Did anyone write custom Affinity function? - ignite

I want all nodes in a cluster to have equal number data load. With
default Affinity function it is not happening.
As of now, we have 3 nodes. We use group ID as affinity key, and we have 3
group IDs (1, 2 and 3). And we limit cache partitions to group IDs. Overall
nodes=group IDs=cache partitions. So that each node have equal number of
Will it be okay to write custom Affinity function? And
what will we lose doing so? Did anyone write custom Affinity function?

The affinity function doesn't guarantee an even distribution across all nodes. It's statistical... and three values isn't really enough to make sure the data is "fairly" distributed.
So, yes, writing a new affinity function would work. The downsides being you need to make it fast (it's called a lot) and you'd be hard-coding it to your current node topology. What happens when you choose to add a new node? What happens when a node fails? Also, you'd be potentially putting all your data into three partitions which make it harder to scale out (one of the main advantages of Ignite's architecture).
As an alternative, I'd look at your data model. Splitting your data into three chunks is too coarse for things to work automatically.


Is there a way of shuffling partition data on Apache Ignite?

I've got a question that is related to data repartitioning.
Suppose there's a cache with a pre-defined affinity key. Assume I need to repartition data with a new affinity key. I'm wondering whether there is a way of shuffling partition data across all nodes by a new affinity key?
You need to repopulate the data in that case.
First, it's a static configuration and can't be changed on the fly.
The second, most likely you will need to clear meta-information for that particular type, i.e. clean work/binary_meta folder.
The last one - once you changed it, you won't be able to locate the data since most likely it will be stored in a different partition.
In other words, say, you had a cache key with two fields A and B: K(A,B) where A is your affinity key. Say, your Key(1,2) was mapped to a partition 5. In that case, to locate the value, Ignite will search for this partition 5 depending on which node hold the primary copy of it. Later you wanted to have B as the affinity key and re-configure the cache accordingly. In that case, Key(1,2) might now be mapped to a partition 780, meaning that Ignite will never search for a partition 5 and won't be able to locate the previous data.

Efficient combination of a large number of affinity calls in Apache Ignite

We would like to compute on a large, partition-able dataset or 'products' in Ignite (100.000+ products, each linked to a large amount of extra data in different caches). We require several use cases:
1) Launch a compute job, limited to a large number (100's) of products, with a strong focus on responsiveness (<200ms). We can use the product ID as an affinity key to collocate all extra data with the products. But affinityRun only allows a single key to be specified, which would mean we need to launch 100's of compute jobs. Ideally we would be able to do an affinityRun on the entire set of product IDs at once, and let Ignite distribute the compute job to the relevant nodes, but we struggle to find a way to do this. (The compute job would then use local queries only on those compute nodes.)
2) Launch a compute job over the entire space of products in an efficient manner. We could launch the compute job on each compute node and use local queries, but that would no longer give us the benefits of falling back to backup partitions in case a primary partition is unavailable. This is an extreme case of problem number 1, just with a huge (all) number of product IDs as input.
We've been brainstorming about this for a while now, but it seems like we're missing something. Any ideas?
There is a version of affinityRun that takes a partition number as a parameter. Distribute your task per partition and each node on the receiving end will be processing data residing in that partition number (just run a scan query for the partition). In case of failure, you'll just restart the process for a partition and can filter out already processed items with a custom logic.
Affinity job is nothing but the one which execute on the data node where key/value resides.
There are several ways to send job to particular node and not only affinity key. for example, you can send based on consistentID and in 2.4.10(if I remember correctly), they added way to query backup explicitly.
Regarding your scenario, I can think of below solution-
SqlFieldsQuery query = new SqlFieldsQuery("select productID from CacheTable").setLocal(true);
You can prepare affinity job with above SQL where you will select all products(from that node only) and iterate over them and do all queries locally only to get all products information like this. Send that job to required node and do your computation and reduce the result and return to client.

