What is this Kotlin type: (String..String?) - kotlin

IntelliJ is showing me context hints that my variables are of type (String..String?). I cannot find any mention of it on the internet, what is this type?

(String..String?) represents a flexible type with lower bound String and upperbound String? (nullable string). This is not valid Kotlin code (it's not denotable) but it is used in the compiler internals and thus in IntelliJ's hints sometimes.
(On the JVM we often see platform types using ! as in String!, which are a more specific case of flexible types)
It's Kotlin's way of saying it doesn't know whether the String type declared for payload.email is nullable or not (for instance if this is declared in Java, which doesn't distinguish those), and yet it doesn't want to enforce either of those, for convenience (hence "flexible").
As the name suggests, flexible types are flexible — a value of type (L..U) can be used in any context, where one of the possible types between L and U is needed
This means that even though the actual type of the value is "somewhere between String and String?", values of this type can be used even in places expecting String, even though the real type of that value may be String? and thus the value could be null.
This is useful because assuming it is String would mean that null checks would be marked as redundant, and assuming it is String? would force the developer to write null checks everywhere, even though they might know that this particular Java method cannot return null.
In general, it's a good practice to explicitly declare the type of a variable that you get from Java, to avoid the propagation of the platform type and the uncertainty (and unsafety) that comes with it:
val email: String = payload.email // if you know it cannot be null
val email: String? = payload.email // if you don't know


How to stop Kotlin from widening types?

So I'm trying to define a method like this
fun <R,F> myFunction(prop: KProperty1<R, F>, value:F) {}
// so that the compiler only allows me to invoke it like
myFunction(User::name, "Alejandro")
// and stops developers from doing illegal things like
myFunction(User::name, 123)
//However, compiler doesn't complain if I do that... it widens the type to Any
How can I achieve that?
Kotlin is "widening" the type here because the value type parameter (i.e. the second type parameter) of KProperty1 is defined with keyword out which makes that parameter covariant.
This means that for instance KProperty1<User, String> is a subtype of KProperty1<User, Any>, and hence User::name which is presumably a KProperty1<User, String>, can also be seen as a special case of KProperty<User, Any>. Therefore, it is totally legal to call myFunction<User,Any>(User::name, 123).
The logic behind this can be derived from the name of the out keyword: It is expected that the typed parameter is only used in "out position" of any function call. In the case of KProperty1 this makes sense, because it is the type of the return value of the property. When you get a value from a KProperty1<K, V>, that value is of type V and thus it can be used anywhere where it is okay to have some supertype of V.
This should only be a problem, if you want to use the value in the "in position" of some function, for instance, if you want to write a function that takes a value of type V and store it in a KProperty1<K, V>.
If this is what you want, you are lucky, because you can and should just use KMutableProperty1<K,V> where the value parameter does not have an out keyword which means that it is invariant. Also, that interface allows you to put the value into the property.
Changing your function definition to
fun <R,F> myFunction(prop: KMutableProperty1<R, F>, value:F) {}
makes that the compiler allows myFunction(User::name, "Alejandro"), but it complains on myFunction(User::name, 123).
See also: Kotlin documentation on Variance

Why is my "List<String>" being interpreted as "List<String>?"

class Example(private val childrenByParent: HashMap<String, List<String>>) {
private val parents: List<String> = childrenByParent.keys.toList()
fun getChildrenCount(parentPosition: Int): Int {
return childrenByParent[parents[parentPosition]].size
// error, recommends using "?." or "!!"
The compiler won't let me call size directly but I don't understand why. There are no nullable types in sight.
If I let the compiler infer the type by doing this:
val infer = childrenByParent[parents[parentPosition]]
I can see that it assumes it's a List<String>?
It seems that I'm quite confused about nullability still. Would appreciate some help. I have a feeling I'm doing something incredibly dumb, but after some searching and testing I failed at fixing this.
I would like for this function to not use ?. or even worse, !!. Is it possible? At least, using HashMap and List<String>.
HashMap.get(Object) returns null when there is no element matching the key you provided, so its return type is effectively nullable, regardless of whether the values are or not.
So unfortunately you have to account for the case in which the key doesn't exist, so your choices are either implementing a case where it doesn't, or just declaring it as non-null with !! if you are sure the key exists.
Otherwise you can use HashMap.containsKey(String) to ensure the key exists and then you can be confident that using !! on the value won't result in a NullPointerException.
However as #gidds pointed out, this is not naturally thread-safe without some more work, so it might be best to just handle the case of the key not being in the map. Also I cannot actually think of many cases where you could be sure that key exists, in which a Map is the most appropriate data structure to use.
Also, even though this is not the case here, remember that nullability is just a feature of Kotlin, so when using some classes originally written in Java, whether an element is nullable or not is unknown. The IDE will usually represent this as Type! where the single ! tells you it is a platform type.

