I'm making a new theme for VScode and I wanna change the color of a string that contains a URL. But I can't find a scope of it.
I am developing in shopify and want to add the background image below but can't find the url link for it. I know you can find it in Settings -> Files. But I need the actual picture url online to then upload it.
This section is being controlled from theme customization.
Go into customize theme, sections and there you will see option to change backgroud image.
I'm using BURN with StandardBootstrapper application.
I'm also using bafunctions.dll to do some non trivial work in OnDetect().
I also want to programatically change a UI label based on stuff I do in OnDetect()
Questions are:
Can I access localized strings defined in the theme's WXL file using burn C API?
How can I change the text of a label element using burn C API?
How can I change the text of a label element using burn C API?
Every time a page is loaded, WixStdBA will go through the text of each control on that page and format it through the engine's FormatString method. Note that in v3.x, controls not inside a page only get formatted once - before OnDetect is called. This is the only supported way for the bafunctions.dll to change the text of a control today. It would need access to the theme to do it directly.
Here's an example. Use a loc string for text of a control inside a page.
In the .wxl file, use a variable in the value of the loc string.
<String Id="MyCustomText">Static text plus [MyCustomTextVariable]</String>
In OnDetect or OnDetectComplete, set the value of the variable.
pEngine->SetVariableString(L"MyCustomTextVariable", sczValue);
Can I access localized strings defined in the theme's WXL file using burn C API?
It's possible, but could be easier. You should file a feature request at http://wixtoolset.org/issues for bafunctions.dll to get access to the loaded loc strings and the theme.
The default .wxl file will be in the same directory as the bafunctions.dll. You can use the LocUtil methods in locutil.h in dutil.lib to work with the .wxl file.
Now I can import some ready made images into the image resources, present them as options to the end-user on the XPage, and then based on their selection, compute the 'style' property to update the background image. But it still doesn't let the user upload their own image as background.
Is there any way that doesn't involve image resource at all? I'm thinking of doing the normal fileupload control. Let the user upload an image as an attachment into a document and then somehow compute the style property by referencing the image in the attachment but I'm not sure how to do that or if that's doable at all.
If you upload the image to a "User Settings" document and also calculate the filename in a field on the document and display these documents in a view sorted by the UserName. Get the path to the document using the logged in Users name and
Calculate the path to the image. The path should look something like this.
database path + name/view/UNID/$File/Filename
If you use a RichText Lite field to store your image and set it to Thumbnail (with no size restrictions), then you can specify a fixed filename (on second tab of properties for field)
You can then reference that attachment with a URL like Fredrick mentions.
I'm new to wordpress.. I have created a custom theme with files of twenty eleven theme in wordpress. But I'm not able to add custom background option and custom logo option. I'm trying to implement it in theme options page. I want to add a custom background color to a div in header section and also a logo in header.
Please give any suggestions for me to complete this theme creation.
Please give some idea about how to add new fields in theme options page and how to display it in pages..
I also want to add some custom text field for displaying address or some lines of text which can be updated from theme options.
Thanks in advance.
try wp codex (https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Customization_API), it'll help you with setting up the default wp customizer.
I personally use both the default customiser and the OptionTree plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/option-tree/), the plugin is really easy to implement, I'd suggest you start with that.
I can create a hyperlink to some url in an NSTextView using the "Link Panel". Or I can add a link manually using the NSLinkAttributeName attribute of NSAttributedString.
I don't want to make a hyperlink to some external url though, I want to be able to create a hyperlink to some text within the NSTextView. Do you know how in Pages you can set some text as a Bookmark, and then you can make a hyperlink to that bookmark? Any ideas or examples of how to go about that?
I haven't done this in a while so take this with a grain of salt but it goes something like:
You need to define a protocol for you app to handle URLs. It will look something like "myApplicationName://aPath"
In the apps Info.plistfile add the protocol under CFBundleURLTypes key.
Write code for the app to respond to openURL from NSWorkspace. This means the app will have to understand how to convert a URL style path to a specific location in one of its documents.
I think the best method for handling the URL path is to assign a UUID to each document and then a numeric scheme to the paragraph and sentences. The URL ends up looking like: myApplicationName://UUID/paragraphNumber/sentenceNumber/wordNumber. Alternatively you can insert hidden text to define an anchor and just search for that anchor.