What happens when you copy a database table? - sql

This is kind of a high-level question. I am trying to join two tables and generate a report based on the results, but I only interested in some of the data in the able I am joining to.
I wasn't sure which was a better approach:
Write a complicated statement with lots of WHERE conditions to filter out the data I don't want included.
Copy the initial table and drop records I don't want included in my report before joining to the other table.
Is there an approach that is generally favored? Do copied tables maintain the relationships that the original table had to others in the database?


Query all tables within a Snowflake Schema

Due to the way our database is stored, we have tables for each significant event that occurs within a products life:
I need to go through and find the status of a product at any given time. In order to do so I'd need to query all of the tables within the schema and find the record with the most up to date record. I know this is possible by union-ing all tables and then finding the MAX timestamp but I wonder if there's a more elegant solution?
Is it possible to query all tables by just querying the root schema or database? Is there a way to loop through all tables within the schema and substitute that into the FROM clause?
Any help is appreciated.
You could write a Stored Procedure but, IMO, that would only be worth the effort (and more elegant) if the list of tables changed regularly.
If the list of tables is relatively fixed then creating a UNION statement is probably the most elegant solution and relatively trivial to create - if you plan to use it regularly then just create it as a View.
The way I always approach this type of problem (creating the same SQL for multiple tables) is to dump the list of tables out into Excel, generate the SQL statement for the first table using functions, copy this function down for all the table names and then concatenate all these statements in a final function. You can then just paste this text back into your SQL editor

Merging multiple tables from multiple databases with all rows and columns

I have 30 databases from a survey application that all have a table of results with approximately 100 columns in each. Most of the columns are identical but each survey seems to have a unique column or two added in with no real pattern (these are the added questions and results of the survey). As I am working on the statement to join all of the tables into one large master table the code is getting quite complex. Is there a more efficient way to merge these tables from multiple databases and just select all rows and columns so it will merge if the column exists and create if it encounters a new column?
No, there isn't an automatic way to merge a bunch of similar, but not quite the same, tables into one. At least, not in any database system that I know of.
You could possibly automate something like that with a fairly simple script that relies on your database's information schema (or equivalent).
However, with only 30 tables and only a column or two different in each, I'm not sure it's worth it. A manual approach, with copying and pasting and making minor changes, would probably be faster.
Also, consider whether the "extra" columns that are unique to individual tables need to go into the combined table. The point of making a big single table is to process/analyze all the data together. If something only applies to a single source, this isn't possible.

SQL - multiple tables vs one big table

I want to move multiple SQLite files to PostgreSQL.
Data contained in these files are monthly time-series (one month in a single *.sqlite file). Each has about 300,000 rows. There are more than 20 of these files.
My dilemma is how to organize the data in the new database:
a) Keep it in multiple tables
b) Merge it to one huge table with new column describing the time period (e.g. 04.2016, 05.2016, ...)
The database will be used only to pull data out of it (with the exception of adding data for new month).
My concern is that selecting data from multiple tables (join) would not perform very well and the queries can get quite complicated.
Which structure should I go for - one huge table or multiple smaller tables?
Think I would definitely go for one table - just make sure you use sensible indexes.
If you have the space and the resource 1 table, as other users have appropriately pointed out databases can handle millions of rows no problem.....Well depends on the data that is in them. The row size can make a big difference... Such as storing VARCHAR(MAX), VARBINARY(MAX) and several per row......
there is no doubt writing queries, ETL (extract transform load) is significantly easier on a single table! And maintenance of that is easier too from a archival perspective.
But if you never access the data and you need the performance in the primary table some sort of archive might make since.
There are some BI related reasons to maintain multiple tables but it doesn't sound like that is your issue here.
There is no perfect answer and will depend on your situation.
PostgreSQL is easily able to handle millions of rows in a table.
Go for option b) but..
with new column describing the time period (e.g. 04.2016, 05/2016, ...)
Please don't. Querying the different periods will become a pain, an unnecessary one. Just put the date in one column, put a index on the column and you can, probably, execute fast queries on it.
My concern is that selecting data from multiple tables (join) would not perform very well and the queries can get quite complicated.
Complicated for you to write or for the database to execute? An Example would be nice for us to get an image of your actual requirements.