What is the significance of a ! following a type in kotlin? [duplicate]

What does a single exclamation mark mean in Kotlin? I've seen it a few times especially when using Java APIs. But I couldn't find it in the documentation nor on StackOverflow.
They're called platform types and they mean that Kotlin doesn't know whether that value can or cannot be null and it's up to you to decide if it's nullable or not.
In a nutshell, the problem is that any reference coming from Java may be null, and Kotlin, being null-safe by design, forced the user to null-check every Java value, or use safe calls (?.) or not-null assertions (!!). Those being very handy features in the pure Kotlin world, tend to turn into a disaster when you have to use them too often in the Kotlin/Java setting.
This is why we took a radical approach and made Kotlin’s type system more relaxed when it comes to Java interop: now references coming from Java have specially marked types -- Kotlin Blog
It's the notation for platform types:
T! means "T or T?"
Platform Types
The type names or class names ending with single exclamation mark ! are called platform types in Kotlin. You find them when you are working in Kotlin with old Java code that doesn't contain nullability information.
Nullable Information: Nullable Type
#Nullable String in Java is considered as String? by Kotlin.
Non-null Information: Non-null Type
#NotNull String in Java is considered as String by Kotlin.
No Information: Platform Type
String without annotations in Java is considered as String! by Kotlin.
How to deal with Platform Types?
You can work with a platform type either as a nullable or a non-null. The compiler will allow you to call all methods on this type. It’s your responsibility how to use them. If you know that the value can be null, you should compare it with null before you call methods on it. If you know it’s not null, you can use it directly but as in Java, you’ll get exception if your assumption about the nullability is wrong.
Note that you can't declare platform types in Kotlin code, they come only from Java code.
Inheritance and Platform Types
While overriding Java methods in Kotlin code, you have the option to declare parameters and return types as nullable or non-null. You need to choose this wisely, because if you decide to make the parameters non-null, the Kotlin compiler generates non-null assertions for these non-null parameters. And when next time you access this Kotlin code back from Java and you pass a null value, you'll get exception.
Hope that helps clearing all your doubts about Platform Types.
A Type notated with ! is called platform type, which is a type coming from Java and thus can most probably be null. It’s what the Kotlin compiler infers by default when calling Java (for the most basic cases, Java methods can be annotated to get around this). You should handle platform types as nullable types, unless you certainly know that the particular API will never return null. The compiler allows platform types to be assigned to variables of both nullable and non-null types.
Notation for Platform Types
T! means "T or T?" [...]
You could refer to platform types as "types of unknown nullability". Also important to know is that you cannot use the exclamation-marked type for your own types, it's not part of the Kotlin syntax, it's only a notation.
I use the funny interpretation to remember those things as below:
?: I dont know whether it is null or not.
!: Be careful! This might be null.
!!: Be careful, and yes I know it. This is always not null.
I've seen it a few times especially when using Java APIs
As mentioned by s1m0nw1, T! means T or T?. The next question is: what is T?? This is nicely documented at https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/null-safety.html. Kotlin does not allow certain elements to be null, e.g. String, unlike Java
To allow nulls, we can declare a variable as nullable string, written
var b: String? = "abc"
b = null // ok
This returns b.length if b is not null, and null otherwise. The type of this expression is Int?.
Excerpt from Platform Types in Kotlin :
Besides explicitly specifying a type as optional (e.g. Person?), Kotlin presents us with another beast, called Platform Type, specified by putting a single exclamation mark instead (e.g. Person!). This concept has been created for compatibility reasons, when accessing code from null-unsafe platforms like Java. It is often the case that when using a Java library, many methods return SomeType!, since the Kotlin compiler cannot infer if the result is nullable or not.
For example:
Just means the following: "Java collection of T may be mutable or not, may be nullable or not".
Hope this helps.

Why Kotlin uses the word "val" to stand for constant?

I really want to know why Kotlin use the word val to stand for constant?
If var means variable.val means what ? val means var + l or val is only one word for short?
In the Kotlin Documentation,we only have the following words.
Read-only local variables are declared using val keyword. Mutable
local variables are declared using var keyword.
This question is not only to make sense of the word val,but also Remind the WORD MAKER to tell us why they name the word,this is not a little thing,this will make us more comfortable to learn the new knowledge,we want to learn and make sense of everything.
For example,many people want to know why Swift use the word let or Why Objective-C use the .m filename extension?
I think the official documentation or response is really important,any guess or assuming is not really helpful,because it's not convictive,the confused will be still the confused.
I also asked this question in the official forum:
Some references:
val means value
This is a read-only value.
var is a mutable value
const would on the other hand be not 100% correct. The value PI (3.14..) is a constant. Its value never changes. The value of x in this line val x = random.nextInt() will (hopefully) always be different, but you want the value not to be modified in the function. So the keyword val is quite appropriate.
val keyword is only one word. abbreviation for val not found anywhere. Your question explains what is val.
Read-only local variables are declared using val keyword. Mutable
local variables are declared using var keyword.
Here is a site explains why val is Read-only and not immutable.
val does not mean immutable, val means read-only. That means that
you're not allowed to explicitly write to a val, but it doesn't
guarantee that they're immutable
Kotlin allows you declare get() of the val which breaks immutability
of the property and leaves only read permission for external "users".
Kotlin's syntax is inspired by Scala. In Kotlin several ideas are taken from Scala besides the syntax. Kotlin also adds things on its own and does certain things very differently than Scala (i.e., no implicit conversion in Kotlin compared to Scala). Long matter short: You have to ask the Scala guys why they chose the keyword combination var and val.
val from value.
var from variable.
value - a property such as number assigned to or calculated for a variable, constant or expression(wiki)
variable - a symbolic name associated with a value and whose associated value may be changed(wiki)

