What does JetBrains' #Identifier Annotation do? - kotlin

Today I've found the #Identifier annotation. I googled it but nowhere there was a good description on what exactly does it do.
I checked Javadoc.io as well but it told me, access denied.
Does anyone know about this?


Some questions about run.json of JetBrains new IDE Fleet

I'm a beginner in coding, and as u can see, I don't know how to configure the run.json file in Fleet, especially the program. Hope that someone could help me, thanks so much!!!😊
I have read the notice from JetBrains, but I still don't know how to deal with it.

Migrating from Flyspray to Redmine

I am wondering if anyone knows how to move from Flyspray to Redmine? I haven't been able to find any documentation at all so far.
A little bit of searching on Google turned up flyspray2redmine. It looks like this worked for somebody at some time, but no guarantees.

My Ftp Custom Provider is not invoked

I've gone through all steps in tutorial on IIS Website, how create my own custom Ftp Logging/Authentication Provider. Unfortunately, it doesn't work still. What can I do?
I've been struggling with this problem for past few days. And I finally got it.
Sometimes it doesn't work at all. Sometimes, it works for a while and suddenly, after few changes in code [or somewhere else] it stops and you can't find out what happened [that was in my case].
To solve my problem [and, I believe, many others] helps me this article:
It's pretty hard to google, but value of tool from article is enormous.
I hope you can find and solve your problem with it, too.

Library of standard compiler warnings/errors

I am wondering whether you know of a way to demystify a given compiler warnings/error Xcode throws at you.
As a new developer to Objective-C, i would find it to be of value to know why some warnings happen, see examples of a code that would cause an error and explain the solution.
Are you aware of any resources that offer more insight into this?
"some warnings happen, see examples of a code that would cause an error and explain the solution."
It's best for you to provide code samples.
From http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/DeveloperTools/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/Standards.html#Standards
"There is no formal written standard for Objective-C or Objective-C++. The most authoritative manual is “Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language”, available at a number of web sites..."
This means that tt's best for you to provide a specific warning and the associated code.

Webkit-sharp example applications

Could anybody suggest a good open source (as in I can see the source, license irrelevant) webkit-sharp-based application? I've been wanting to jump into development with webkit-sharp and gtk-sharp, but I haven't found much of any documentation on webkit-sharp. I thought a good application example is as good as any documentation.
For anybody else that has this issue, a good application I just found is the sample app included with the source. For anybody answering, I didn't think about checking the source for samples when I posted this. The name of the sample is called FunnyBrowser.cs.
Here's mine:
There don't seem to be many examples around of anyone using this. I've been looking through the docs at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable to figure it out.