Conditionally linking Postgres rows to data in various other tables

I have a product table that is updated using CSV feeds from various suppliers. Each feed has its own table, however products can appear multiple times in the same supplier table, and in multiple supplier tables. Each product can only occur once in our main table though. I don't anticipate ever using more than about ten different supplier tables. Tables are updated at least daily, and at most every 6-8 hours, and read speeds are a much higher priority than write speeds. There are usually about 500,000 enabled products at any given time.
My first plan was to store the table name and primary key ID in that table for each product, then recalculate it during each update, but according to the responses here, having to do that is an indication that the database isn't designed correctly.
Using a view to combine these tables into a single virtual table seems like it'd help a lot with the organization. That way, I can just create a rule to make one column an SQL query, then index that column to increase search/read speed. The rules that determine where to pull supplier information from are not somewhat involved, and need to take country and price into account, as well as perhaps a few other things.
So I guess the question here is, is there a correct way of doing this? Or is it going to be messy no matter how I do it? Also, am I on the right track?
Using a view unifying all your feed tables might well simplify the form of your queries, but you cannot index a view. (Well, in Oracle I think you can index a MATERIALIZED view, but that's a special case).
Structurally, I find it a bit suspect that you split your supplier feeds into separate tables; doing so may simplify and speed updates from the supplier feeds, and it is certainly the fastest alternative for queries against specific, individual feeds, but it's ugly for updating (recomputing?) the main table, and it is flatly unsound for supporting rows of the main table being related back to the particular supplier feed from which they were drawn.
If you need fast queries against the supplier feeds, independent of the main table, and you also need the main table to be related to a detail table containing supplier-specific information, then perhaps your best bet would be to maintain a physical auxiliary table as the UNION ALL of all the per-supplier tables (this requires those tables to have the same structure), each with a distinct supplier ID. In Oracle, you can automate that as a MATERIALIZED VIEW, but with most DBMSs you would need to maintain that table manually.
The auxilliary table can be indexed, can be joined to the main table as needed in queries, and can be queried fairly efficiently. If appropriate, it can be used to update the main table.
Hmm, why not just create one product table that contains data from all suppliers? Have a field in that table that identifies which supplier. When you get your input feeds, update this one table rather than having a separate table for each supplier. If you're using COPY to import a CSV file into a db table, fine, but then the imported table is just a temporary work table. Promptly copy the data from there into the "real", unified table. Then the import table can be dropped or truncated, or more likely you keep it around for troubleshooting. But you don't use it within the program.
You should be able to copy from the import table to the unified table with a single insert statement. Even if the tables are large I'd expect that to be fast. It would almost surely be faster overall to do one mass insert for each import than to have a view that does a union on 10 tables and try to work with that. If the unified table has all the data from all suppliers plus a supplier field, then I don't see why you would ever need to query the raw import tables. Except, that is, for trouble-shooting problems with the import, but fine, so you keep them around for that. Unless you're constrained on disk space so that keeping what amounts to duplicates of every record is a problem, I'd think this would be the easy solution. If disk space is an issue, than drop the import table immediately after copying the data to the unified table, and keep the original raw import on backup media somewhere.

Relational Database join between two tables having unknown number of intermediate tables

I have a large database that I want to set up a generalized query method for subtables (or a join between subtables). However, the tables I'm interested in are sub-tables of a parent table that is an unknown number of tables deep of relationships from that parent table, depending on the table I'm querying.
Is there a means by which your can get SQL to automatically join all of the interim tables between the two tables of interest? Or narrow a query to only a subset of parent table?
For example this set of relationships:
I want to be able to generically do searches or joins of any of the sub-tables, where the results are for only a single folder of Folder_table, without having to do a series of explicit joins to X table levels deep... which would significantly increase the complexity of building generic queries interfaces at runtime.
No, there is not.
What you're asking for is the famous "figure out what I want done and do it" function, which would be the golden panacea of programming languages or databases.
SQL is explicit. You need to specify the path by explicitly listing the tables to join and how to join them.
Now, could you make such a function for your specific case? Sure. You would build into it the knowledge of either your specific table structures, or the way to obtain the information needed to automatically find the path between table A and table B. However, there is no such built-in function that already exists, just waiting for you to use it. So if you want such a function, you're going to have to write it yourself.
Bonus questions:
What if there's multiple paths between A and B?