ReducyByKeyAndWindowByCount in Spark stateful streaming aggegations

I've to inner join two relational tables extracted from Oracle.
Actually i want to perform 1-to-1 join to get one row per primary key with aggegated in list values from the second table. So before joining 1-to-1 two tables i have to reduce all my rows by key to a 1 with values kept in the list.
Here is the illustration of what i need:
[![tables aggregation][1]][1]
And here i've met a problem which is when to stop aggegation for my key and pass aggegated entity to the next step. Spark offers solutions for that by providing window intervals and watermaking for late data. And so assumption for keeping data consistency is the time it receives the data. It is feasible and applicable for infinite datasets but in my case i exactly know the count of aggegations for each key. For exampe for customer_id 1000 i know exactly that there are only 3 products and after i've aggegated 3 products i know that i can stop aggegation now and go to the next streaming step in my pipeline. How can this solution be implemented using Spark and streaming? I know there is reduceByKeyAndWindow operation but in my case i need something like reduceByKeyAndWindowByCount.
Count will be stored in a static dataset or simply store it in a row as an additional data.
Finally we've decided to switch from streaming to core spark with batch processing because we have finite dataset and that thing works well for our use case. We've came to a conclusion that spark streaming was designed for processing continuous (which was actually obvious only from it's naming) datasets. And thats why we have only window intervals by time and watermarks to correct network or other delays during transportation. We've also found our design with counters ugly, complex and in the other words bad. It is a live example of a bad design and such growing complexity was a marker that we were moving in the wrong direction and were trying to use a tool for a purpose it was not designed for.

Best way to lookup elements in GemFire Region

I have Regions in GemFire with a large number of records.
I need to lookup elements in those Regions for validation purposes. The lookup is happening for every item we scan; There can be more than 10000 items.
What will be an efficient way to look up element in Regions?
Please suggest.
There are several ways in which you can look up, or fetch multiple elements from a GemFire Region.
As you can see, a GemFire Region indirectly implements java.util.Map, and so provides all the basic Map operations, such as get(key):value, in addition to several other operations that are not available in Map like getAll(Collection keys):Map.
Though, get(key):value is not going to be the most "efficient" method for looking up multiple items at once, but getAll(..) allows you to pass in a Collection of keys for all the values you want returned. Of course, you have to know the keys of all the values you want in advance, so...
You can obtain GemFire's QueryService from the Region by calling region.getRegionService().getQueryService(). The QueryService allows you to write GemFire Queries with OQL (or Object Query Language). See GemFire's User Guide on Querying for more details.
The advantage of using OQL over getAll(keys) is, of course, you do not need to know the keys of all the values you might need to validate up front. If the validation logic is based on some criteria that matches the values that need to be evaluated, you can express this criteria in the OQL Query Predicate.
For example...
SELECT * FROM /People p WHERE p.age >= 21;
To call upon the GemFire QueryService to write the query above, you would...
Region people = cache.getRegion("/People");
QueryService queryService = people.getRegionSevice().getQueryService();
Query query = queryService.newQuery("SELECT * FROM /People p WHERE p.age >= $1");
SelectResults<Person> results = (SelectResults<Person>) query.execute(asArray(21));
// process (e.g. validate) the results
OQL Queries can be parameterized and arguments passed to the Query.execute(args:Object[]) method as shown above. When the appropriate Indexes are added to your GemFire Regions, then the performance of your Queries can improve dramatically. See the GemFire User Guide on creating Indexes.
Finally, with GemFire PARTITION Regions especially, where your Region data is partitioned, or "sharded" and distributed across the nodes (GemFire Servers) in the cluster that host the Region of interests (e.g. /People), then you can combine querying with GemFire's Function Execution service to query the data locally (to that node), where the data actually exists (e.g. that shard/bucket of the PARTITION Regioncontaining a subset of the data), rather than bringing the data to you. You can even encapsulate the "validation" logic in the GemFire Function you write.
You will need to use the RegionFunctionContext along with the PartitionRegionHelper to get the local data set of the Region to query. Read the Javadoc of PartitionRegionHelper as it shows the particular example you are looking for in this case.
Spring Data GemFire can help with many of these concerns...
For Querying, you can use the SD Repository abstraction and extension provided in SDG.
For Function Execution, you can use SD GemFire's Function ExeAnnotation support.
Be careful though, using the SD Repository abstraction inside a Function context is not just going to limit the query to the "local" data set of the PARTITION Region. SD Repos always work on the entire data set of the "logical" Region, where the data is necessarily distributed across the nodes in a cluster in a partitioned (sharded) setup.
You should definitely familiarize yourself with GemFire Partitioned Regions.
In summary...
The approach you choose above really depends on several factors, such as, but not limited to:
How you organized the data in the first place (e.g. PARTITION vs. REPLICATE, which refers to the Region's DataPolicy).
How amenable your validation logic is to supplying "criteria" to, say, an OQL Query Predicate to "SELECT" only the Region data you want to validate. Additionally, efficiency might be further improved by applying appropriate Indexing.
How many nodes are in the cluster and how distributed your data is, in which case a Function might be the most advantageous approach... i.e. bring the logic to your data rather than the data to your logic. The later involves selecting the matching data on the nodes where the data resides that could involve several network hops to the nodes containing the data depending on your topology and configuration (i.e. "single-hop access", etc), serializing the data to send over the wire thereby increasing the saturation on your network, and so on and so forth).
Depending on your UC, other factors to consider are your expiration/eviction policies (e.g. whether data has been overflowed to disk), the frequency of the needed validations based on how often the data changes, etc.
Most of the time, it is better to validate the data on the way in and catch errors early. Naturally, as data is updated, you may also need to perform subsequent validations, but that is no substitute for early (as possible) verifications where possible.
There are many factors to consider and the optimal approach is not always apparent, so test and make sure your optimizations and overall approach has the desired effect.
Hope this helps!
Set up the PDX serializer and use the query service to get your element. "Select element from /region where id=xxx". This will return your element field without deserializing the record. Make sure that id is indexed.
There are other ways to validate quickly if your inbound data is streaming rather than a client lookup, such as the Function Service.