Does static typing mean that you have to cast a variable if you want to change its type?

Are there any other ways of changing a variable's type in a statically typed language like Java and C++, except 'casting'?
I'm trying to figure out what the main difference is in practical terms between dynamic and static typing and keep finding very academic definitions. I'm wondering what it means in terms of what my code looks like.
Make sure you don't get static vs. dynamic typing confused with strong vs. weak typing.
Static typing: Each variable, method parameter, return type etc. has a type known at compile time, either declared or inferred.
Dynamic typing: types are ignored/don't exist at compile time
Strong typing: each object at runtime has a specific type, and you can only perform those operations on it that are defined for that type.
Weak typing: runtime objects either don't have an explicit type, or the system attempts to automatically convert types wherever necessary.
These two opposites can be combined freely:
Java is statically and strongly typed
C is statically and weakly typed (pointer arithmetics!)
Ruby is dynamically and strongly typed
JavaScript is dynamically and weakly typed
Genrally, static typing means that a lot of errors are caught by the compiler which are runtime errors in a dynamically typed language - but it also means that you spend a lot of time worrying about types, in many cases unnecessarily (see interfaces vs. duck typing).
Strong typing means that any conversion between types must be explicit, either through a cast or through the use of conversion methods (e.g. parsing a string into an integer). This means more typing work, but has the advantage of keeping you in control of things, whereas weak typing often results in confusion when the system does some obscure implicit conversion that leaves you with a completely wrong variable value that causes havoc ten method calls down the line.
In C++/Java you can't change the type of a variable.
Static typing: A variable has one type assigned at compile type and that does not change.
Dynamic typing: A variable's type can change while runtime, e.g. in JavaScript:
js> x="5" <-- String
js> x=x*5 <-- Int
The main difference is that in dynamically typed languages you don't know until you go to use a method at runtime whether that method exists. In statically typed languages the check is made at compile time and the compilation fails if the method doesn't exist.
I'm wondering what it means in terms of what my code looks like.
The type system does not necessarily have any impact on what code looks like, e.g. languages with static typing, type inference and implicit conversion (like Scala for instance) look a lot like dynamically typed languages. See also: What To Know Before Debating Type Systems.
You don't need explicit casting. In many cases implicit casting works.
For example:
int i = 42;
float f = i; // f ~= 42.0
int b = f; // i == 42
class Base {
class Subclass : public Base {
Subclass *subclass = new Subclass();
Base *base = subclass; // Legal
Subclass *s = dynamic_cast<Subclass *>(base); // == subclass. Performs type checking. If base isn't a Subclass, NULL is returned instead. (This is type-safe explicit casting.)
You cannot, however, change the type of a variable. You can use unions in C++, though, to achieve some sort of dynamic typing.
Lets look at Java for he staitically typed language and JavaScript for the dynamc. In Java, for objects, the variable is a reference to an object. The object has a runtime type and the reference has a type. The type of the reference must be the type of the runtime object or one of its ancestors. This is how polymorphism works. You have to cast to go up the hierarchy of the reference type, but not down. The compiler ensures that these conditions are met. In a language like JavaScript, your variable is just that, a variable. You can have it point to whatever object you want, and you don't know the type of it until you check.
For conversions, though, there are lots of methods like toInteger and toFloat in Java to do a conversion and generate an object of a new type with the same relative value. In JavaScript there are also conversion methods, but they generate new objects too.
Your code should actally not look very much different, regardless if you are using a staticly typed language or not. Just because you can change the data type of a variable in a dynamically typed language, doesn't mean that it is a good idea to do so.
In VBScript, for example, hungarian notation is often used to specify the preferred data type of a variable. That way you can easily spot if the code is mixing types. (This was not the original use of hungarian notation, but it's pretty useful.)
By keeping to the same data type, you avoid situations where it's hard to tell what the code actually does, and situations where the code simply doesn't work properly. For example:
Dim id
id = Request.QueryString("id") ' this variable is now a string
If id = "42" Then
id = 142 ' sometimes turned into a number
End If
If id > 100 Then ' will not work properly for strings
Using hungarian notation you can spot code that is mixing types, like:
lngId = Request.QueryString("id") ' putting a string in a numeric variable
strId = 42 ' putting a number in a string variable