Relational Database join between two tables having unknown number of intermediate tables - sql

I have a large database that I want to set up a generalized query method for subtables (or a join between subtables). However, the tables I'm interested in are sub-tables of a parent table that is an unknown number of tables deep of relationships from that parent table, depending on the table I'm querying.
Is there a means by which your can get SQL to automatically join all of the interim tables between the two tables of interest? Or narrow a query to only a subset of parent table?
For example this set of relationships:
I want to be able to generically do searches or joins of any of the sub-tables, where the results are for only a single folder of Folder_table, without having to do a series of explicit joins to X table levels deep... which would significantly increase the complexity of building generic queries interfaces at runtime.

No, there is not.
What you're asking for is the famous "figure out what I want done and do it" function, which would be the golden panacea of programming languages or databases.
SQL is explicit. You need to specify the path by explicitly listing the tables to join and how to join them.
Now, could you make such a function for your specific case? Sure. You would build into it the knowledge of either your specific table structures, or the way to obtain the information needed to automatically find the path between table A and table B. However, there is no such built-in function that already exists, just waiting for you to use it. So if you want such a function, you're going to have to write it yourself.
Bonus questions:
What if there's multiple paths between A and B?


What happens when you copy a database table?

This is kind of a high-level question. I am trying to join two tables and generate a report based on the results, but I only interested in some of the data in the able I am joining to.
I wasn't sure which was a better approach:
Write a complicated statement with lots of WHERE conditions to filter out the data I don't want included.
Copy the initial table and drop records I don't want included in my report before joining to the other table.
Is there an approach that is generally favored? Do copied tables maintain the relationships that the original table had to others in the database?

Order of tables in INNER JOIN

Going through a book, Learning SQL by Alan Beaulieu. On topic of inner joins, it tells that whatever be the order of tables in a INNER JOIN, results are same and gives reason as follows:
If you are confused about why all three versions of the account/employee/customer query
yield the same results, keep in mind that SQL is a nonprocedural language, meaning
that you describe what you want to retrieve and which database objects need to be
involved, but it is up to the database server to determine how best to execute your
query. Using statistics gathered from your database objects, the server must pick one
of three tables as a starting point (the chosen table is thereafter known as the driving
table), and then decide in which order to join the remaining tables. Therefore, the order
in which tables appear in your from clause is not significant.
So does it imply that if statistics gathered from database objects change, then results would also change?
So does it imply that if statistics gathered from database objects change, then results would also change?
No. The same query will always produce the same results (provided, of course, that the underlying data is the same). What the author is explaining is that the database may choose a strategy or another to process the query (starting from one table or another, using a this or that algorithm to join the rows, and so on). That decision is made based on many factors, some of them being based on information that is available in the statistics.
The key point is that SQL is a declarative language, not a procedural language: you don't get to chose how the database handles the query, you just tell it what result you want.
However, regardless of the algorithm that the database chooses, the result is guaranteed to be consistent.
Note that there are edge case where the database does not guarantee that results are the same for consecutive executions of the same query (like a query without a row limiting clause but without an order by): it's the responsibility of the client to provide a query whose results are properly defined (the language does gives you enough rope to hang yourself, if you really want to).

Best Practice - Should I make one table or two for two similar sets of data?

