did not work either
When I want to upload a file or image, I am facing the following error:
Anybody can help me how to fix the issue.
I did some configuration changes in the php.ini file. Such as enable extention exif in php.ini file.
I am trying to validate a file upload using test cafe.the things are fine when I give absolute path of the file with in the t.setFilesToUpload() but when I give relative path its not finding the files and says could not find the required file. Can anyone help with this?
I tried using relative path of the file to be uploaded.
It's not clear how you validate file upload. Please refer to the related help topic in the TestCafe documentation. If you still have issues after reviewing it, please share an example that reproduces the issue.
I'm trying to figure out how to get wav recognized. A tutorial that uses a wav, which was included, won't find it. It is in the same folder as the .csd file. I have tried copying it to the Root folder, no luck. I have tried modifying the csd to included the full path to the wav, no luck. I have tried modifying the Settings "Sample folder" option. Still no luck.
Functionality-Uploading a file.
When I run my code to upload a file in AWS instance, absolute path of the file which I get is like /home/ec2-user/project/src/.../filename. If the script tries to upload the file to the application under test with above path I get file path is not absolute error. Any suggestion on this.
Thanks in advance.
My app downloads images from a webserver and saves them, but I am unsure where to save them, is there a local storage for images?
Try rn-fetch-blob
You can
create file
delete file
create directory
read file
download file