What is the equivalent of npm run start:ci in yarn? - vue.js

I'm trying to configure Bitbucket CI/CD for cypress testing on my vue app which uses yarn for package management.
Is there any way to start server in background by yarn?
Thanks in advance

Welcome to stackoverflow Alessandra.
yarn start command is equivalent to npm run start
However if you have created a custom command in your package.json for start:ci you can use equivalent yarn command as yarn start:ci
You can also use yarn run start:ci however its run is redundent here. Please see this documentation


Cannot run Vue.js application because of the error

I'm doing a project that requires me to use MongoDB, Express and Vue.js.
I have set up the mongo and it's working. However, I'm having issues with Vue.js.
How can I solve the issue? Nothing works when I run npm run start
That is not issue with Vue, there is already command to start project, use npm run serve instead.
For the future, read more about NPM and Vue CLI
You need to check OFFICIAL documentation NPM from here https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-run-script
You have not a VUE error.
use npm run serve to start a dev server
and npm run build to build for deployment.
follow this guide to learn more about vue-cli
Vue Cli Guide Page

yarn serve in background

I'm trying to configure gitlab CI/CD for cypress e2e testing on my vue app which uses yarn for package management. cypress documents are all written for npm cypress gitlab ci/cd configuration tutorial
# start the server in the background
- npm run start:ci &
# run Cypress tests
- npx cypress run --browser firefox
is there a way to start server in background for yarn? like running yarn serve but in background.
There is an issue with the command yarn serve&. It will still give you this screen when done compiling:
I found a way to work around this through pm2 and this command
pm2 start yarn --interpreter bash --name api -- start

Error while running the existing React Native project

So I'm opening my the existing React Native project. This is the procedure on how I opened my existing React Native project. 1st step, type the location of my project which is in the "D:\rnprojects\firstproject\". 2nd step, "react-native-start". 3rd step, I opened another cmd then locate it again into my project directory then typed "npm start".
Why when I created this project I didn't get this error just when runnning/opening my existing project.
This the error that I got: (with versions)
There is only simple steps can solve your particular scenario issue quickly.
1) Install the React native cli in your project or globally.
npm install -g react-native-cli
npm install react-native --save
then start your project by using this command
npm start
If any dependencies issue please follow the second solution
2) Please make sure you're installed all dependence
yarn install
npm install
under your project directory
I'm pretty sure your issue will fix by using 1st solution Thanks.
it is simple:
1.npm install
2.react-native run-android
Here I guess you have the RN environment to run already on your side.
cd path_to_project
install packages(there are two following ways to install packages).
2.1 yarn install
2.2 npm install
react-native link(optional - you need to run this command if existing project use RN packages which need to link such as
optional(if project use pods) cd ios pod install
react-native run-ios or react-native run-android according to the platform which you want to run on.
I don't think above is perfect instruction give you how to run the existing react-native project, But I am pleasure if give me some hints or help to you.
You can find official guide here
Sometimes npm's cache gets confused and need to reset it by using below command:
npm cache clean --force
Also try below command:
npm install --save-dev react-native-cli
Hope it will help you.

How To Get Started With React Admin On Windows

It is difficult to get started or setup this entire repo in Windows?
Can you please give step by step approach to set this up in Windows or a short video tutorial?
I just ran into this issue. My fix was to:
Delete the react-admin directory if you already have a clone from the repo
Update Node and Yarn
-- After update I am currently running Node v10.13.0 && Yarn v1.12.3
Grab a fresh clone of the repo
Then from the react-admin directory run:
Once that completes:
yarn build
And finally once that completes:
yarn run-demo
lmk if this works for you :-)
There isn't much. Until we add a Windows section in the README, here's how you can get started:
run yarn to install all dependencies
run yarn run-simple to start the playground app and test your changes
There are more scripts in the root package.json file to run tests, demos, etc.
If you need help with something more specific, please precise it in your question

Vuetify Offline Docs

I have started using Vuetify to add ui-components and use pre-defined layouts. The problem is that I have to look into online-docs every now and then, and requires me to be connected to internet perpetually.
Is there a way to get offline docs for Vuetify? Like an html built with doxygen/javadocs, or a CHM? PDF? LaTEX? Anything really helps.
git clone https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetifyjs.com.git has become a private project. The docs are now in the packages/docs/ directory. Instructions have been updated.
You can download the project from the vuetifyjs site repo, install and run locally.
git repo: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify
The instructions (for vue-cli-2 based project):
cd /tmp/
git clone https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify.git
cd vuetify/packages/docs
# option 1 - build and serve
yarn build
yarn start
# option 2 - run dev instance
yarn dev
See the docs on how to run the docs.
git clone https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify.git
cd vuetify
yarn build
yarn dev docs
Then head over to http://localhost:8095/en/getting-started/quick-start
git clone https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify.git
yarn build
yarn start
download zip from https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify
extract it to any place like i put it in d:\xampp\htdcos\vuetify-master
than open command prompt (cmd) and type this path d:\xampp\htdcos\vuetify-master
run this command yarn here D:\xampp\htdocs\vuetify-master>yarn
than run yarn build here D:\xampp\htdocs\vuetify-master>yarn build
than yarn start here D:\xampp\htdocs\vuetify-master>yarn start
it will start vuetify local docs at
now open browser and type http://localhost:8095 and enjoy
node module is required
also install yarn from https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#windows-stable before running yarn commands and make sure check yarn version in cmd via yarn -v
The Vuetify website allows you to view it offline there by typing its website and pressing enter when not connected to the internet. It works and I do that all the time.