I need a table to store types of tests. I've been provided with two excel spreadsheets, one for microbial tests, one for pathogens. Microbial has 5 columns and Pathogens has 10. The 5 columns are in both tables. So one has 5 extra columns.
Just to give you an idea, the table columns would be something like this:
Test Method IncubationStage1
Test Method IncubationStage1 IncubationStage2 Enrichment
So Is it better to have one table for Microbial and one for Pathogens, or better to have one table for Tests and have both within it? Is it bad to have a Microbial in a table where I know for certain only half the columns will be utilized? Or is it better to keep related items in the same table, and separate them by a column "Type"?
Obviously both will work fine but I'm wondering which is better.
The answer to these sorts of questions is always "it depends."
For my opinion, if you think you'll ever want to aggregate the data by test or by method across pathogenic or microbial types, then certainly you should put the data in the same table with an additional column that differentiates them.
You also could potentially better "normalize" your tables like this:
Table1: ExperimentID_PK ExperimentTypeID_FK Test Method
Table2: MeasurementRecordID_PK ExperimentID_FK Timestamp Other metadata about the record
Table3 MeasurementID_PK MeasurementTypeID_FK MeasurementValue MeasurementRecordID_FK
Table4: MeasurmentTypeId_PK Metadata About Measurement Types
Table5: ExperimentTypeId_PK Metadata About Experiment Types
... where all the leaf data elements point back to their parent data elements through foreign keys, and then you'd join data together in SQL statements, with indexes applied for optimal performance based on the types of queries you wanted to make. Obviously one of your rows in the question would end up appearing as multiple rows across multiple tables in this schema, and only at query time could they conceivably be reunited into individual rows (e.g. bound by MeasurementRecordID).
But there are other patterns too, in No-SQL land normalization can be the enemy. Slicing and dicing data sets turns out to be easier in some domains if it is stored in a more bloated format to make query structures more obvious. So it kind of comes down to thinking through your use cases.

"Canonical" approach for mapping custom queries to hierarchical entities with user-defined key/value pairs

In about every SQL-based database application I have worked on so far, sooner or later the following three-faceted requirement has popped up:
There is some entity, linked in a hierarchical fashion (i.e. the tuples form a tree structure).
Users must be able to define any number of custom attributes with values for the tuples, and these values are inherited/overridden towards the leaves of the tree structure. ("Dumb" attributes usually suffice. That is, no uniqueness constraints, no foreign keys, only one value per attribute, ...)
Users must be able to run arbitrary queries on this data (i.e. custom boolean expressions, based upon filters for the values of the user-defined attributes that are linked with AND/OR).
Storing the data, roughly matching the first two bullets above, is quite straightforward:
The hierarchy is built up by giving the respective table a parent column. This column will be null for root nodes, and a pointer to the ID of the parent node for all other nodes.
The user-defined attributes are stored according to the entity-attribute-value pattern.
While there are numerous resources that suggest to use a different approach especially in the latter point (e.g. answers here, here, or here), I have not usually been in a position to move away from a traditional static relational database schema. Hence, let's simply assume the above as a given. Also, hardly ever could I rely on the specifics of a particular DBMS; the more usual case was systems that were supposed to work with MS SQL Server, Oracle, and possibly others as backends without requiring two significantly different product versions.
Solving the third item, however, is always problematic (even without considering the hierarchical inheritance of attribute values). The number of joins depends on the different number of attributes considered in the boolean expression. Alternatively, the number of joins can somewhat be reduced by determining the maximum number of distinct attributes considered in any case of the custom boolean expression, which may save joins, but makes the resulting queries and the code used to generate them even less intelligible and maintainable. For instance,
a = 5 or (b = 8 and c = 9)
could do with 2 joins to the attribute-value table.
I have always been able to do this "somehow", but as this appears to be a fairly ubiquitous situation, I am looking for the "canonical" way to generate SQL queries in this situation. Is there a "standard pattern" to follow here?
Careful not to fall prey to the inner platform effect. It is a complicated problem, and SQL itself is designed to handle the complexities. Generate DDL to add and remove columns as needed, and generate simple select statements for queries. Store each Tuple Type (distinct set of attributes) as a table.
With regards to inheritance, I recommend handling it in the application or DAL, and only storing the non-inherited values. On retrieval, read all parent rows to calculate the functional values. If you do need to access "functional" values from SQL, use an indexed view or triggers to maintain them separate from storage.
Hierarchies can be represented as you describe, but a simple "Parent" column can make it difficult to query beyond a single level. Look at hierarchyid on SQL Server or CONNECT BY on oracle.
Avoiding EAV stores allows you to:
Use indexes and statistics where needed
Keep efficient storage (ints stored as ints, money stored as money)
Keep understandable queries (SELECT * FROM vwProducts WHERE Color = 'RED' ORDER BY Price ASC)
If you want an EAV system because you have too many attributes (>1024 per type) or they are not somewhat statically defined (many changes per hour), I would avoid using a relational database in the first place. Use an EAV (NoSQL) database server instead.
tl;dr: If you have a schema, use DDL to tell the server about it. If you don't, use a more appropriate server.