Affinity Key in Aerospike

In the aerospike documentation, it is mentioned that aerospike has 4096 logical partitions and each key is hashed and eventually mapped to any of the partitions between 1 to 4096, which determines in which node the data for that key should be stored.
However if we have two keys "A" and "AB" and we want to store them in the same node, is there a way?
In Redis it can be achieved by making the keys as "A" and "{A}B" that will make sure that the key "{A}B" will go to a node where "A" is hashed and stored.
In Apache Ignite, same can be done using "AffinityKey".
Does a similar idea exist in Aerospike?
Aerospike was designed as a distributed database. Redis was designed to run on a single node, and lacks concepts such as data distribution, clustering, replication, failover, at least natively. I'm aware that you can use various application-side shenanigans to make it into an ad-hoc cluster.
Don't worry about the implementation details of Aerospike's data distribution. Those happen automatically between the client and cluster, and don't require you to do anything on the application side. Instead, think about your access patterns.
First, your Aerospike cluster will make sure the data is evenly distributed. Because work is directly proportional to data, you should make sure the nodes are homogeneous. You can then expect multi-node operations to wrap up in roughly the same amount of time on each node.
You can create a secondary index on the fields that you'll be querying often to enhance the speed of the query. Release 3.12 adds predicate filtering, allowing you to create more complex query predicates on top of the initial secondary index based filter (also see the Java client's PredExp class).
If you don't want to use secondary indexes (there are several valid reasons), you can create your own lookup using external records. In a set called country-school you can have a record for each country (keys such as 'india', 'luxembourg') with the value being a list containing the IDs of the schools in that country. You can get the list with a single get (or a batch-get if it's several records, such as india-1, india-2, ... , india-9999), then use the results to compose a batch-get operation for the schools. Batch reads return results in the ordered you asked so you can get a large batch, check whether the last element is null, and if not get another batch.
('ns1', 'country-school', 'us-california') => [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, .. ]
Similarly, you can create permutations such as country-state-city, (example, us-california-oakland) with smaller lists. This costs some extra space, but gives you faster (key-value based) retrieval without spending memory on secondary indexes.
('ns1', 'country-school', 'us-california-oakland') => [ 1, 5, 42, .. ]