Create hyperlink to some text in NSTextView - objective-c

I can create a hyperlink to some url in an NSTextView using the "Link Panel". Or I can add a link manually using the NSLinkAttributeName attribute of NSAttributedString.
I don't want to make a hyperlink to some external url though, I want to be able to create a hyperlink to some text within the NSTextView. Do you know how in Pages you can set some text as a Bookmark, and then you can make a hyperlink to that bookmark? Any ideas or examples of how to go about that?

I haven't done this in a while so take this with a grain of salt but it goes something like:
You need to define a protocol for you app to handle URLs. It will look something like "myApplicationName://aPath"
In the apps Info.plistfile add the protocol under CFBundleURLTypes key.
Write code for the app to respond to openURL from NSWorkspace. This means the app will have to understand how to convert a URL style path to a specific location in one of its documents.
I think the best method for handling the URL path is to assign a UUID to each document and then a numeric scheme to the paragraph and sentences. The URL ends up looking like: myApplicationName://UUID/paragraphNumber/sentenceNumber/wordNumber. Alternatively you can insert hidden text to define an anchor and just search for that anchor.


How to achieve auto contextual linking in the Umbraco CMS?

I want to manage internal contextual link building in my articles, but somewhat in a well-managed and easier way. It is a pain to change all the link URLs in a text if we change a URL of a page which is linked to many pages in their content.
You shouldn't need to change them if you used the content picker to select the page you are linking to because it inserts a URL in the format {localLink:####} where ### is the id of the document the link is pointing to.
This is then parsed and replaced with the correct and current URL when the document is rendered, so it is always current and correct.

Passbook adding href

I'd like to create a Passbook card with a URL on the back page in one of the "Back fields". Does anyone know if it's possible to use a href entry so that I don't expose the actual URL?
For example, in the JSON record, instead of:
"value" : "Click here,"
make it:
"value" : "Click here, <a href=''>HERE</a>"
No you cannot, any html markup field will be parsed.
Urls are parsed automatically and must be in plain text.
#MacTeo is correct, URLs (emails, telephone numbers and addresses) will automatically become clickable, but the any HTML markup will be not be processed and you'll end up with the raw HTML visible on the back of the pass.
The best you can do right now is to get hold of a short domain and install a redirect script.
Then you can use something short but enticing such as that redirects to wherever you want.
From iOS7 on you can use the attributed_value property for this. (docs):
"attributedValue": "<a href=''>Edit my profile</a>"

Get text from a section on some page

I know how to make an API call to get me the text of the whole page, like this, but is there a way (without having to parse through the wiki markup) to only get the text from a certain section?
If you look at the documentation for the revisions module, you'll notice that it has a prameter rvsection, which is exactly what you want. So, for example, to retrieve the lead section, use

Where I can get hyperlinks in pdf document structure (except "Annots" entry in page dictionary)?

I have two pdf documents (doc1 and doc2) with hyperlinks e.g,
According to PDF Specification I can get those hyperlinks via Link Annotations. Link Annotations can be found in pdf page's dictionary under "Annots" key.
CGPDFDictionaryRef pageDictionary = CGPDFPageGetDictionary(someCGPDFPage);
CGPDFArrayRef annots;
CGPDFDictionaryGetArray(pageDictionary, "Annots", &annots);
So the problem is that in one pdf document (doc1) I get that "Annots" array but in another document (doc2) there is no such entry in page dictionary.
And the thing is that with PDFKit.framework you can get those annotations in PDFPage class using - (NSArray *)annotations method even if there is no "Annots" entry in page dictionary.
I can't use PDFKit.framework on iPad/iPhone so I am working with Quartz framework :)
So it seems that there is another place where you can specify hyperlinks (or Link Annotations in PDF Reference), not only in "Annots" array and PDFKit.framework somehow know ho to do that.
Any ideas where can I get those hyperlinks?
Links on a page THAT YOU CAN CLICK ON have to be annotations. Period. No annotations, no links.
A string of text "" isn't necessarily a link, it's just a piece of text describing a URL. This may be what's causing your confusion.
It's also possible to embed link actions in bookmarks. I'm not at all familiar with PDFKit or Quartz, so you're on your own as far as API calls are concerned.
And finally, (having reread your question), I believe annotations can be inherited from their parent Pages object. Gonna have to look that one up... Nope. The annotations array MUST be in the leaf page object, or it's not valid.
Can you post links to your PDFs? Something Ain't Right here.
PDF viewer like Adobe Reader simply allows to click and navigate on a plain text, if it looks as a hyperlink - i.e. starts with http://, https://, ftp:// and ends up with some URL delimiter such as space. As simple as that ;)

Link a Blog into scrolling text of SWF file

I'm working on an entirely flash-based site for a client who has already been using Blogspot for his News/Homepage updates. He wants to continue updating through Blogspot, but wants the blog to automatically fill in the text box on the flash site Homepage. I'm not sure if this is possible, or how I would go about doing it.
Here is the blogspot page:
Here is an example of what the scrolling SWF text box will be like:
Is this possible? Any help would be absolutely amazing!
You can use URLLoader to load the page as text. I'm not sure of the best way to parse it though.
Maybe you can try looking for the CSS tag that is being used for the text in question and then grabbing the text in between those tags? There might be better ways to do this though.
Note, you can update values to the htmlText property of a text box, which will allow Flex to maintain some of the styles specified from the loaded page.