100 Join SQL query

I'm looking to essentially have a centralized table with a number of lookup tables that surround it. The central table is going to be used to store 'Users' and the lookup tables will be user attributes, like 'Religion'. The central table will store an Id, like ReligionId, and the lookup table would contain a list of religions.
Now, I've done a lot of digging into this and I've seen many people comment saying that a UserAttribute table might be the best way to go, essentially using an EAV pattern. I'm not looking to do this. I realize that my strategy will be join-heavy and that's why I ask this question here. I'm looking for a way to optimize those joins.
If the table has 100 lookup tables, how could it be optimized to be faster than just doing a massive 100 table inner join? Some ideas come to mind like using many smaller joins, sub-selects and views. I'm open to anything, including a combination of these strategies. Again, just to note, I'm not looking to do anything that's EAV-related. I need the lookup tables for other reasons and I like normalized data.
All suggestions considered!
Here's a visual look:
Edit: Is this insane?
Optimization techniques will likely depend on the size of the center table and intended query patterns. This is very similar to what you get in data warehousing star schemas, so approaches from that paradigm may help.
For one, ensuring the size of each row is absolutely as small as possible. Disk space may be cheap, but disk throughput, memory, and CPU resources are potential bottle necks. You want small rows so that it can read them quickly and cache as much as possible in memory.
A materialized/indexed view with the joins already performed allows the joins to essentially be precomputed. This may not work well if you are dealing with a center table that is being written to alot or is very large.
Anything you can do to optimize a single join should be done for all 100. Appropriate indexes based on the selectivity of the column, etc.
Depending on what kind of queries you are performing, then other techniques from data warehousing or OLAP may apply. If you are doing lots of group by's then this is likely an area to look in to. Data warehousing techniques can be applied within SQL Server with no additional tooling.
Ask yourself why so many attributes are being queried and how they are being presented? For most analysis it is not necessary to join with lookup tables until the final step where you materialize a report, at which time you may only have grouped by on a subset of columns and thus only need some of the lookup tables.
Group By's generally should be able to group on the lookup Id's without needing the text/description from the lookup table so a join is not necessary. If your lookups have other information relevant to the query at hand then consider denormalizing it into the central table to eliminate the join and/or make that discreet value its own lookup, essentially splitting the existing lookup ID into another ID.
You could implement a master code table that combines the code tables into a single table with a CodeType column. This is not the same as EAV because you'd still have a column in the center table for each code type and a join for each, where as EAV is usually used to normalize out an arbitrary number of attributes. (Note: I personally hate master code tables.)
Lastly, consider normalization the center table if you are not doing data warehousing.
Are there lots of null values in certain lookupId columns? Is the table sparse? This is an indication that you can pull some columns out into a 1 to 1/0 relationships to reduce the size of the center table. For example, a Person table that includes address information can have a PersonAddress table pulled out of it.
Partitioning the table may improve performance if there's a large number of rows and you can determine that certain rows, perhaps with a certain old datetime from couple years in the past, would rarely be queried.
Update: See "Ask yourself why so many attributes are being queried and how they are being presented?" above. Consider a user wants to know number of sales grouped by year, department, and product. You should have id's for each of these so you can just group by those IDs on the center table and in an outer query join lookups for only what columns remain. This ensures the aggregation doesn't need to pull in unnecessary information from lookups that aren't needed anyway.
If you aren't doing aggregations, then you probably aren't querying large numbers of records at a time, so join performance is less of a concern and should be taken care of with appropriate indexes.
If you're querying large numbers of records at a time pulling in all information, I'd look hard at the business case for this. No one sits down at their desk and opens a report with a million rows and 100 columns in it and does anything meaningful with all of that data, that couldn't be accomplished in a better way.
The only case for such a query be a dump of all data intended for export to another system, in which case performance shouldn't be as much as a concern as it can be scheduled overnight.
Since you are set on your way. you can consider duplicating data in order to join less times in a similar way to what is done in olap database.
With that said I don't think this is the best way to do it if you have 100 properties.
Have you tried to export it to Microsoft Excel Power Pivot with Power Query? you can make fast data analysis with pretty awsome ways to show it with Power view video sample